Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Life and Death in the Ashram
Fund-Raising [3]
I wrote to you before [in the
preceding letter] that I did not see my way clear in this matter. My main
reason, or one of my main reasons, was that the time and present conditions are
adverse to success. All the information I have received since entirely confirms it; most have suffered by the long prevailing depression and
few are either in a mood or a position to give largely. In these circumstances
the idea of a mission to collect lakhs of money must be abandoned or at least
postponed to better times.
There were other difficulties I saw, but these need not be discussed at present, since the mission itself is barred by the lack of all reasonable chance of success.
About work here and what has been said by you on that subject, I shall write in another letter.
26 August 1931