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অকটু [ akaṭu ] a (of smell or taste) not acrid or bitter or pungent.

অকঠিন [ akaṭhina ] a not hard or difficult; not severe.

অকঠোর [ akaṭhōra ] a not rigorous or strict; not rude or severe.

অকন্টক [ akanṭaka ] a thornless; (fig.) free from trouble and difficulty; safe and peace ful. অকন্টকে adv. in peace and safety; with nothing standing in the way; un troubled; freely.

অকথন [ akathana ] n bad or abusive language; ob scene words. ☐ a. unspeakable; inde scribable.

অকথা [ akathā ] n abusive or filthy or obscene lan guage (also অকথা-কুকথা).

অকথিত [ akathita ] a untold; unspoken; undisclosed; unrevealed; secret.

অকথ্য [ akathya ] a unspeakable, unutterable; ob scene, filthy. ̃কথন utterance of unde sirable or bad language; uttering foul or filthy language.

অকপট [ akapaṭa ] a frank, candid, sincere, above board; straightforward; unreserved. ̃তা n. frankness; candour, sincerity, ̃চিত্তে, অকপটে adv. open-heartedly, frankly, sincerely, candidly.

অকম্প, অকম্পিত, অকম্প্র [ akampa, akampita, akampra ] a not trembling or trembled, not tremulous; undaunted; unmoved, unshaken, unperturbed; steady.

অকরণী [ akaraṇī ] n (math.) a rational quantity or number.

অকরণীয় [ akaraṇīẏa ] a that which should not be done. অকরণীয় ঘর a family or house not acceptable for matrimonial alliance.

অকরুণ [ akaruṇa ] a merciless; unkind; cruel; un sympathetic.

অকরোটি, অকরোটী [ akarōṭi, akarōṭī ] n (zoo.) the acrania.

অকর্ণ [ akarṇa ] a earless; deaf. ☐ n. an earless or deaf person.

অকর্তব্য [ akartabya ] a that which should not be done; improper.

অকর্তৃত্ব [ akartṛtba ] n lack of ruling or controlling power; lack of authority.

অকর্ম [ akarma ] n a misdeed, a mischief; a useless act; inaction, absence of work.

অকর্মক [ akarmaka ] a (gr. of a verb) intransitive. অকর্মক ক্রিয়া intransitive verb.

অকর্মণ্য [ akarmaṇya ] a disabled; inefficient; not in working order, unserviceable. ̃তা n. incompetence, inefficiency; useless ness.

অকর্মা [ akarmā ] a having no employment or occu pation; grossly inefficient; idling. অকর্মার ধাড়ি an inveterate bungler, an arch-bungler, a muff; a good-for-noth ing or worthless fellow; a great idler.

অকর্ষিত [ akarṣita ] a (of land) unploughed, unculti vated; fallow.

অকলঙ্ক, অকলঙ্কী [ akalaṅka, akalaṅkī ] a spotless, taintless, un blemished, immaculate; clean, pure.

অকলঙ্কিত [ akalaṅkita ] a unstained, unsullied, unblem ished; undefiled, unpolluted. অকলঙ্কিত চরিত্র same as অকলঙ্ক চরিত্র ।

অকলুষ [ akaluṣa ] n absence of corruption or blem ish or sin. ☐ a. uncorrupted; unblem ished; sinless.

অকলুষিত [ akaluṣita ] a undefiled, unpolluted; uncorrupted; pure, clean.

অকল্পিত [ akalpita ] a not imaginary or fanciful; real; unthought-of, unimagined. ̃পূর্ব a. un premeditated; unthought-of; not thought-of before.

অকল্যাণ [ akalyāṇa ] n harm, injury; spiritual or moral harm; misfortune; woe. ̃কর a. harmful, injurious; inauspicious; woeful.

অকষ্টকল্পনা [ akaṣṭakalpanā ] n spontaneous (and not forced or far-fetched) imagination or (literary) composition. অকষ্টকল্পিত a. not forced or far-fetched, spontaneous, facile, easy going.

অকস্মাত্ [ akasmāt ] adv all at once, suddenly, all of/ on (arch.) a sudden; unexpectedly, un awares; without cause, unwarrantedly.

অকাজ [ akāja ] n a useless act; a mischief; a wrong-doing. অকাজের কাজি a mischief maker, wrongdoer.

অকাট্য [ akāṭya ] a irrefutable. অকাট্য প্রমাণ a con clusive evidence. অকাট্য যুক্তি incontro vertible or irrefutable argument.

অকাতর [ akātara ] a (in suffering, danger etc.) un perturbed, undistressed; unflinching; patient, calm; (in toil, fighting etc.) un tiring; (of gift, charity etc.) ungrudg ing, bountiful. অকাতরে adv. unperturbedly; feeling no distress, un flinchingly; patiently, calmly; soundly, deeply (অকাতরে ঘুমানো); untiringly; ungrudgingly; bountifully.

অকাম্য [ akāmya ] a undesirable, unwanted.

অকায় [ akāẏa ] a bodiless, incorporeal, disembod ied; formless, shapeless; (poet.) unbodied.

অকার [ akāra ] n the letter and the vowel sound অ; অকারাদি a. (of words) beginning with the letter অ. ☐ n. অ and other vowels. অকারাদিক্রমে adv. in the alpha betical order. অকারান্ত a. (of words) ending with the vowel sound অ.

অকারণ [ akāraṇa ] a unnecessary; purposeless, causeless; baseless; unaccountable; aimless (অকারণ ভ্রমণ); (of quarrel, war, attack etc.) without provocation, unprovoked (অকারণ আক্রমণ). ☐ adv. without cause; unnecessarily, for noth ing; groundlessly; unaccountably; aim lessly; without provocation.

অকারণে [ akāraṇē ] adv same as অকারণ (adv.).

অকার্য [ akārya ] n a misdeed; a useless act; a mis chief; a wrong-doing; a bungle. ̃কর a. impractiable; ineffectual, futile, serv ing no purpose, useless; unpractical. ̃কারিতা, ̃করতা n. ineffectiveness. ̃কারী a. ineffective, inffectual, useless.

অকাল [ akāla ] n an inauspicious time; hard times; an unusual time (অকালের বর্ষা); premature time (অকালপক্ব); inappro priate time; (loos.) scarcity, famine. ̃কুষ্মাণ্ড n. a gourd grown at an unusual time; (fig.) a useless or stupid person. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born at an unusual time; untimely or prematurely born. ̃জলদোদয় untimely gathering of clouds. ̃পক্ক a. (of fruits) prematurely ripened; (of persons) precocious, pert. ̃পক্কতা n. premature ripeness; precoc ity, pertness. ̃বর্ষণ n. untimely rain. ̃বার্ধক্য n. premature ageing. ̃বৃদ্ধ a. gone old prematurely. ̃বোধন n. (myth.) untimely awakening of God dess Durga by Ramachandra; (fig.) any untimely performance. ̃মরণ, ̃মৃত্যু n. premature death.

অকালি [ akāli ] n a member of a militant sect of Shikhs, an Akali.

অকালে [ akālē ] adv at an inauspicious time; at an unusual time; aforetime, prematurely; inopportunely.

অকিঞ্চন [ akiñcana ] a indigent, extremely poor; dis tressed, miserable; insignificant; lowly; humble and modest. ☐ n. such a person. ̃তা n. indigence, extreme pov erty; distressed condition, misery; in significance, lowliness; stupidity.

অকিঞ্চিত্, অকিঞ্চত্কর [ akiñcit, akiñcatkara ] a trifling, insignifi cant, paltry; negligible.

অকীক [ akīka ] n agate.

অকীর্তি [ akīrti ] n ill-repute, infamy; disgrace; a disgraceful or disreputable act. ̃কর a. infamous, disreputable, disgraceful.

অকীর্তিত [ akīrtita ] a unsung; not preached or an nounced publicly, unpublicized; uncelebrated, unhonoured.

অকু [ aku ] n an incident; an event; a criminal offence. ̃স্হল n. the place of occur rence (esp. of a crime).

অকুটিল [ akuṭila ] a not crooked; frank.

অকুণ্ঠ, অকুণ্ঠিত [ akuṇṭha, akuṇṭhita ] a unhesitating; unabashed; ungrudging, without reserve, liberal (অকুণ্ঠ দান বা প্রশংসা). অকুণ্ঠচিত্তে, অকুণ্ঠিতচিত্তে adv. with no hesitation (in the mind), with an open mind; unhesitatingly; ungrudgingly, liberally, freely.

অকুতোভয় [ akutōbhaẏa ] a not stricken with fear from any quarter; undaunted. ̃তা n. fear lessness.

অকুল [ akula ] a (of families) unrespectable, lowly, unfit for matrimonial alliance.

অকুলন, অকুলান [ akulana, akulāna ] n deficiency, deficit, shortage; insufficiency.

অকুলীন [ akulīna ] a not born of a high family; not a high-born; not a man of noble birth (opp. কুলীন); (facet.) of mixed breed, hybrid (অকুলীন কুকুর).

অকুশল [ akuśala ] n indisposition. ☐ a not adroit or skilful, inexpert.

অকূল [ akūla ] a shoreless; (fig.) boundless, end less. ☐ n. a shoreless sea, a vast ocean; (fig.) an overwhelming or extreme danger. ̃ পাথার n. boundless or shoreless sea; (fig.) great danger, extreme jeopardy; dire straits, hopeless situation. অকূলে কূল পাওয়া (fig.) to find a rescue in a sea of danger. অকূলে ডোবা (fig.) to sink in a sea of danger. অকূলে পড়া (fig.) to fall in or run into a sea of danger. অকূলে ভাসা (fig.) to get into a great danger; to be in extreme danger.

অকৃত [ akṛta ] a not done or performed or ex ecuted; undone, unaccomplished.

অকৃতকার্য [ akṛtakārya ] a unsuccessful. ̃তা n. failure.

অকৃতজ্ঞ [ akṛtajña ] a ungrateful. ̃তা n. ingratitude; ungratefulness.

অকৃতদার [ akṛtadāra ] a. mas unmarried; celibate.

অকৃতাপরাধ [ akṛtāparādha ] a not guilty; guiltless.

অকৃতার্থ [ akṛtārtha ] a unsuccessful in attempt; disap pointed.

অকৃতিত্ব [ akṛtitba ] n unsuccess, failure; want of skill, inefficiency, incapacity.

অকৃতী [ akṛtī ] a unsuccessful; unskilled; ineffi cient; incapable; worthless or unwor thy (অকৃতী সন্তান).

অকৃতোদ্বাহ [ akṛtōdbāha ] a. mas unmarried.

অকৃত্য [ akṛtya ] a of that which should not be done. ☐ n. an improper act, a wrong-doing, a misdeed.

অকৃত্রিম [ akṛtrima ] a not artificial; natural; not feigned, sincere; not faked or forged; genuine, pure, true. ̃তা n. sincerity.

অকৃপণ [ akṛpaṇa ] a not niggardly or miserly; lib eral, generous; without reserve (অকৃপণ প্রশংসা). ̃তা n. generousness.

অকৃষ্ট [ akṛṣṭa ] a untilled, uncultivated. অকৃষ্য a. uncultivable.

অকেজো [ akējō ] a having no ability for any work; not in working order, unservice able; useless.

অকেশর পরাগকোষ [ akēśara parāgakōṣa ] n (bot.) sessile anther.

অকৈতব [ akaitaba ] a not false; not deceitful.

অকোমল [ akōmala ] a not soft or tender; not fragile.

অকৌশল [ akauśala ] n lack of skill or adroitness; want of tact; want of diplomacy.

অক্কা পাওয়া [ akkā pāōẏā ] v (sl.) to die.

অক্ত1 [ akta1 ] a smeared with (তৈলাক্ত, রক্তাক্ত); mixed with, containing, full of (লবণাক্ত, বিষাক্ত).

অক্ত2 [ akta2 ] n time, one of a number of in stances (পাঁচ অক্ত নামাজ).

অক্রম [ akrama ] n absence of serial order; disor der অক্রমিক a. without serial order; dis orderly; unofficial. অক্রমিক জিজ্ঞাসা an unofficial reference.

অক্রিয় [ akriẏa ] a without work; inactive; lacking in enthusiasm, lethargic.

অক্রিয়া [ akriẏā ] n absence of work; inaction; an improper act, a wrong-doing. ̃ন্বিত, ̃সক্ত a. given to improper acts or wrong-doings.

অক্রূর [ akrūra ] a not crooked; not cruel or merci less; simple, straightforward. ☐ n. (myth.) uncle of Krishna.

অক্রেয়, আক্রা [ akrēẏa, ākrā ] a unpurchasable; costly or dear or expensive.

অক্রোধ [ akrōdha ] n absence of anger. ☐ a. free from anger. অক্রোধন a. not angered or wrought up easily.

অক্লান্ত [ aklānta ] a untired, unwearied; untiring, tireless; indefatigable; persisting, as siduous (অক্লান্ত চেষ্টা). ̃কর্মা a. indefati gable; indefatigably laborious or hard working, extremely assiduous.

অক্লিষ্ট [ akliṣṭa ] a not feeling any tiredness, untir ing; indomitable (অক্লিষ্ট যত্ন); untired, calm (অক্লিষ্টকান্তি). ̃কর্মা a. working untiringly, indefatigable.

অক্লেশে [ aklēśē ] adv. & a without difficulty or trouble; without much effort; easily, effortlessly.

অক্ষ [ akṣa ] n any of the three long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-play ing; a die; a kind of seed used as bead; (geog.) the axis of the equator; (geog.) latitude; (astr.) the angular distance of any star or planet from the solar orbit, the orbit of a heavenly body; (astrol.) the shape of the zodiac; (zoo.) the sec and vertebra of the neck; an axle; a sense-organ (অধোক্ষজ). ̃ক n. the col lar-bone, the clavicle; a dice player. ̃কর্ণ n. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ক্রীড়া n. game of dice; diceplay. ̃দণ্ড n. (geog.) the axis of the equator, the minor axis. ̃ধুরা n. the front portion of a wheel, an axis; the pole of a cart. ̃ধূর্ত n. an ex pert or clever dice-player. ̃পাটি n. any of the long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-playing. ̃বাট n. dice-board; arena for wrestling; wrestling ground; gymnasium. ̃বিচলন n. (astr.) nutation. ̃বিত্, ̃বিদ, ̃বেত্তা a. versed in law or diplomacy; clever at dice-game. ☐ n. a lawyer; a diplomat; an expert dice-player. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃সমান্তরাল n. (geog.) the parallels of latitude. ̃মালা, ̃সূত্র n. a string of beads, a rosary. ̃শক্তি n. the Axis Powers in the World War II.

অক্ষটি [ akṣaṭi ] n hunter.

অক্ষণ [ akṣaṇa ] n an inauspicious moment or time (ক্ষণ-অক্ষণ বিচার).

অক্ষত [ akṣata ] a unhurt or unwounded; unim paired; unblemished; unreserved. ̃দেহ, ̃শরীর a. of a person bearing no wound; unhurt or uninjured or un wounded. ̃যোনি a. fem. having had no experience of sexual union; possessing true virginity.

অক্ষম [ akṣama ] a powerless; weak; incapable; in effective (অক্ষম চেষ্ঠা).

অক্ষমা [ akṣamā ] n lack of forgiveness or mercy; intolerance.

অক্ষয় [ akṣaẏa ] a undecaying; inexhaustible; un failing; imperishable: undying; end less. ̃কীর্তি n. undying or immortal fame. ̃তূণ n. a quiver having an inex haustible stock of arrows. ̃তৃতীয়া n. the third day of the lunar waxing fort night of the month of Baisakh (বৈশাখ). ̃বট n. any of the very old banyan trees found at different holy places of the Hindus; (fig.) an immortal or deathless person. ̃লোক n. the abode of the blessed; heaven. ̃স্বর্গ n. the right to dwell permanently in heaven. ̃স্বর্গবাস n. dwelling permanently in heaven.

অক্ষর [ akṣara ] n any of the letters of the alpha bet; a syllable; (fig.) a symbolic letter. ̃জীবী, ̃জীবক n. a scribe; a copyist; a printer or compositor, a writer. ̃পরিচয় n. acquaintance with the alphabet; commencement of education; literacy; (fig.) elementary knowledge. ̃বিন্যাস n. the characteristic style of handwriting. ̃বৃত্ত n. (pros.) a system of versifica tion in which the number of letters and not the sounds in a line is taken into account. ̃মালা n. the alphabet. ̃যোজক n. a compositor. অক্ষরীকরণ n. translit eration. অক্ষরে অক্ষরে to the letter, word for word. verbatim; (fig.) with strict exactitude, rigorously.

অক্ষাংশ [ akṣāṃśa ] n (geog.) degrees of latitude, latitude.

অক্ষারলবণ [ akṣāralabaṇa ] n rock-salt.

অক্ষি [ akṣi ] n the eye. ̃কাচ n. lens. ̃কোটর n. the socket of the eye. ̃গত a. lying within the range of vision; visible. ̃গোলক n. the eyeball. ̃তারকা, ̃তারা, ̃কূট n. the pupil of the eye, the apple of the eye. ̃পক্ষ্ম n. eyelash, cilium. ̃পট n. the retina. ̃পটল n. cataract of the eye. ̃পুট n. the eyelid. ̃বিকূর্ণন n. casting of a sidelong glance; squinting. ̃বিভ্রম n. optical illusion. ̃শালাক্য n. ophthalmic surgery.

অক্ষীণ [ akṣīṇa ] a not lean or emaciated; not weakened or debilitated.

অক্ষীয় [ akṣīẏa ] a axial, pertaining to an axis; an gular.

অক্ষুণ্ণ [ akṣuṇṇa ] a unimpaired or unaffected (অক্ষুণ্ণ স্বাস্হ্য বা মর্যাদা); unoffended (অক্ষুণ্ণচিত্ত); unhindered, unchecked (অক্ষুণ্ণ গতি); unabated (অক্ষুণ্ণ তেজ); undamaged or untarnished (অক্ষুণ্ণ সতীত্ব); unques tioned, untrammelled, unhampered, su preme, sovereign (অক্ষুণ্ণ প্রতিপত্তি); still in force, intact (অক্ষুণ্ণ অধিকার বা স্বার্থ); unused, not at all used (অক্ষুণ্ণ মূলধন)

অক্ষুধা [ akṣudhā ] n lack, absence or loss of appe tite.

অক্ষোভ [ akṣōbha ] a not agitated or perturbed; not disgruntled; placid. ☐ n. absence of agitation, grudge or regret.

অক্ষৌহিণী [ akṣauhiṇī ] n a division of army in ancient India, comprising 1935 foot-soldiers, 6561 cavalrymen, 2187 fight ers on elephant-back and 2187 chari oteers.

অক্সিজেন [ aksijēna ] n oxygen.

অখণ্ড [ akhaṇḍa ] a not divided into parts, undi vided; (math.) integral (অখণ্ড সংখ্যা); unabated; uncurbed, undisputed, su preme, sovereign (অখণ্ড প্রতাপ); not watery, thickened, curdled ('অখণ্ড পীযূষধারা'); compact, dense (অখণ্ড অন্ধকার), ̃তা n. integrality, wholeness; indivisibility; oneness, unity. ̃নীয়, অখণ্ড্য a. irrefutable, indisputable; unan swerable. অখণ্ড-মণ্ডলাকার a. completely spherical. অখণ্ডিত a. unsevered; undi vided; unrefuted (অখণ্ডিত যুক্তি বা মত) ।

অখদ্যে [ akhadyē ] a (coll.) not fit to be eaten; unfit for work, grossly inefficient; unser viceable. অখদ্যে-অবদ্যে a. good-for-noth ing, worthless; trashy.

অখল [ akhala ] a artless, guileless, naive.

অখাত [ akhāta ] a (of channels etc.) undug or not made by digging; natural.

অখাদ্য [ akhādya ] a not fit to be eaten; inedible; for bidden to be eaten; (of food) unwhole some; (facet.) worthless (অখাদ্য লোক). ☐ n. inedible or forbidden or unwhole some food.

অখিল [ akhila ] a entire, whole. ☐ n. the world; the universe; the sky. অখিল আত্মা n. the Supreme Spirit. ̃প্রিয় a. loved or adored by all. ̃বিশ্ব n. the entire world; the universe.

অখুশি [ akhuśi ] a dissatisfied, displeased. ☐ n. dissatisfaction, displeasure.

অখ্যাত [ akhyāta ] a not famous; undistinguished; obscure. ̃নামা a. not famous, one whose name is not famous, obscure.

অখ্যাতি [ akhyāti ] n disrepute; notoriety; disgrace; infamy; scandal. ̃জনক a. disgraceful; infamous, scandalous, notorious.

অগণন, অগণনীয় [ agaṇana, agaṇanīẏa ] a uncountable; countless, innumerable.

অগণিত [ agaṇita ] a (ori.) uncounted; (loss.) count less, innumerable, numberless.

অগণ্য [ agaṇya ] a uncountable; countless, innu merable.

অগতি [ agati ] a motionless; immobile, static; helpless, resourceless. ☐ n. a helpless or resourceless person; the unper formed state of a dead person's obse quies. অগতির গতি the resort of the helpless; (loos.) the way-out.

অগত্যা [ agatyā ] adv having no other course to fol low or means to adopt; being com pelled; perforce, of necessity, neces sarily; as a necessary or unavoidable consequence. অগত্যা রাজি হওয়া to agree to follow or adopt a course as a last re sort or having no alternative.

অগদ [ agada ] a free from disease or poison, not ill; healthy. ☐ n. a medicine; an anti dote (esp. to poison). ̃তন্ত্র n. toxicol ogy.

অগনতি, অগুনতি [ aganati, agunati ] a (coll.) countless, innu merable.

অগন্তব্য [ agantabya ] a (of places, etc.) not fit to be visited; out of bounds.

অগভীর [ agabhīra ] a not deep; shallow; superficial, not profound (অগভীর জ্ঞ্যান). অগভীর জলে সফরী ফরফরায়তে (lit.) a small fry bustles in shallow water; (fig.) an empty vessel sounds much. ̃তা n. shallowness.

অগম [ agama ] a not moving, motionless; static; unfathomable, bottomless; inacces sible; incomprehensible.

অগম্য [ agamya ] a inaccessible; impassable; in comprehensible, beyond the compass or range or reach of (বুদ্ধির অগম্য) ̃গামিনী fem. of অগম্যাগামী, অগম্যা a. fem. one with whom cohabitation or sexual union is prohibited. অগম্যাগমন n. incest. অগম্যাগামী a. mas. incestuous. ☐ n. an incestuous man.

অগস্ত্য [ agastya ] n a mythological sage of India; (astrol.) the Canopus. ̃যাত্রা n. the first day of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র) when the sage Agastya asked the bend ing Vindhyas to wait till he came back and he never came back (this day has since been regarded by the Hindus as extremely inauspicious to set out on a journey; (cp. a corbie messenger). অগস্ত্যোদয় n. rise of the star Agastya or Canopus (about the 17th or 18th day of Bhadra).

অগা, অগাকান্ত, অগাচণ্ডী [ agā, agākānta, agācaṇḍī ] a (coll.) grossly stupid or ignorant; good-for-nothing. ☐ n. such a person.

অগাধ [ agādha ] a unfathomable, bottomless; very deep and extensive (অগাধ সমুদ্র); un limited, unbounded (অগাধ আকাশ); profound; immeasurable, immense (অগাধ শান্তি).

অগুণ [ aguṇa ] n harm, injury; offence, fault. ☐ a. deprived of good qualities; worthless; unqualified. অগুণ করা v. to do harm, to do mischief.