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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 782

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

July 9, 1936

What you feel must certainly be the truth, that a barrier has gone down so that it is possible to feel the right attitude and do the sadhana in the true poise of inner peace and strong aspiration. It is this that must last so that the opening of the inner consciousness may be made. As regards the help from Lawrence, it is not unnatural, for, however individually different, both he and you were going through the same evolution. Lawrence had the psychic push inside towards the Unseen and Beyond at the same time as a push towards the vital life which came in its way. He was trying to find his way between the two and mixing them up together till at the end he got his mental liberation from the tangle though not yet any clear knowledge of the way – for that I suppose he will have to be born nearer the East or in any case in surroundings which will enable him to get at the Light.

P.S. A letter or rather two poems for you from a friend of Purnananda. who seems to know you well. It was sent to me by Yogananda1 in an envelope addressed to Purnananda and containing also letters to myself and the Mother.


1 Purnananda and Yogananda were both sannyasins from Bengal who settled in the Ashram in 1938 and 1932 respectively. Yogananda’s former guru, Bharat Brahmachari, was a great Yogi known to Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
