Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part Three. On Indian and World Events 1940–1950
2. Notes and Letters to the Editor of Mother India 1949–1950
Rishis as Leaders1
The article can go as the editorial as you propose and
the other arrangements are all right. But I must insist that the last words “till we put ourselves in the care of some Rishis among leaders”
shall go out. I do not know of course who may be acclaimed as the Rishi in
question,– the only one with a recognised claim to the title is not likely to be
called from Tiruvannamalai to Delhi and would certainly refuse his consent to
the transfer. But it is evident that the eyes of your readers will turn at once
towards Pondicherry and consider that it is a claim for my appointment either to
the place filled so worthily by C. R. or the kindred place admirably occupied by
Nehru. I am a candidate for neither office and any suggestion of my promotion to
these high offices should be left to other announcers and the last place in
which it should occur is Mother India. So out with the “Rishi”. You may say if
you like “till the eyes of India’s leaders see more clearly and we can take our
place at your side” or any other equally innocent phrase.
January 1950
1 This letter was written in reply to a letter from Sethna dated 31 December 1949.