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The Mother


Volume 11

November 14, 1970

So then, what's new?

I have finished my book.

Oh!... Good, that's good.

How many chapters still to be read?

We've readied half, I'm reading you the eighth. There are sixteen.

It'll go on till January.

Do you want to hear all of it?

Yes, of course! (Mother laughs)

(Satprem starts reading the end of the eighth chapter: “The Change of Vision.” Afterwards, Mother remains long absorbed, as if deep in meditation.)

I always go off – it's strange – into a... like a new country. It happens to me every time.


Do you think people will be able to translate this?


It's calm (vast gesture), luminous – it's magnificent, you know!


Who does the English translation?

It's T.

Does she do it well?

Yes, she understands the rhythm, she understands the vibration. In Italian, it's N.

We would need someone to...

(Mother plunges in)

That was very short.

(Mother remains gazing long, then smiles suddenly and plunges in again)

What time is it? There's nothing to do?

No, Mother.... You aren't saying anything?

(after a silence)

I have just seen a rather strange thing.... There was the daughter of a man who owns a big movie theater – anyway a rich man. I don't know what happened, she was all right, then she gave birth in hospital and she died. No one ever knew why. I had forgotten that, it was a year ago. The child is a year old (it's a boy), and they brought him to me. But I didn't remember the story of the mother's death and so on. I didn't know. When he came, my impression was that of a girl. I looked. Then they told me, “No, it's the child whose mother died when he was born.” And in the child, there was his mothers vita], but then perfectly clear, precise, as if preserved. It was there and responded through the child's body – his mother's vital with full consciousness. It's strange. And I learned the mother's story only afterwards. I saw that, I saw a feminine vital, very conscious: “What on earth is this?” Then they told me, “He is the child whose mother died while giving him birth.” Then I understood. The vital remained there, in the child who came out.

It's odd.


But if parents knew how to do it, they could... This child could be absolutely remarkable, you know, with a full conscious vital.

Nowadays they bring me all the children born in Auroville, and I see... I see surprising things. With some (not many, one or two), it's like a very small animal, it's nothing – it's very sweet: a very small animal. But with almost all of them, it's a conscious being. And the parents are absolutely stupid in their behavior with them, because they don't know, they don't understand.

I saw one today again (tiny gesture): he is three or four days old, five days – this big – and I saw the consciousness there is inside: it's admirable!

But then, they treat him like a small animal – he has no means of defense.


Is it those little ones who will become the intermediary beings?... I don't know.

(long silence)

You're not saying anything about yourself, Mother.

No, nothing to say.

Nothing to say.

(Mother shakes her head and keeps gazing)

in French

in German