Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Fragment ID: 20354
A Panergy that harmonised all life.
I do not think the word “Panergy”1 depends for its meaning on the word “energies” in a previous line. The “Panergy” suggested is a self-existent total power which may carry the cosmic energies in it and is their cause but is not constituted by them.
1 P. 300 The point raised was: “That ‘Panergy’ is a fine coinage, but, by following the word ‘energies’ in the third line before it, does it not become a little bit obvious, losing its mysterious suggestion? I dare say ‘energies’ helps to make it clear, but is it necessary to pre-pare it? Will not a better effect be produced by springing it suddenly upon the reader, preparing it only indirectly by using some synonym for ‘energies’ in the other line?”