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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 3

Letter ID: 916

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

March 21, 1937

We have just received your letter forwarded by Sahana. But all the news naturally has reached us as it came in, the triumph and the vivat and the conquest even of the Parichay. That is indeed an achievement! Your book has also reached me, though I have not had time to do more than glance at it yet.

Certainly, the gentleman Ego has to be kept in view, for otherwise with all that he might grow fat like the fellow in the Bible and kick – so much coming his way in the nature of food, strong meat of eulogy and lucbis1 of appreciation from all quarters and heady wine of victory. But you know the gentleman in question very well by now and it is sufficient if you are constantly on your guard with a wary eye upon him to keep him sober.

The draft from Prithwi Singh reached us quite safely and we shall have the sum by Wednesday.

It brings the long cherished project of the Ashram Building into a near prospect provided other conditions prove to be favourable. Deo volente [God willing]!

I trust all will go on swimmingly there as it has begun – our force and blessings will be with you. Wherever any special force is needed do not fail to let us know at once.


1 Luchi: a kind of small and thin saucer-shaped bread fried in ghee.
