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অঘাট, আঘাট [ aghāṭa, āghāṭa ] n a sea-coast or a riverbank unfit for disembarkment; a bad place.

অঘোর1 [ aghōra1 ] a terrible (অঘোর বাদল); uncon scious; fainted. অঘোরে adv. deeply, profoundly. অঘোর ঘুম deep or sound sleep.

অঘোর2 [ aghōra2 ] a not terrible; calm. ☐ n. God Shiva (শিব). ̃পন্হী n. one of a religious community practsing dreadful and abominable rites. ̃মন্ত্র n. incantation to invoke Shiva.

অঘোষ [ aghōṣa ] a (phon.) voiceless. ̃বর্ণ n. a voiceless consonant (e.g. ক খ চ ছ ট ঠ ত থ প ফ).

অঘ্রাত [ aghrāta ] a not smelled; untasted.

অঙ্ক [ aṅka ] n a mark or sign; a line; a stripe; a spot; a blemish; (math.) a digit, a num ber, a figure; an arithmetical problem, a sum; a counting, calculation; the lap; (of a drama) an act; (zoo) the belly; (bot.) the venter. অঙ্ক করা, অঙ্ক কষা v. to do sums; to calculate or count. ̃গত a. lying on or in the lap (of); (fig.) under thorough control of. ̃গর্ভ a. (zoo.) marsupial (of an animal, e. g. kanga roo). ̃তল n. (zoo.) ventral surface. ̃দেশ n. the lap; (zoo.) the belly. ̃পাত n. act of placing figures; act of mark ing. ̃পাতন n. (math.) notation. ̃বাচক a. (math.) cardinal. ̃বিদ্যা, ̃শাস্ত্র n. mathematics. ̃বিদ্যাবিত্, ̃শাস্ত্রবিত্ n. a mathematician. ̃লক্ষী n. wife. ̃শায়ী a. lying on the lap (of); (fig.) enamoured of. fem. ̃শায়িনী । ̃স্হিত a. situated or placed on the lap; (fig.) beloved.

অঙ্কন [ aṅkana ] n drawing; painting; marking; writing figures; (geom.) act of plotting; construction. অঙ্কন করা v. to mark; to draw or paint; (geom.) to plot; to con struct. অঙ্কনী n. pencil, chalk, brush, etc. for drawing or painting. অঙ্কনীয় a. to be or fit to be marked or drawn or painted or (geom.) plotted or con structed.

অঙ্কিত [ aṅkita ] a marked; drawn or painted; (geom.) plotted; bedecked, decorated; carved; delineated, described, por trayed (অঙ্কিত চরিত্র); imprinted (মানসপটে অঙ্কিত). অঙ্কিত করা v. to mark; to draw; to paint; (geom.) to plot; to bedeck, to decorate; to carve; to delin eate, to describe, to portray; to imprint.

অঙ্কীয় [ aṅkīẏa ] a (chiefly bot. & zoo.) ventral.

অঙ্কুর [ aṅkura ] n a sprout, a shoot; a sapling; blos som (চূতাঙ্কুর); germ; origination, birth, germination (ভাবের অঙ্কুর); anything newly born or commenced; a begin ning; an end or tip (তৃণাঙ্কুর, ভগ্নাঙ্কুর) অঙ্কুরে বিনাশ করা v. to nip in the bud. অঙ্কুরিত a. sprouted; germinated; pub lished, revealed. অঙ্কুরিত হওয়া v. to sprout; to germinate. অঙ্কুরোদয়, অঙ্কুরোদ্গম n. germination, sprouting, blossoming; commencement, beginning.

অঙ্কুশ [ aṅkuśa ] n an iron goad used in driving an elephant; any iron rod for striking with; a hook with a long handle.

অঙ্কুশগ্রহ [ aṅkuśagraha ] n an elephant-driver.

অঙ্কোপরি [ aṅkōpari ] a. adv. & prep on the lap.

অঙ্গ [ aṅga ] n a limb; the body; shape or form; a feature; a part; an essential part; an ingredient, a component, an element; an item (নৈবেদ্যের অঙ্গ); (esp. bot.) an organ; the ancient name of Bihar or of Bhagalpur and adjoining places. ̃গ্রহ n. convulsion of or pain in the body or any part of it, spasm; tetanus. ̃গ্লানি n. wearisome or painful physical exertion, tiredness; dirt or soil of the body. ̃চালন n. the movement of the body or limbs; physical exercise. ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন n. am putation or cutting off of a limb; deduc tion of a part; mutilation. ̃জ, ̃জনু a. born of one's body. ☐ n. offspring; a son. ̃জা a. daughter. ̃ত্র, ̃ত্রাণ n. armour, a coat of mail. ̃ন্যাস n. touch ing different parts of the body as one recites (usu. mentally) different incan tations. ̃প্রত্যঙ্গ n. different limbs and appendages of the body. ̃প্রায়শ্চিত্ত n. expiatory rite of removing the taint of the body. ̃বিকৃতি n. deformity; apo plexy. ̃বিক্ষেপ n. making gestures, pos ing; a gesture, a pose; convulsion of a limb or the body, spasm. ̃বিন্যাস n. pos ing; posture. ̃বিহীন a. wanting in one or more limbs, crippled; deformed; bodi less, formless, incorporeal. fem. ̃বিহীনা । ̃ভঙ্গ, ̃ভঙ্গি n. a pose or posture; a gesture; secret communication of one's intention by means of a physical ges ture. ̃বৈকল্য n. same as ̃বিকৃতি̃মর্দক n. masseur. ̃মর্দিকা n. fem. masseuse. ̃মর্দন n. massage. ̃মোটন n. stretching and straightening the body for remov ing lassitude and sloth. ̃রাগ n. beauti fying the body with cosmetics; any ar ticle of cosmetic or toilet. ̃রাজ n. the king of Anga. ̃রাজ্য n. a state of a fed eration. ̃রুহ n. hair; wool; fur; feather, a gown. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification of the body (by ablution or by ceremonial washing). ̃সংবাহন n. massage. ̃শোভা n. beauty of the body. ̃সংস্হান n. mor phology. ̃সজ্জা n. beautifying the body (with dress or cosmetics). ̃সঞ্চালন same as ̃চালন । ̃সৌষ্ঠব n. physical grace or beauty or symmetry. ̃হানি n. loss of a limb; partial omission or cur tailment of anything; mutilation; a de fect. ̃হীন a. deformed; lacking one or more limbs; (of a work) lacking in per fection, defective; bodiless, formless, incorporeal.

অঙ্গদ [ aṅgada ] n an ornamental armlet, bracelet, etc.; son of Bali, the monkey-king of Kishkindhya (Ramayana).

অঙ্গন [ aṅgana ] n a courtyard, the compound of a house.

অঙ্গনা [ aṅganā ] n a woman of graceful physique, a beautiful woman; a woman.

অঙ্গাঙ্গি [ aṅgāṅgi ] n mutual attraction of different limbs of a body; correlation; preferen tial treatment of or partiality towards a member of one's own party. ̃ভাব, ̃সম্বন্ধ n. intimate friendship; insepa rable relation; (phil.) the relation be tween the whole and its parts; interde pendence of parts, relation between form and content; the relation between what is primary and what is secondary. ̃ভাবে adv. in the relation of the part to the whole or of what is secondary to what is primary; inseparably.

অঙ্গাবরণ [ aṅgābaraṇa ] n covering for the body; a gar ment.

অঙ্গার [ aṅgāra ] n coal; carbon; cinder, charcoal; (fig.) a person or thing causing shame or disgrace (কুলের অঙ্গার বা কলন্ক). ̃ময় a. carbonaceous. ̃কৃষ্ণ a. black as coal, very black. ̃ধানী n. an incense-pot, censer. ̃ক n. carbon. অঙ্গারককমণি n. coral. অঙ্গারক রসায়ন n. organic chemis try. ̃ যৌগিক n. carbon compounds. অঙ্গারঃ শতধৌতেন মলিনত্বং ন মুঞ্চতি coal never changes its hue however well it may be washed; black will take no other hue. অঙ্গারাম্ল n. carbonic acid.

অঙ্গিরা [ aṅgirā ] n (astr.) one of the stars in the constellation of Ursa Major.

অঙ্গী [ aṅgī ] a having a body or form, corpo real; whole; fitted with limbs.

অঙ্গীকরণ [ aṅgīkaraṇa ] n promising.

অঙ্গীকার [ aṅgīkāra ] n promise or undertaking; promising; acceptance. অঙ্গীকার করা v. to promise; to give an undertaking; to accept.

অঙ্গীকৃত [ aṅgīkṛta ] a promised; accepted.

অঙ্গীভূত [ aṅgībhūta ] a embodied; included. অঙ্গীভূত করা v. to embody; to include.

অঙ্গুরি, অঙ্গুরী, অঙ্গুরীয়, অঙ্গুরীয়ক [ aṅguri, aṅgurī, aṅgurīẏa, aṅgurīẏaka ] n an or namental ring for the finger, a ring.

অঙ্গুলাঙ্ক [ aṅgulāṅka ] n finger-print. অঙ্গুলাঙ্ক-বিশারদ n. a finger-print expert.

অঙ্গুলি, অঙ্গুল [ aṅguli, aṅgula ] n a finger or a toe, a digit.

অঙ্গুলি-গ্রন্হি [ aṅguli-granhi ] n finger-joint, knuckle.

অঙ্গুলিত্র, অঙ্গুলিত্রাণ [ aṅgulitra, aṅgulitrāṇa ] n a thimble; a metal cap to protect finger in sewing; a metal hook worn on the tip of a finger by musicians whilst playing on stringed instruments; a covering for the finger tip, made of leather or iron, worn by archers. অঙ্গুলিনির্দেশ, অঙ্গুলিহেলন n. act of beckoning or pointing with the fin ger, a beck. অঙ্গুলিনির্দেশ করা, অঙ্গুলিসঙ্কেত করা v. to beckon or point with the finger, to beck. অঙ্গুলিমেয় a. that which can be counted on the fin ger; (fig.) very few in number. অঙ্গুলিসংকেত n. sign or hint made by the finger. অঙ্গুলিমোটন n. snapping of the finger. অঙ্গুলিহেলনে চালিত করা to dictate or direct with the movement of the fin ger. অঙ্গুলীয়ক n. an ornamental ring for the finger, a ring.

অঙ্গুষ্ঠ [ aṅguṣṭha ] n the thumb. ̃প্রদর্শন, অঙ্গুষ্ঠ দেখানো n. showing one's thumb; (fig.) awk ward or point-blank refusal; depriving unpleasantly.

অঙ্গুষ্ঠানা, অঙ্গুস্তানা [ aṅguṣṭhānā, aṅgustānā ] n a thimble, a thumbstall.

অচকিত [ acakita ] a not frightened or alarmed.

অচক্ষু [ acakṣu ] a eyeless, blind.

অচঞ্চল [ acañcala ] a not restless or bustling or fickle or playful or impatient; lasting; unwa vering; firm, steady; unworried, un concerned; calm, even-minded. fem. অচঞ্চলা ।

অচতুর [ acatura ] a not adroit; inefficient; guileless; simple. fem. অচতুরা ।

অচপল [ acapala ] a not bustling or fickle or playful or wanton; steady; firm; demure.

অচর [ acara ] a motionless, immobile; stationary, static.

অচরিতার্থ [ acaritārtha ] a ungratified, unfulfilled, un satisfied.

অচর্চিত [ acarcita ] a not practised or studied; not anointed, unsmeared.

অচর্বিত [ acarbita ] a not chewed or masticated. অচর্ব্য a. not fit to be chewed, unchewable.

অচল [ acala ] a motionless, immobile; stationary, static (অচল তড়িত্); unwavering; firm, steady; gone out of practice, not cur rent, obsolete (অচল প্রথা); counterfeit or forged (অচল টাকা বা নোট); that which cannot be kept going, unmaintainable (অচল সংসার); invalid; untenable (অচল যুক্তি); unserviceable (অচল ঘড়ি); impracticable (অচল প্রস্তাব); (of persons) cast off (সমাজে অচল). ☐ n. a mountain, a hill. অচল অবস্হা, অচলাবস্হা lack of progress; a deadlock, an impasse, a stalemate, standstill. ̃ন n. state of being out of practice or currency, obsoleteness. ̃নীয় a. incapable of being introduced or circulated.

অচলতড়িত্ [ acalataḍ়it ] n (sc.) static electricity.

অচলা [ acalā ] a. fem not fickle; steady, firm, constant (অচলা ভক্তি). ☐ n. fem. the earth.

অচলায়তন [ acalāẏatana ] n an incorrigibly reactionary or conservative institution.

অচলিত [ acalita ] a not in vogue or practice, not current; obsolete.

অচলিষ্ণু [ acaliṣṇu ] a motionless, immobile.

অচাঞ্চল্য [ acāñcalya ] n absence of restlessness, calm; firmness; steadiness.

অচালনীয়, অচাল্য [ acālanīẏa, acālya ] a incapable of being conducted or transferred.

অচিকিত্সক [ acikitsaka ] n a quack doctor, an ignorant medicine man, a charlatan.

অচিকিত্সনীয়, অচিকিত্স্য [ acikitsanīẏa, acikitsya ] a incurable, irreme diable; incapable of being redressed; hard to cure.

অচিকিত্সা [ acikitsā ] n lack of medical treatment; bad or faulty medical treatment.

অচিকিত্সিত [ acikitsita ] a not treated medically.

অচিকীর্ষু [ acikīrṣu ] a unwilling or reluctant (to do); indolent, lazy.

অচিন্তনীয় [ acintanīẏa ] a unthinkable; unimaginable; inconceivable.

অচিন্তিত, অচিন্তিতপূর্ব [ acintita, acintitapūrba ] a unthought of; un premeditated; unexpected.

অচির [ acira ] a of short duration, brief. ̃কারী a. prompt. ̃কাল n. a very short time. ̃কালে adv. soon, shortly; without much delay. ̃ক্রিয় a. prompt in action or execution; not dilatory. ̃জীবী a. short-lived; impermanent, transient; not lasting long; not immortal. ̃স্হায়ী a. not permanent; transitory; perishable, frail, mortal (অচিরস্হায়ী দেহ), অচিরাত্, অচিরে adv. soon; without delay; imme diately.

অচিরপ্রভা [ aciraprabhā ] n a lightning.

অচিহ্নিত [ acihnita ] a unmarked; undistinguished; uncovenanted (অচিহ্নিত কর্মচারী).

অচূর্ণ, অচূর্ণিত [ acūrṇa, acūrṇita ] a not pulverized; unbroken; undestroyed; whole, entire.

অচেতন [ acētana ] a unconscious; swooned, fainted; ignorant, foolish; stupefied; inanimate; insensate. অচেতন হওয়া v. to faint, to lose one's consciousness, to fall into a swoon.

অচেনা [ acēnā ] a unknown; unfamiliar.

অচেষ্ট [ acēṣṭa ] a unendeavouring, effortless; not zealous; inactive; (rare) insensible, be numbed. অচেষ্টিত a. unattempted; un tried.

অচৈতন্য [ acaitanya ] a unconscious; swooned, fainted; ignorant, foolish; stupefied; in animate; insensate. ☐ n. unconscious ness; ignorance; stupefaction; loss or absence of sense. অচৈতন্য হওয়া same as অচেতন হওয়া ।

অচ্ছ [ accha ] a transparent; without impurities; crystalline. ☐ n. crystal.

অচ্ছদ [ acchada ] a uncovered; open; roofless; (bot.) leafless.

অচ্ছিদ্র [ acchidra ] a having no hole or opening; free from defect or loophole; perfect, flaw less.

অচ্ছিন্ন [ acchinna ] a not torn or cut; not split up or divided, unsevered. ̃ত্বক a. uncircum cised.

অচ্ছুত্, অচ্ছুত [ acchut, acchuta ] a (of persons) untouchable; unclean.

অচ্ছেদ্য [ acchēdya ] a incapable of being cleft or split, uncleavable; inseparable.

অচ্ছোদ [ acchōda ] a having crystalline water ('অচ্ছোদ-সরসীনীরে'). ☐ n. a lake in the Himalayan region. ̃পটল n. the cornea.

অচ্যুত [ acyuta ] n Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ☐ a. undislocated; firm, steady; imperish able, immortal.

অছি [ achi ] n a guardian, a custodian; a trustee; an administrator.

অছিয়তনামা [ achiẏatanāmā ] n written document by which a person makes arrangements for his effects on death, a will.

অছিলা [ achilā ] n a pretext or plea (usu. a false one); an excuse; a pretence.

অজে1 [ ajē1 ] a without birth; existing without being born, self-born. ☐ n. the governing soul of any individual creature (cp. জীবাত্মা).

অজ2 [ aja2 ] n the ram; the billy-goat, (astrol.) the Ram. fem. অজা the ewe; the nanny-goat.

অজ3 [ aja3 ] a (dero.) downright. thorough (অজমুর্খ, অজ পাড়াগাঁ); entire (অজ পুকুরটা). অজ পাড়াগাঁ n. a backward and remote village, a grossly backward village, devoid of modern amenities.

অজগর [ ajagara ] n a python or the boa constrictor.

অজন্ত [ ajanta ] a (gr. of words) ending with a vowel sound. cf. opp. হলন্ত ending with a consonant sound.

অজন্মা [ ajanmā ] n (ori.) spiritual salvation; failure of crops; scarcity. ☐ a. (ori.) existing without being born.

অজপা [ ajapā ] n (fem.) incantations that can be recited without strain (that is 'হং সঃ' etc.); vital breath ('অজপা হতেছে শেষ'); a goddess of the tantrists.

অজবীথি [ ajabīthi ] n (rare) a chariot for gods; the Milky Way, the Galaxy.

অজমূর্খ [ ajamūrkha ] a. n a perfect fool, a perfect dunce.

অজয় [ ajaẏa ] n absence of victory; defeat. ☐ a. unconquerable.

অজর [ ajara ] a not subject to decrepitude; never aging, ageless. ☐ n. a god অজরামর a. never aging or dying; ever young and immortal. অজরামরবত্ a. like one who is ageless and immortal.

অজল-অস্হল [ ajala-ashala ] n (fig.) helpless condition, shelterless state.

অজস্র [ ajasra ] a innumerable; immeasurable; abundant; profuse; ceaseless. ☐ adv. incessantly; always.

অজহল্লিঙ্গ [ ajahalliṅga ] n (gr.) a noun never changing its gender when used as an adjective.

অজাত [ ajāta ] a not yet born; unborn; existing without being born; (dial.) socially de graded, born illegitimately, bastard. ̃শত্রু a. one whose enemy is not yet born; having no enemy. ̃শ্মশ্রু a. one whose beard has not yet grown; beard less; (fig.) not yet grown to manhood; very young, minor.

অজানতে [ ajānatē ] adv unknowingly; uncon sciously; unintentionally; secretly, stealthily, surreptitiously.

অজানা [ ajānā ] a unknown; unfamiliar; strange. ☐ n. an unknown person or place ('কত অজানারে', 'কোন অজানায়'

অজানিত [ ajānita ] a unknown. ̃ভাবে adv. unknow ingly, unwittingly; unawares.

অজিজ্ঞাসিত [ ajijñāsita ] a unasked; without being questioned.

অভিজ্ঞাস্য [ abhijñāsya ] a not to be asked or inquired.

অজিত [ ajita ] a unconquered, undefeated; unsubjugated.

অজিতেন্দ্রিয় [ ajitēndriẏa ] a (lit.) having no control over one's senses; of unbridled lust, lascivi ous.

অজিন [ ajina ] n deer-skin; hide.

অজিহ্ব [ ajihba ] a having no tongue, tongueless. ☐ n. a frog.

অজীবজনি [ ajībajani ] n abiogenesis, spontaneous generation.

অজীর্ণ [ ajīrṇa ] a undigested. ☐ n. indigestion; dyspepsia.

অজু [ aju ] n (Mus.) act of washing hands and feet before prayer; ablution.

অজুরদার [ ajuradāra ] n a labourer; a day-labourer.

অজুরা [ ajurā ] n salary; wages for labour, esp. day-labour.

অজুহাত [ ajuhāta ] n a cause (usu. a false one); a pretext, a pretence, a plea.

অজেয়, অজেতব্য [ ajēẏa, ajētabya ] a unconquerable, invin cible; indomitable.

অজৈব [ ajaiba ] a inorganic (অজৈব খাদ্য, অজৈব রসায়ন); mineral (অজৈব লবণ, অজৈব সার).

অজ্ঞ [ ajña ] a having no knowledge, unknow ing, ignorant, uninformed; stupid; fool ish; uneducated. ̃তা n. lack of knowl edge, ignorance; stupidity; foolishness; want of education. ̃তামূলক, ̃তাপ্রসূত a. caused by ignorance; relating to igno rance.

অজ্ঞাত [ ajñāta ] a unknown; unpublished, unrevealed; secret, hidden; obscure; mysterious. ̃কূলশীল a. one whose fam ily and behaviour are unknown; of un known identity. ̃নামা a. one whose name is not known; (of persons) not famous, obscure. ̃পরিচয় a. one whose identity is not known. ̃পূর্ব a. not known before; hitherto unknown. ̃বাস n. act or period of living incognito. ̃রাশি n. (math.) an unknown quantity. ̃সারে, অজ্ঞাতে adv. not to one's knowl edge, unknowingly; secretly, stealthily.

অজ্ঞান [ ajñāna ] a lacking in knowledge; ignorant; foolish; uneducated; unconscious, fainted; infatuated. ☐ n. lack of knowl edge; ignorance; (phil.) illusion, maya. ̃কৃত a. done by mistake or owing to ignorance. ̃জনিত a. caused by igno rance, owing to ignorance. ̃তা n. lack of knowledge, ignorance. ̃তিমির n. gloom of ignorance, infatuated condi tion. ̃বাদ, অজ্ঞাবাদ n. (phil.) agnosti cism. ̃বাদী, অজ্ঞাবাদী a. agnostic. ☐ n. an agnostic. অজ্ঞানী a. unwise; lacking in knowledge, ignorant. অজ্ঞানে adv. un knowingly; unconsciously; owing to ignorance or foolishness.

অজ্ঞাপন [ ajñāpana ] n lack or absence of communi cation.

অজ্ঞাপনীয় [ ajñāpanīẏa ] a not to be communicated; not to be made public, secret.

অজ্ঞেয় [ ajñēẏa ] a unknowable; unintelligible; incognizable; incomprehensible.

অঞ্চল [ añcala ] a the marginal portion of a sari hanging loosely; border, brim ('নয়নক অঞ্চল'); a region or locality (মেরু অঞ্চল). ̃নিধি n. (lit.) dear one clinging to the border of the mother's sari; dear one (usu) very dear child. ̃প্রভাব n. domi nation of wife; influence of the harem.

অঞ্চিত [ añcita ] a worshipped (বিরিঞ্চিঅঞ্চিত); raised (রোমাঞ্চিত).

অঞ্জন [ añjana ] n an eye-salve; collyrium; anti mony; lamp-black; a sty.

অঞ্জনিকা, অঞ্জনি [ añjanikā, añjani ] n inflamed swelling on the edge of the eyelid, a sty.

অঞ্জলি [ añjali ] n palms of hands folded or cupped together; a present given (esp. to deities) with cupped palms; act of worshipping or serving ('দেবগণ যারে করেন অঞ্জলি'); the amount that may be held in cupped palms, a handful. অঞ্জলি দেওয়া v. to offer a present to a deity with folded palms. ̃পুট n. palms of hands cupped together. ̃বদ্ধ a. having palms of hands folded or cupped to gehter. ̃বন্ধ n. act of folding or cup ping the palms of hands.

অঞ্জিষ্ণু [ añjiṣṇu ] n the sun; an exceptionally bright object.

অটবী, অটবি [ aṭabī, aṭabi ] n a forest; (loos.) a large tree.

অটল [ aṭala ] a (lit.) not reeling; unwavering, un flinching; firm, steady; unmoved; unshaken, constant; unperturbed; stolid, resolute. ̃তা n. firmness, steadiness; stolidness; constancy. ̃ভাবে adv. unwaveringly, firmly, reso lutely, steadily.

অটুট [ aṭuṭa ] a unbroken; intact, whole; unim paired, sound (অটুট স্বাস্হ্য); flawless.

অট্ট [ aṭṭa ] a excessive or loud. অট্ট-অট্ট n. a very loud or roaring laughter. ☐ a. loud and horrible. ̃নাদ, ̃নিনাদ, ̃রব, ̃রোল n. a very loud noise; an uproar. ̃হাস, ̃হাসি, ̃হাস্য n. a very loud or roaring laughter.

অট্টালিকা [ aṭṭālikā ] n a building; a palace; an edi fice.

অড়হর [ aḍ়hara ] n a kind of pulse, a variety of pi geon-pea.

অঢেল [ aḍhēla ] a plentiful, immense; profuse; in numerable; inexhaustible.

অণিমা [ aṇimā ] n tenuity, subtlety, extreme thin ness or fineness or transparency (which is almost invisible); the supernal power of assuming an ex tremely thin (and almost invisible) form by means of which gods and demi-gods can move everywhere in visibly.

অণু [ aṇu ] a very small, minute (অণু পরিমাণ); a little, a bit ☐ n. the subtlest or smallest part of anything; just a little amount or portion; a molecule. ̃বীক্ষণ n. a micro scope. ̃ভা n. a lightning. ̃মঞ্জরি n. (bot.) spikelet. ̃মাত্র a. just a little; in finitesimal; least (অণুমাত্র সন্দেহ).

অন্ড [ anḍa ] n egg; either of the two scrotal glands, a testicle; anything round or oval-shaped. ̃কোষ n. the scrotum. ̃কোষ বৃদ্ধি, ̃বৃদ্ধি n. the swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele. অণ্ডজ a. born of an egg, oviparous. ☐ n. an oviparous crea ture. ̃লালা n. the white of an egg; al bumen. অণ্ডাকার, অণ্ডাকৃতি a. egg-shaped, oval; round. অণ্ডাশয় n. the ovary of any oviparous creature.

অত [ ata ] a & adv so much or so many; that much. ☐ pro. so or that much amount of anything; such a large number of anything; so much, so many.

অতএব [ atēba ] con. & adv hence, so, therefore.

অতঃপর [ atḥpara ] adv henceforth, henceforward, after this, hereafter, then.

অতট [ ataṭa ] n a precipice; a steep bank of a river rising very high above the water-level.

অতথ্য, অতথা [ atathya, atathā ] a untrue, false.

অতনু [ atanu ] a not slender or delicate; gigantic; bodiless, incorporeal. ☐ n. Madan (মদন), the Hindu god of love.

অতন্দ্র, অতন্দ্রিত [ atandra, atandrita ] a sleepless; not sleeping, awake; watchful, vigilant, alert; con tinually active; untiring; incessant.

অতর্ক [ atarka ] n unfair or useless argument, sophistry; casuistry.

অতর্কিত [ atarkita ] a unthought of; unanticipated, unnoticed, unexpected. অতর্কিত আক্রমণ sudden or surprise attack. ̃ভাবে, অতর্কিতে adv. in an unguarded state; suddenly; unawares, unexpectedly.

অতল [ atala ] n (myth.) the first of the seven un derworlds. ☐ a. bottomless, abysmal; unfathomable; extremely deep. ̃স্পর্শ a. abysmal; unfathomable; extremely deep.

অতলান্তিক [ atalāntika ] n the Atlantic Ocean.

অতশত [ ataśata ] n so many varieties; so many different things or subjects or details, so much of it, all of it, ☐ a. so varied; so many; so much.

অতসী [ atasī ] n a variety of golden-coloured flower, rattle wort; linseed; flax.

অতি [ ati ] adv. & prep too; over; beyond; im properly; going beyond; excessively; beyond the compass or range (of), out side. ☐ a. very improper or unbecom ing; excessive; excellent (অতি নাগর). ☐ n. an improper or excessive amount (কিছুরই অতি ভালো নয়) ☐ pfx. ex-, extra-, hyper-, out-, over-, super-, sur-, trans-, ultra-. ̃কথা n. exaggerated or useless talk; a myth. ̃কায় a. of immense size; gigantic. ̃কোমল a. too soft, too tender; very tender or soft. ̃চার n. quick passage (from one place to another); passage or forward movement of a planet from one zodiacal sign to another in a shorter period than usual. ̃চালাক a. over-clever, too clever by half; oversmart. ̃চালাকের গলায় দড়ি an over-clever person hangs himself; the fox must pay his skin to the furrier. ̃জন n. the majority. ̃তপ্ত a. super heated. ̃তর a. very much excessive. ̃দর্প n. excessive pride or vanity. ̃দর্পে হতা (বা হত) লন্কা (lit.) the fall of Lanka was caused by (King Ravana's) exces sive vanity; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃নাটকীয় a. melodramatic; unneces sarily over-dramatic. ̃নাটকীয়তা n. melodrama. ̃দূর a. far-away; remote. ☐ n. a great distance. ̃দৈন্য n. utmost poverty. ̃নৈতিকতা n. puritanism, rigid adherence to moral principle or behaviour. ̃পাতক n. any of the most heinous sins, a deadly sin. ̃পাতকী n. a great sinner. ̃পান n. (habitual) over indulgence in intoxicating liquor, in temperance. ̃প্রজতা n. overpopulation. ̃প্রাকৃত a. supernatural; supernal. ̃বড় a. too big; too much. ̃বল a. extremely strong or mighty. ̃বাড় n. overgrowth; unnatural growth or development; ex cessive haughtiness or pride; extreme immoderation or excess. ̃বাড় বাড়া v. to grow extremely haughty or arrogant. অতিবাড় বেড়ো নাকো ঝড়ে প়ড়ে যাবে (lit.) don't grow too high lest a storm makes you tumble down; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃বাদ n. exaggeration. ̃বুদ্ধি same as অতিচালাক । ̃বৃদ্ধ a. very old; decrepit. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. overgrowth. ̃বৃষ্টি n. excessive or heavy rainfall. ̃বেগনি, ̃বেগুনি a. ultraviolet. ̃ব্যয় n. extrava gance. ̃ব্যস্ত a. (usu. dero.) very busy; very anxious; fussy. ̃ভক্তি n. excessive devotion or reverence (usu. insincere). অতিভক্তি চোরের লক্ষণ too much courtesy, too much craft. ̃ভুজ a. (geom.) a hy potenuse. ̃ভোজন n. over-eating, sur feit; gluttony. অতিভোজন করা v. to over eat; to gourmandize, to gormandise. ̃ভোজী a. voracious, gourmand. ☐ n. a gourmand, a glutton. ̃মন্দা n. (comm.) slump. ̃মাত্র, ̃মাত্রায় adv. beyond mea sure; extremely. ̃মান n. excessive vanity. ̃মানব n. a great man or a man of exceptional uqalities and powers, a superman; a greatly wise man. ̃মানবিক, ̃মানুষিক a. superhuman; su pernal; spiritual; divine. ̃রঞ্জন n. exag geration. ̃রঞ্জিত a. exaggerated. ̃রথ n. a great warrior capable of fighting in numerable enemies simultaneously. ̃রাষ্ট্রিক a. extra-territorial. ̃লোভ n. too much greed, overgreediness.

অতিক্রম, অতিক্রমণ [ atikrama, atikramaṇa ] n going beyond; pass ing over; crossing; transgression; non observance, violation; excelling or ex ceeding, surpassing or going beyond. অতিক্রম করা v. to go beyond; to pass over; to transgress; to exceed; to excel; to surpass or outdo. অতিক্রমণীয়, অতিক্রম্য a. that which can be or is to be passed beyond or crossed or transgressed or overcome; violable; surpassable.

অতিক্রান্ত [ atikrānta ] a passed beyond; crossed; trans gressed; violated; surpassed, outdone; passed away, elapsed; past (অতিক্রান্ত দিন). অতিক্রান্ত হওয়া v. to be passed be yond or transgressed or violated or overcome or surpassed or outdone; to pass away, to elapse.

অতিথি [ atithi ] n a guest. ̃বত্সল a. hospitable. ̃শালা n. a guest-house. ̃সত্কার, ̃সেবা n. hospitality. ̃সেবক n. a hospitable man; a host.

অতিপত্তি [ atipatti ] n lapse.

অতিপন্ন [ atipanna ] a lapsed. অতিপন্ন হওয়া v. to lapse.

অতিপাত [ atipāta ] n passing; spending. অতিপাত করা v. to spend or pass (time, life, term etc.)

অতিবাহন [ atibāhana ] n spending or passing (time, life, term etc.) অতিবাহন করা v. to spend or pass.

অতিবাহিত [ atibāhita ] a (of time, life, term etc.) spent. অতিবাহিত করা v. to spend or pass.

অতিরিক্ত [ atirikta ] a more than what is needed, re dundant; supernumerary; supereroga tory; additional; surplus; extra, super fluous; excessive; exceeding (তদতিরিক্ত কিছু); (bot.) accessory.

অতিরেক [ atirēka ] n abundance; superfluity; excess; surplus.

অতিরোমশ [ atirōmaśa ] a (zool.) villose; very hairy.

অতিশয় [ atiśaẏa ] a too many or too much; great, excessive (অতিশয় তাপ); large (অতিশয় ভিড়). ☐ adv. very; exceedingly, exces sively. অতিশয়োক্তি n. (rhet.) a figure of speech, hyperbole; exaggeration.