Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part Three. On Indian and World Events 1940–1950
1. Public Statements, Messages, Letters and Telegrams
On Indian Independence 1942–1947
Fifteenth of August 1947 [2]1
[Short Version]
August 15th, 1947 is the birthday of free India. It marks for her the end of an old era, the beginning of a new age. But we can also make it by our life and acts as a free nation an important date in a new age opening for the whole world, for the political, social, cultural and spiritual future of humanity.
August 15th is my own birthday and it is naturally gratifying to me that it should have assumed this vast significance. I take this coincidence, not as a fortuitous accident, but as the sanction and seal of the Divine Force that guides my steps on the work with which I began life, the beginning of its full fruition. Indeed, on this day I can watch almost all the world-movements which I hoped to see fulfilled in my lifetime, though then they looked like impracticable dreams, arriving at fruition or on their way to achievement. In all these movements free India may well play a large part and take a leading position.
The first of these dreams was a revolutionary movement
which would create a free and united India. India today is free but she has not
achieved unity. At one moment it almost seemed as if in the very act of
liberation she would fall back into the chaos of separate States which preceded
the British conquest. But fortunately it now seems probable that this danger
will be averted and a large and powerful, though not yet a complete union will
be established. Also, the wisely drastic policy of the Constituent Assembly has
made it probable that the problem of the depressed classes will be solved
without schism or fissure. But the old communal division into Hindus and Muslims
seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country.
It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for
ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may
be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible,
possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. India’s internal development
and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her
destiny impaired or even frustrated. This must
not be; the partition must go. Let us hope that that may come about naturally,
by an increasing recognition of the necessity not only of peace and concord but
of common action, by the practice of common action and the creation of means for
that purpose. In this way unity may finally come about under whatever form – the
exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by
whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and will be
achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India’s future.
Another dream was for the resurgence and liberation of the peoples of Asia and her return to her great role in the progress of human civilisation. Asia has arisen; large parts are now quite free or are at this moment being liberated: its other still subject or partly subject parts are moving through whatever struggles towards freedom. Only a little has to be done and that will be done today or tomorrow. There India has her part to play and has begun to play it with an energy and ability which already indicate the measure of her possibilities and the place she can take in the council of the nations.
The third dream was a world-union forming the outer
basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of
the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but
struggling against tremendous difficulties. But the momentum is there and it
must inevitably increase and conquer. Here too India has begun to play a
prominent part and, if she can develop that larger statesmanship which is not
limited by the present facts and immediate possibilities but looks into the
future and brings it nearer, her presence may make all the difference between a
slow and timid and a bold and swift development. A catastrophe may intervene and
interrupt or destroy what is being done, but even then the final result is sure.
For unification is a necessity of Nature, an inevitable movement. Its necessity
for the nations is also clear, for without it the freedom of the small nations
may be at any moment in peril and the life even of the large and powerful
nations insecure. The unification is therefore to the interests of all, and only
human imbecility and stupid selfishness can prevent it; but these cannot stand for ever against the necessity of Nature and the Divine Will.
But an outward basis is not enough; there must grow up an international spirit
and outlook, international forms and institutions must appear, perhaps such
developments as dual or multilateral citizenship, willed interchange or
voluntary fusion of cultures. Nationalism will have fulfilled itself and lost
its militancy and would no longer find these things incompatible with
self-preservation and the integrality of its outlook. A new spirit of oneness
will take hold of the human race.
Another dream, the spiritual gift of India to the world has already begun. India’s spirituality is entering Europe and America in an ever increasing measure. That movement will grow; amid the disasters of the time more and more eyes are turning towards her with hope and there is even an increasing resort not only to her teachings, but to her psychic and spiritual practice.
The final dream was a step in evolution which would raise man to a higher and larger consciousness and begin the solution of the problems which have perplexed and vexed him since he first began to think and to dream of individual perfection and a perfect society. This is still a personal hope and an idea, an ideal which has begun to take hold both in India and in the West on forward-looking minds. The difficulties in the way are more formidable than in any other field of endeavour, but difficulties were made to be overcome and if the Supreme Will is there, they will be overcome. Here too, if this evolution is to take place, since it must proceed through a growth of the spirit and the inner consciousness, the initiative can come from India and, although the scope must be universal, the central movement may be hers.
Such is the content which I put into this date of India’s liberation; whether or how far this hope will be justified depends upon the new and free India.
1 India became independent on 15 August 1947. This was Sri Aurobindo’s seventy-fifth birthday. Before the event he was asked by All India Radio, Tiruchirapalli, to give a message for broadcast. Sri Aurobindo agreed and wrote two versions of a message, one of which was selected. On 9 August, AIR technicians made a recording of the Mother reading the message. This was broadcast on 14 August. (The recording, apparently made on a perishable wax medium, was not preserved.) Sri Aurobindo’s message exists in two versions, one long and the other short. [1] This version, which was found to be too long for broadcast in the allotted time-slot, was printed as a leaflet and reproduced in newspapers such as the Sunday Times of Madras.{{1}}This short version was broadcast by AIR and subsequently printed as a leaflet. Two years later it was reproduced in Messages of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1949). Since then it has been reprinted many times.