The Mother
Volume 8
May 30, 1967
(Mother gives Satprem a soup packet from Israel)
Poor Israel ...
Oh, it's disgusting! There's another disgusting story.1
Oh, yes!... That business is trumped up from start to finish, and India – India...
India goes and gives her support to that fellow. It's sad. That's a wicked thing to do.
I've got a letter from someone (not from Israel) who writes to me that there is such a spirit of fraternity and collaboration in the country, so strong, the like of which he has never seen anywhere else.
Humanity is preparing to do very nasty things, it seems.
Yes. But that India, which ought to be the mouthpiece of something a little truer, should... It's painful, really.
Oh, that's because the natural tendency here is against the Muslims, so those who think they are superior say one should be above one's dislikes: “Let's be with them.” (Mother laughs) There's the logic of it.
* *
(Soon afterwards, regarding Sri Aurobindo's letter on Communism, which Mother intended to publish in the next Bulletin:)
Oh, mon petit, I've received a clipping from the Figaro. In early April, the cultural attaché to the Indian Embassy in Paris said that the Soviet government had expressed a desire to “participate in the construction of Auroville.” I haven't yet got confirmation of it, but it's there in the Figaro. In that case, if it's correct, it may not be the right time to publish Karl Marx's “fallacy”! (Mother laughs) It might be better to wait a little!... I hesitated a lot to publish it because it's a letter, and Sri Aurobindo always told me that in his letters he had expressed himself very frankly from the political and social viewpoint, but that he didn't want them to be published. We are more flexible now; but it may be that that newspaper clipping has come just to tell me it would be wiser to wait a little.
Yes, there's no need to upset them.
No, because it's no more than one side of the question. Sri Aurobindo always described all the sides, and if they are put
together, it becomes something that far exceeds all opinions people have. So to publish just one part without its counterpart isn't quite right.
A time may come when we'll have to tell Sri Aurobindo's vision and how the world has evolved since he spoke about it (that would be very interesting). For that we'd have to find again everything he said on the different subjects.... On the religious level, I have been thinking about it for a long time. Those are the two things that can't be touched without instantly arousing human passions, and there, people's vision is quite narrow, limited, so that they no longer understand anything. In ten years, perhaps.... It could be, things are going fast. In ten years, maybe we'll be able to see and say a little something. In any case, it's better to put this letter aside. (laughing) It's not the time to fling stones at them!
* *
Mother goes into a long meditation
This morning at 4:30, I was discussing something with you!... On the best way to express something. And I woke up uttering a sentence (I've forgotten now). I was saying to you, “It's better to put it this way.” At 4:30!
I never used to hear words previously, never, it's absolutely new. It's been going on for a few weeks. And I always wake up like that, uttering words.... I never used to do that before!... I don't know why.
It was the “best way” to say... what? I don't know.
The effect of the heat!
1 President Nasser of Egypt has just closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli ships and proclaimed he wanted “the destruction of Israel.”