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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 781

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

July 8, 1936

I am extremely glad to hear that the association of prayer and sadness which was the great difficulty in concentration was broken and I hope this will confirm itself more and more in future. I am glad also to see that it came by referring a difficulty in you to Krishna and the resolution not to accept the separation between Krishna and ourselves which added a hindrance to the action of the Force. It is the second sign of a response from above and however slight these interventions may seem they are important as a beginning. In other respects also there is an evolution of the mind, as in what you say about Lawrence and your own similar change of idea and feeling, that moves towards the Yogic attitude. If only this evolution can take place without too much pain and struggle, that will be very desirable – and I hope it will become so.