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Sri Aurobindo

Autobiographical Notes

and Other Writings of Historical Interest

Part One. Autobiographical Notes

2. Sri Aurobindo’s corrections of statements in a proposed biography

Early Life in India and England. 1872–1893

School Studies [3]

[Another version]

Aurobindo studied in the Manchester Grammar School for a period of about five years. . . . The Head Master of St. Paul’s from the first entertained a very high opinion of Aurobindo’s character and attainments.

Sri Aurobindo never went to Manchester Grammar School. His two brothers studied there, but he himself was educated privately by Mr. and Mrs. Drewett. Drewett was an accomplished Latin scholar; he did not teach him Greek, but grounded him so well in Latin that the headmaster of St. Paul’s school took up Aurobindo himself to ground him in Greek and then pushed him rapidly into the higher classes of the school.