Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part Two. Letters of Historical Interest
2.Early Letters on Yoga and the Spiritual Life 1911–1928
To Barindra Kumar Ghose and Others, 1922–1928
To Barindra Kumar Ghose [8]1
“Arya” Office,
31st January,
My dear Barin,
I got your letter of the 26th
and intended to wire but had not your Krishnagore address. This afternoon I have
received your telegram and sent a reply giving
permission for Krishnashashi’s removal. In case the telegram should not reach I
have also wired to Kanai in Calcutta. Although to cure Krishnashashi by psychic
means might not be impossible, the prolonged resistance and the increasing
violence make the present condition impossible. The ordinary means of restraint
and medical treatment will have to be used and therefore his removal as you
suggest is the only thing left open to us.
It appears from your letters that there is a strong play around you of the hostile opposition from beings of the lowest physico-vital and physical ranges. These beings are small and without intelligence but full of power to do various kinds of harm and mischief. They are similar to those that did the stone-throwing in the other house. To produce brain-incoherence, freaks, absurdities, sexual disorders, nervous agitations, and disequilibrium, coarse violence of various kinds is their sphere in the physical domain and in the physical to bring about accidents, illnesses, injuries, physical impediments and on a smaller scale little mischiefs, inconveniences and hindrances of all kinds. It is these that have taken possession of Krishnashashi’s brain and nervous centres and impel his speech and movements. It is these also that pursue with accidents those who are trying to collect money. I have for some time been aware of their activities and suggestions and they are now almost the only positively hostile forces of which I am aware in the Yoga, the rest being merely the normal obstructions of nature. In my own atmosphere I am able to make their suggestions abortive and minimise their play pending their elimination. But in your case they seem to be moved by some more powerful force which not being able to act directly on you is using them as agents. Probably you have in your Sadhana touched and awakened the plane on which they work, but are not yet able to conquer and protect as you can in the higher fields. Those entirely within your spiritual influence may resist or escape but others are exposed to their attack.
I think in these circumstances it is best to limit your
creation of a centre there to those who have already begun and even with them, I mean the newcomers, you should be careful. Probably
the best course is to keep the centre at Krishnagore as you suggest and have
only a small establishment at Calcutta. The atmosphere of Calcutta cannot be a
good environment for a Sadhana centre. As to money affairs you must see whether
the resistance can be overcome during February and in any case I hope you will
not return empty-handed or with a nominal sum, for that would mean a victory for
the hostile force which will make things more difficult in the future. I
understand from your last letter that Satkari has already realised 500/–. If so
get that sum and send it at once, also get in hand and send the Benares money.
That will mean so much materialised and to that extent the opposing force
defeated. Afterwards see whether the rest does not come in with less difficulty.
If you can prevail, that means the way made clear for better success in the
future. It is enough that these forces should have destroyed such fine psychic
possibilities as Krishnashashi’s. I do not like their being successful in other
directions also.
As to Sarojini it is out of the question that she should come here. Make it plain to her that the Yoga I am doing now is much too difficult for her. Her coming here would be a waste of time and money. If she is in earnest about Sadhana she must begin with something much more easy. The first thing for her is to study these things, understand, get her mind prepared and begin with turning herself Godward, elimination of egoistic movements and perhaps doing works in the spirit of Karma Yoga; a meditation active and not passive with these things as the object is all she can safely try at the beginning. I have of course no objection to her turning to Theosophy if she is drawn that way. But for her to come into the concentrated atmosphere here just now would not be good for her and it would be disturbing to us. Please stop her coming here by whatever means you can.
I learn from your post card today that Kanai and the
others are at Krishnagore. Please let me know your address there so that I may
be sure, whenever necessary, of making a direct communication. Manmohan is
writing today to Jogesh at Chittagong to take charge of Krishnashashi. He has
already cared for and almost cured another in
the same condition. Let us hope he will equally be successful here.
1 This letter is preserved only in the form of handwritten, typed or printed copies. Whenever possible, the editors have collated several copies of each letter in order to produce an accurate text. – Ed.