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Sri Aurobindo


Recitation by Udar Pinto



1. The Book of Beginnings

2. The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds

3. The Book of the Divine Mother

4. The Book of Birth and Quest

5. The Book of Love

6. The Book of Fate

7. The Book of Yoga

8. The Book of Death

9. The Book of Eternal Night

10. The Book of the Double Twilight

11. The Book of Everlasting Day

12. Epilogue


  Udar Pinto reading Savitri

  Udar Pinto on Savitri




BOOK ONE. The Book of Beginnings

1.1. The Symbol Dawn

1.2. The Issue

1.3. The Yoga of the King

1.4. The Secret Knowledge

1.5. The Yoga of the King

BOOK TWO. The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds

2.1. The World-Stair

2.2. The Kingdom of Subtle Matter

2.3. The Glory and the Fall of Life

2.4. The Kingdoms of the Little Life

2.5. The Godheads of the Little Life

2.6. The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Life

2.7. The Descent into Night

2.8. The World of Falsehood

2.9. The Paradise of the Life-Gods

2.10. The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind

2.11. The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind

2.12. The Heavens of the Ideal

2.13. In the Self of Mind

2.14. The World-Soul

2.15. The Kingdoms of the Greater Knowledge

BOOK THREE. The Book of the Divine Mother

3.1. The Pursuit of the Unknowable

3.2. The Adoration of the Divine Mother

3.3. The House of the Spirit and the New Creation

3.4. The Vision and the Boon

BOOK FOUR. The Book of Birth and Quest

4.1. The Birth and Childhood of the Flame

4.2. The Growth of the Flame

4.3. The Call to the Quest

4.4. The Quest

BOOK FIVE. The Book of Love

5.1. The Destined Meeting-Place

5.2. Satyavan

5.3. Satyavan and Savitri

BOOK SIX. The Book of Fate

6.1. The Word of Fate

6.2. The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain

BOOK SEVEN. The Book of Yoga

7.1. The Joy of Union

7.2. The Parable of the Search for the Soul

7.3. The Entry into the Inner Countries

7.4. The Triple Soul-Forces

7.5. The Finding of the Soul

7.6. Nirvana and the Discovery of the All-Negating Absolute

7.7. The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness

BOOK EIGHT. The Book of Death

8.3. Death in the Forest

BOOK NINE. The Book of Eternal Night

9.1. Towards the Black Void

9.2. The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness

BOOK TEN. The Book of the Double Twilight

10.1. The Dream Twilight of the Ideal

10.2. The Gospel of Death and Vanity of the Ideal

10.3. The Debate of Love and Death

10.4. The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real

BOOK ELEVEN. The Book of Everlasting Day

11. The Eternal Day (1)

11. The Eternal Day (2)


12. The Return to Earth

in Russian