Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part One. Autobiographical Notes
1. Life Sketches and Other Autobiographical Notes
Information Supplied to the
King’s College Register [2]1
[Corrections made in 1928 to the printed entry of 1903]
King’s College Register
Old Entry
Ghose, Aravinda Acroyd: son of Dr. Krishnadhan Ghose, late of Khulna, Bengal, India.
School, St Paul’s.
Admitted 11 Oct. 1890; Scholar; Prizeman; 1st
Class Classical Tripos, Part I., 1892; in H.H. the Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda’s
service *since Feb. 1903; now acting secretary.
Married, June 1901, Mrinalini Bose.
Address: Racecourse Road, Baroda.
Corrections of above Entry.
*from Feb 1893 to 1905; Professor of English and Vice-Principal, Baroda College.
Additional Information up to Date.
Principal, National College, Calcutta, from 1906 to 1908. Editor philosophical monthly, Arya; (1914–1921).
Present Permanent Postal Address and designation (e.g. The Rev.)
Sri Aurobindo Ghose
28 Rue François Martin
Signature Aurobindo Ghose.
Date August 31. 1928.
1 31 August 1928. A short biographical entry based on the information Sri Aurobindo submitted in 1903 was published in A Register of Admissions to King’s College Cambridge 1850–1900, compiled by John J. Withers (London, 1903). In 1928 the editors of the second edition of this work sent a copy of the 1903 entr y to Sri Aurobindo, asking him to correct and update it in the spaces provided. In the present text, the old entry is printed as it was submitted to Sri Aurobindo. Passages cancelled by him are set in “strike-out” mode, his additions in regular type. The text is reproduced from the original form, which is preserved in the King’s College Library. The revised entry was published in A Register of Admissions to King’s College Cambridge 1797–1928, compiled by John J. Withers (London, 1929).