Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part Two. Letters of Historical Interest
1. Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890–1926)
Letters Written as a Probationer in the Indian Civil Service, 1892
To Lord Kimberley [2]1
6 Burlington Rd
Bayswater W
Monday Dec 12 1892
May it please your Lordship
As the Civil Service Commissioners have decided that they cannot give me a Certificate of qualification for an appointment to the Civil Service of India, I beg to apply to your Lordship for the remainder of the allowance that would have been due to me as a Probationer.
I am fully aware that I have really forfeited this sum
by my failure in the Final Examination but in consideration of my bad pecuniary circumstances, I hope your Lordship will kindly listen to
my petition.
I enclose the required Certificate as to residence and character at the University.
I am
Your Lordship’s obedient
A. A. Ghose
1 12 December 1892. Sri Aurobindo wrote this letter after Lord Kimberley refused his request to grant him another chance to take the riding test. As a candidate who had successfully completed all the requirements but riding, he was due the last instalment of the allowance given to probationers. This and the previous letter are reproduced here from the originals preserved in the Oriental and India Office Collections, British Library, London.