Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Miscellaneous Matters
Avoiding Gossip [4]
The difficulty you experience exists because speech is
a function which in the past has worked much more as an expression of the vital
in man than of the mental will. Speech breaks out as the expression of the vital
and its habits without caring to wait for the control of the mind; the tongue
has been spoken of as the unruly member. In your case the difficulty has been
increased by the habit of talk about others,—
gossip, to which your vital was very partial, so much that it cannot even yet
give up the pleasure in it. It is therefore this tendency that must cease in the
vital itself. Not to be under the control of the impulse to speech, to be able
to do without it as a necessity and to speak only when one sees that it is right
to do so and only what one sees to be right to say, is a very necessary part of
Yogic self-control.
It is only by perseverance and vigilance and a strong resolution that this can be done, but if the resolution is there, it can be done in a short time by the aid of the Force behind.
6 December 1936