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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo


Fragment ID: 22082

I am aware of this difficulty which was at the root of so many struggles and darkenings. It is the vital instinct in human nature which wants exclusive possession and it is a most fruitful cause of unhappiness. To get rid of it is imperatively necessary. But to go away would be no remedy, for these things and the trouble and unhappiness they cause go with one; unless they are thrown out from within, they do not disappear. Death brings no release, for it is the law of existence that these things must be worked out and overcome, and if it is not done now, the same things will occur after death and in another life.

To refuse harbour to these passions and get free is the only course. The coming forward of the psychic would liberate the vital from them, but for the time being difficulties of the physical mind and weakness of the body have been standing in the way of that. We will put all our force for the removal of this jealousy, envy and anger, and with a sincere will on your part to get rid of them it should be possible to do so. After so long a possession they always stick in this way and try to increase when they can, but if you put your will and our force is behind it, they should disappear.