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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Mantras and Messages

Mantras Written by Sri Aurobindo [5]

In 1935 I asked for a mantra and you suggested that I could take any combination of your name with the Mother's and make of it a mantra. Accordingly I submitted the combination "OM Sri Mira Sri Arvindaya Namah" for your sanction, and you gave it. I have tried this combination for some time now, but I feel like asking for another combination of your names with some aspiration or prayer joined to them so that it might become a sort of constant aspiration or prayer in course of time, or at least so that it will demand some concentration and not become something mechanical. Besides, I feel that if you would kindly make a combination for me I shall have more faith in it.

I have written for you a brief prayer with the names in the form of a mantra. I hope it will help you to overcome your difficulty and get an inner foundation.

OM Sri Aurobindo Mira

Open my mind, my heart, my life

to your Light, your Love, your Power. In all

things may I see the Divine.

16 July 1938