Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
The Ashram and Religion
Inward Worship and Outer Forms [1]
The Mother’s prohibition is only against sadhaks being
there and prostrating when visitors are in the Reception Room. This room was originally meant for the reception of people from outside and
the photo was put there to be shown to visitors who could not see me. The
permission was at first given to one sadhak or another to sit and meditate there
and afterwards it has become a common practice to go and make pranam, but it was
understood that the sadhaks should not be there when there were visits. This
rule has not been observed and people have used it as a place of public worship.
It was this that was disapproved of by the Mother.
There is no restriction in this Yoga to inward worship and meditation only. As it is a Yoga for the whole being, not for the inner being only, no such restriction could be intended. Old forms of the different religions may fall away, but absence of all forms is not a rule of the sadhana.
c. January 1934