The Mother
Volume 12
(Satprem reads to Mother a letter from G., which ends with the following question.)
He asks a question?
Yes, at the end he says:
“Mother, what sort of change may take shape in life if one becomes just Thy Will but nothing else?”
(after a silence)
Supreme Peace, certitude, and even the functioning of the body can change.
(Satprem has not heard well:) You said Supreme Peace....
Supreme Peace is established and becomes constant, and then....
Then the functioning of the body can change.
And certitude in the action also. A certitude in the action when you do things.
That's all?
It's very difficult to know what to do.... You get the feeling there's a Silence, that nothing responds – nothing tells you: “Do this or do that.” So you wonder if that silence means you should simply remain inactive and still, or if you should undertake a positive act, “pull” something and act.
It depends on the case. There's a slight difference.... There are cases when nothing comes – nothing, everything is stopped. So there you have to wait until it runs its course. There are cases where you are NATURALLY led to do one thing or another, which seems totally indifferent but is part of the Action (I don't know how to say it). I have experienced both. It depends on the case. There are cases where nothing is needed. There are cases where it's simply as though you put the Divine ON the thing (Mother makes a gesture of aiming a beam). You know, you're like... not an intermediary, I don't know... it's like a power of concentration on something; then the Divine Force flows through and is focused (same gesture of aiming a beam), but you yourself do nothing – yet the thing is done. Sometimes, if there is a word to be said, then the word comes to you; or if there is something to be done (it may seem like a very small, indifferent thing), you just have to do it quietly – you are LED to do it.
You're led, yes, I understand....
torrential rain)
Because, my own fear is that I am divided between the idea that I must do something and the idea that if there is really something to be done, inevitably the Divine will make me do it.
But then, you wonder whether that's inactivity, passivity [or even somnolence], or whether you should do something – that's the only thing.
No, there is a moment when it becomes clear. It all depends on.... All personal preferences and desires must disappear.
Yes, that's it.
Then, in that case, it becomes very clear. There are times when you're sort of COMPELLED to do something. There are times when... nothing – you feel the Force passing and having an effect, but you yourself (I mean, the body), the body doesn't move. It becomes very perceptible. And I've had proof that that's right, because I've had examples: at times, when I've remained still like that, without saying anything, simply letting the Force be focused on someone or something through the body (same gesture of aiming a beam), it does it, it acts miraculously like that. And the body has done nothing, hasn't moved, just let it pass through and be focused on a particular spot (same gesture). It's automatically focused. Because it's in our consciousness that the world is divided like this (gesture of little pieces), and there's one person, another person, one thing, another thing – it's our consciousness which is like that; so “one” uses that [the individuality] as a channel for the Force to go exactly where it is supposed to go. The action is not a personal action: it's an Action of the Force using the personal consciousness as a pipe – you understand?
It's very difficult to say that one no longer has any preferences and desires....
(Mother laughs)
Because it's so subtle!
Oh!... But that's progressive, you see; you can go on working at it all the time, all the time, all the time.... It's my constant occupation: eliminating all preferences. But the positive means is (we always come back to the same thing): “What You want, what You want.... What You want, what You want....” And when you're completely still and free from any trepidation (what I call “passive receptivity,” that is, there isn't any activity, and yet: what You want, what You want...), then – then only – That works. And you
really have the feeling (I don't know how to say it), really that you're used only as a channel so the Thing – the Force or the Action – can go exactly where it is supposed to go. That's what our consciousness is used for (gesture of a pipe).