In Russian


Sri Aurobindo’s handwriting

A letter

21 April 1933





It is the lesson of life that always in this world everything fails a man — only the Divine does not fail him, if he turns entirely to the Divine. It is not because there is something bad in you that blows fall on you,— blows fall on all human beings because they are full of desire for things that cannot last and they lose them or, even if they get, it brings disappointment and cannot satisfy them. To turn to the Divine is the only truth in life.

Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in 30 Volumes. - Volume 24. - Letters on Yoga


PHOTO ID: 00329

SOURCE OF THE PHOTO: The Lesson of Life: 178 Sayings in the Handwriting of the Mother.- Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2009.- [91 p.].- ISBN 978-81-7058-474-2