Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part Two. Letters of Historical Interest
2.Early Letters on Yoga and the Spiritual Life 1911–1928
To People in America, 1926–1927
To the Advance Distributing Company [1]1
Arya Office. Pondicherry
9 March. 1926
Advance Distributing Company
Pittsburgh. Pa.
Your letter of the 8th January to the Arya Publishing House has just been forwarded to me.
The publishing house restricted by the Government is not the A.P.H, but the Prabartak Publishing House which has no longer any connection with my work. My books were originally published by various agencies, but an arrangement has recently been made by which the preference for future editions or new publications will usually be given under fixed conditions to the A.P.H. It is from there that all my books already in print can be most readily secured. This arrangement however applies only to India and I have reserved rights of separate or sole publication in Europe, America and elsewhere.
I have suggested to the
A.P.H to supply you with my works as requested by you, but I am told they have
rules in the matter which may come in the way of an immediate compliance. The
firm is still a small one and it is not likely that it will be able to supply
you rapidly or on any large scale. If any pressing or considerable demand is
created in America, it will be more convenient to publish there than to rely on
I am quite willing therefore that you should yourselves publish “parts of this literature” according to your proposal. I may observe that all proceeds of my books are set aside for farthering of the work for which the “Arya” appeared.
Vol II. No. 8 is no longer separately available; but a friend is willing to send you his copy of the number temporarily for immediate use. I shall despatch it by this post. Please return it here as soon as it has served your purpose.
There is one full set of the “Arya” in Pondicherry, partly bound, which the owner wishes to devote to the work if he can get his price; but as full sets are no longer available in India, he estimates the value at Rs 500. If this offer is acceptable, the set will be sent on remittance of the amount to the Arya Office.
I have received recently letters from different parts of the United States which seem to indicate the beginning of a demand for my writings and, for other reasons also, I have been for some time desirous to bring out my works in America including those not yet published in book form. I do not know if it will enter into your views to take up this work. If so, please inform me of the conditions. All communications and remittances in connection with my works (other than for orders for supply of my books from the A.P.H.) should be sent to me to the following address.
Sri Aurobindo Ghose
Arya Office
French India
I shall be well-pleased to enter into touch with the student of my thought mentioned in your letter, if he will write to me personally at the above address.
1 Draft of a letter written in reply to one dated 18 January 1926 from the Advance Distributing Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (a small firm about which nothing is known) to the Arya Publishing House (the principal publisher of Sri Aurobindo’s books in India). The manager of the Advance Distributing Company wished to purchase some issues of the Arya and also proposed bringing out a selection of Sri Aurobindo’s works in the United States.