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Sri Aurobindo

Autobiographical Notes

and Other Writings of Historical Interest

Part Four. Sri Aurobindo’s Ashram and Yoga 1927–1949

Notices of 1929–1937 [3]1


There have been several instances recently in which members of the Asram have been rude and overbearing in their behaviour to the French police when they come to the Asram in connection with the registration of new arrivals. There can be no possible excuse for this kind of conduct, especially as the police authorities have agreed to our own proposals in the matter and we have undertaken to help them with all necessary information. Sri Aurobindo has already given a warning against making trouble for the Asram with the authorities; it ought not to be necessary to repeat it.

Especial care must be taken during these days when many are arriving from outside. If the police come for information, they must not be sent rudely away; they should be asked to wait and information must immediately be given to Purani who will deal with the matter.

1 August 1929


1 These notices were written by Sri Aurobindo, typed by his secretary and posted on the Ashram notice-board.
