Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part One. Autobiographical Notes
2. Sri Aurobindo’s corrections of statements in a proposed biography
Life in Baroda, 1893–1906
Service in Baroda State [3]
1901. Transfer to Revenue Department 17.4.1901 (not in college) par Rs. 360/–. Chairman of Debating Society and College Union President.
At what time of the year was this? If I was in the Revenue Department, I could not at the same time be occupying [ ]1 these posts.
If I was in the Revenue Department from 1901–1904, what was my post and what was I doing there?2 The only thing I recollect was special work studying a sort of
official history of the Administration (Guzerati manuscript) perhaps for summary
in English. I don’t remember the dates.
1902. Service lent to College for six hours in the week for French (6th August 1902).
My own recollection is that my first connection with the College was as lecturer in French, other duties being added afterwards. There must have been a first lending of services (for French) which was not recorded. There is nothing about the first years outside the College; but I remember very well learning work in the Revenue Department (immediately after the term in the Survey Settlement Office) and also in the Secretariat (without any final appointment in these earlier posts).
He was also given the work of compiling administrative report.
This might be [the] affair I refer to above. I had nothing to do with any current administrative report so far as I can remember. There was however private work at the Palace this time, compilation of a book (supposed to be by the Maharaja about his travels in Europe).
1 MS be occupying
2 See Table 2, page 568. – Ed.