Sri Aurobindo
Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
Part Four. Sri Aurobindo’s Ashram and Yoga 1927–1949
Notices of 1929–1937 [16]1
As usual in view of the coming Darshan, books and regular correspondence have to be suspended until after the 21st. Notice will be given when they can be resumed.
Medical reports are not to be discontinued. Letters
giving urgent or necessary information or
communications of importance that cannot be delayed can be sent. But all such
correspondence should as a rule be as brief as possible.2
Sri Aurobindo
1 These notices were written by Sri Aurobindo, typed by his secretary and posted on the Ashram notice-board.
2 When this notice was taken down, Sri Aurobindo wrote to his secretary on the bottom of the typed copy:{{1}}Nolini{{1}}Tajdar has taken off this notice – but I do not want all the floods of books and correspondence back again. You should put up a notice that the withdrawal does not mean that all the books and correspondence can come as before. Only what is necessary or important should be sent for the present.{{1}}In response to this Nolini drafted the notice of 20 March 1935. – Ed.