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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 783

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

July 10, 1936

The peace has, happily, continued. Did a good deal of japa, concentration, etc. on Mother’s name praying for bhakti mostly, and this afternoon as well as at evening meditation the aspiration was strong and at evening meditation felt a strong pressure on the head, between eyebrows, forehead and had I believe a good concentration too. Coming back, again prayed, etc. and am feeling quite hopeful even yogically – who says the age of miracle is gone for good and all? Who? What?

I am quite delighted to hear it – also of the pressure on the head and between eyebrows – for that is the classic unmistakable sign that the higher consciousness is thinking of getting to its business – viz, to open the two higher centres that are there. I hope it will stick to its job and get through.

P.S. Last night also did a lot of japa intermittently as I awoke from sleep – either pacing it on the terrace or sitting or lying. I am (would you believe it?) taking interest in the sadhana, fancy that!! Actual interest!!! Qu’en dites-vous?

Magnificent! More and more of it, please.