The Mother
Volume 8
Anything to say?
No, the feeling is that unless something miraculous happens in the way men understand it, well, it will take many centuries.
But you never expected it not to take any time!?
Obviously not.
But I never thought, I never believed it could come fast. First of all, if one just tries with one's own body, as I do, one soon sees the difference between matter as it is, its constitution as it is, and... well, and what we may conceive of a divine existence – “divine,” that is, not tied down every second to the darkness of a nearly unconscious matter.... How long will it take? How long did it take to change the stone into the plant, the plant into the animal, the animal...? We don't know, but the way things are going... Now that they are so smart in calculating, when do they reckon the earth was formed? How many billions of years ago?1 All that time just to be where we are.
Of course, the farther we go, the faster things move, that's quite agreed, but fast... How fast?
If the process is to be “natural,” well, it will take an eternity.
No! It's not a question of natural. Nature organized things progressively for the manifestation of consciousness, which means that the whole work has been to prepare the Inconscient so it may grow conscious. Now, naturally, the consciousness is there at least to a great extent; so things are moving much faster, that is, the greater part of the work is done. But still, as I said, when you see how tied down we are to Unconsciousness, to a semi-vague consciousness, how those who don't know still feel “fatality,” “fate,” what they call “Nature” and all that dominating and governing them, well, for the final change to take place, all that must grow sufficiently conscious, and not merely in the mental way – that's
not enough – but in the divine way! So there remains a lot to be done.
That's precisely what I see every day with this poor little body and everything around it (swarming gesture), all this substance, oh... nothing but illnesses, miseries, disorders, oh! All that has nothing to do with the Divine! An unconscious mass.
You mean, unless something comes and changes that BY FORCE?
But Sri Aurobindo said (I read it two days ago, I don't know where he wrote it because it was a quotation) that if the divine Consciousness, the divine Power, the divine Love, the Truth, were to manifest on earth too rapidly, the earth would be dissolved! It couldn't bear it... brrf!
I am adapting it, but there's the idea!
Well, maybe not the large divine dose, but a small divine dose!
(Mother laughs) The small dose is always there, there's always a small dose! Even a rather strong dose, and if one looks at That one feels a sense of marvel. And it's precisely because of That that one still sees... how things are.
You know, not a day passes without the observation that, not a dose, but a tiny little drop, an infinitesimal drop of That can cure you in a minute (“can,” it DOES it, it's not that it “can”), that you are constantly in precarious balance and the slightest faltering means disorder and the end, and with just a drop of That... it's all turned into light and progress. The two extremes. The two extremes side by side.
It's something one notes at least several times a day.
Naturally, if the purpose of this instrument [Mother] were to note, explain, describe, it could tell marvels, but you see... I think... I don't know, but it seems to be the first time that the purpose of the instrument, rather being to bring the “News,” the “Revelation,” to give a flash of light, has been to... try and realize: to do the work, the obscure task. So it observes, but it doesn't go blissfully into the joy of observation, and it is forced to see every minute how much work, IN SPITE OF THAT, remains to be done!... And so it won't be able to rejoice until the work is done – what does the work is done mean? Something ESTABLISHED. This divine Presence, this divine Consciousness, this divine Truth manifests
like that, in flashes, and then... everything goes on in its own sweet way – there is a change, but an imperceptible one. Well, for it [the body], I suppose that's what helps it keep heart and gives it a sort of smiling peace despite the result being quite unsatisfying; but that can't satisfy it, it won't be satisfied until... until the thing is done, that is, until what is now a revelation – a dazzling but short-lived revelation – becomes an established fact; until there really are divine bodies, divine beings who will deal with the world in a divine way. Then... then it will say, “Yes, there we are,” but not before. Well, I don't think that can be for right now.
Because I see, I clearly see what is now at work.... I told you, there are many of those things with which, yes, if I were destined to speak and explain and prophesy, we could build a whole teaching – with just ONE of those experiences, and I have at least several of them every day. But it's useless, of course, I know that!
It's not impatience, it's not even a lack of satisfaction, it's not that at all, it is... a Force, a Will advancing step by step, which won't stop to discourse and delight in what has been done.
Is there somewhere on earth a really divine being, that is, not ruled by any law of Unconsciousness?... It seems to me we'd know it. If he existed and I didn't know it, I would have to tell myself that for that to be so I must have quite a big insincerity somewhere.
To tell the truth, it's not a question I ask myself.
In all those who are known, all those who have taken the stand of “revealers of the new world” or “realizers of the new life,” in all of them the proportion of inconscient is still far larger than in me, so... But that's only what is publicly known: is there somewhere a being unknown to all?... I would be surprised if there were no communication. I don't know.
There are lots and lots of them, you know, a whole crop of new Christs, Kalkis,2 supermen, ooh! lots of them, but generally, communication is made somehow or other, at any rate their existence is known; well, among them, among all those with whom I have been in contact either invisibly or visibly, there isn't one who has... (how should I put it?) less inconscient than there is in this body – but I acknowledge there is plenty, oh!
What I don't see is the process to break out of this inertia or unconsciousness.
Process, what process? The process of transformation?
Yes, it is said that the consciousness must act to awaken all this ...
But it's doing it!
Yes, it's doing it, but...
It never stops doing it!
I tell you, the response is like this: there is a sudden perception (oh, all these things are very subtle, very subtle – but as a matter of fact, to the consciousness they are very concrete), the perception of a sort of disorganization, like a current of disorganization; at first the substance making up the body feels it, then it sees the effect, and everything starts being disorganized: that disorganization is what prevents the cohesion necessary for the cells to constitute an individual body, so then you say, “Ah (gesture of dissolution), it'll be the end.” Then the cells aspire, there is a sort of central consciousness in the body which aspires intensely, with as complete a surrender as it can make: “Your Will, Lord, Your Will, Your Will....” Then there is a kind of... not something thunderous, not a dazzling flash of light, but a sort of... well, the impression is of a densification of that current of disorganization; and then something comes to a halt: first there is a peace, then a light, then Harmony – and the disorder has vanished. And when the disorder has vanished, there is instantly IN THE CELLS a sense of living eternity, of living for eternity.
Well, that experience, such as I've told you, with the whole intensity of concrete reality, occurs not only daily, but several times in a single day. At times it's very severe, that is, like a mass; at other times, it's only like something that touches; then, in the body consciousness, it's expressed like this, with a sort of thanksgiving: one more step in the progress over Unconsciousness. But those aren't thunderous events, the human neighbor isn't even aware of them; he may note a sort of cessation in the outward activity, a concentration, but that's
all.3 So of course, you don't
talk about it, you can't write books about it, you don't do propaganda.... That's how the work goes.
None of the mental aspirations are satisfied with that.
It's a very obscure work.
(Mother goes into a long contemplation)
There were two tall candles, like this, and three small ones, all lit.... What could it mean? All five were burning. What can it mean? I don't know. Two were tall like this, burning, and it was all in a color... neither red nor yellow, it was orangey, but transparent, and they were like candles burning between us.
Two tall ones and three small ones. I don't know what it signifies.
They were burning slowly, like this (still gesture), without any air current, very quietly.
It remained for a long time.
(long silence)
One or two days ago, I don't know, there was a sort of general vision of this striving of the earth towards its divinization, and someone seemed to be saying (not “someone”: it was the witness-consciousness, the consciousness observing, but it gets formulated in words – very often it's formulated in English and I have a kind of impression that it is Sri Aurobindo, his active consciousness, but sometimes it gets translated into words only when it enters my consciousness), and these last few days, it was something saying, “Yes, the time of proclamations, the time of revelations is past – now, on to action.”
Proclamations, revelations, prophecies, all that is after all very comfortable, it gives a sense of something “concrete”; now it's very obscure, there is a sense that it's very obscure, invisible (it will be visible only in results far, far ahead), and not understood.
Not understood, of course... Someone, C., wanted to translate Notes on the Way and A Propos into Hindi, in one volume. He spoke with R. about it, and R. wrote to me, “People don't understand anything,” and he feels “the human language is unfit to express that, so how will it turn out in a translation? – A platitude. It would be better to wait.” I fully agree, I told him it would be better to wait. But it gave me the exact measure. Because R. and C. are people who are expected to understand, and they clearly don't understand anything. And then, Nolini was here, I gave him the letter to read, and he said, “Oh, yes!” – For him too it's the
same thing, he hasn't understood! So it's general. Because lots of people quote to me what I said, or experiences they've had, explanations they give “in accordance with” those Notes on the Way, and every time I see that they haven't understood ANYTHING.
So it seems to me to be a general incomprehension.
It belongs to a region which isn't yet ready to be explained, manifested in words.
It's obvious, I see it clearly, you know: it's because they are all quite nice, full of respect, that they don't allow their mind to say, “This is drivel,” but for them it belongs to the incomprehensible.
And as a matter of fact, insofar as it's truly new, it is incomprehensible. What I say doesn't correspond to a lived experience in the one who reads.
I see clearly, so clearly the little work, like this (gesture of reversal), which would turn the thing into a prophetic revelation! A little work, a slight reversal in the mind – the experience is wholly outside the mind, so what can be said about it is... (Mother shakes her head). Precisely because it's not mental, it's nearly incomprehensible, and for it all to become (oh, it's so visible), for it all to become accessible, it would take just (same gesture) a slight reversal in the mind, and then it would become prophetic. But that... isn't possible. It would lose its truth.
Well, it's on the way.
1 Four and a half billion years ago, they say.
2 The last Avatar, in Hindu tradition.
3 At such times, Mother would become white and would often be seen placing the palms of her hands over her eyes.