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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Rules in the Life of the Ashram

Guidelines for Writing about the Ashram [3]

I cannot understand how some people here think that a few articles in magazines help the Mother’s work. Do such articles help to remove the hostile impressions in people’s minds which hamper the work or do they create interest among rich people and induce them to offer some money to help?

Up to now it has not. It has only brought useless letters and people wanting to “join” the Asram to “study” here. There is no specific utility in the publications, but only a sort of counteraction to false ideas and rumours about the Asram and a vague general effect on the public mind. I allow it not because it has any central value for the work, but there is in the play of forces a tendency towards pressure for a more favourable attitude towards the Asram in Pondicherry and elsewhere and some measure of respect in Europe also and this is helpful to a certain extent. Especially it relieves me from the necessity of putting out forces constantly to combat the possibility of hostile attacks from outside threatening the security of the work. The result is therefore rather defensive up till now than something positive — but I cannot say it is of no use at all.

8 October 1935