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অত্যুচ্চ [ atyucca ] a too high, very high.

অত্যুজ্জ্বল [ atyujjbala ] a extremely bright or radiant or shining; extremely brilliant (অত্যুজ্জ্বলচরিত্র).

অত্যুত্কট [ atyutkaṭa ] a most severe or terrible; ex tremely violent; most uncouth; bizarre.

অত্যুত্কৃষ্ট, অত্যুত্তম [ atyutkṛṣṭa, atyuttama ] a superexcellent; ex quisite.

অত্যুত্পাদন [ atyutpādana ] n (of agricultural produces and factory products) over-production.

অত্যুষ্ণ [ atyuṣṇa ] a very hot, too hot; excessively heated.

অত্র [ atra ] adv in or to or of this place, here. ̃ত্য, ̃স্হ a. of this place.

অথ [ atha ] adv thereafter, then.

অথই [ athi ] a unfathomable, bottomless, very deep.

অথচ [ athaca ] con & adv yet, still; notwithstand ing, nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of, even then; (usually) but.

অথবা [ athabā ] con or.

অথর্ব [ atharba ] n the last of the four Vedas. ☐ a. weak and infirm (esp. with age), de prived of the power of movement (esp. owing to age); decrepit; disabled.

অথান্তর [ athāntara ] n (lit.) change of fortune for the worse; distress, worry, anxiety; danger or hazard; difficulty.

অদক্ষ [ adakṣa ] a unskilled; inexpert. ̃তা n. lack of skill, unskilfulness. ̃শ্রমিক an un skilled labour or worker.

অদগ্ধ [ adagdha ] a unburnt, not consumed by fire.

অদণ্ডনীয় [ adaṇḍanīẏa ] a not to be punished; unpunishable.

অদত্ত [ adatta ] a not given, undisbursed.

অদন [ adana ] n eating; any edible article; food.

অদন্ত [ adanta ] a toothless, edentate.

অদমনীয়, অদম্য [ adamanīẏa, adamya ] a indomitable, unyield ing; pertinacious; unconquerable; tur bulent.

অদমিত [ adamita ] a unresisted; unrepressed; unde feated; unsubdued.

অদরকারি [ adarakāri ] a unnecessary; unimportant; in essential; dispensable.

অদর্শন [ adarśana ] n invisibility; absence from the range of sight; disappearance. অদর্শন হওয়া. v. to go out of sight; to become invisible; to disappear.

অদলবদল [ adalabadala ] n interchange; alternation; ex change; mutual transfer; modification. অদলবদল করা v. to interchange; to alter; to exchange; to transfer mutually; to modify.

অদহনীয়, অদাহ্য [ adahanīẏa, adāhya ] a incombustible. অদহনীয়তা, অদাহ্যতা n. incombustibility.

অদিতি [ aditi ] n (myth.) the mother of gods. ̃নন্দন n. a son of Aditi; a god.

অদিন [ adina ] n an inauspicious day; hard times, difficult days. অদিনে পড়া to fall on evil times or days.

অদীক্ষিত [ adīkṣita ] a unconsecrated; uninitiated.

অদীপ [ adīpa ] a when or where lamps have not yet been lighted (অদীপ সন্ধ্যা); without light; dark.

অদূর [ adūra ] a not distant, not far; near, close, yonder. ̃দর্শিতা. n. absence or lack of foresight; imprudence. ̃দর্শী a. bereft of foresight; imprudent. fem. ̃দর্শিনী i ̃বর্তিতা n. state of being not at a dis tance; nearness, proximity. ̃বর্তী a. not in a distant position; proximate; near, yonder. fem. ̃বর্তিনী, ̃বদ্ধ a. having a short or limited range. ̃বদ্ধ দৃষ্টি. short-sightedness. ̃ভবিষ্যত্ n. near future. ̃স্হ same as ̃বর্তী । অদূরে adv. not far; near, close by.

অদূষিত [ adūṣita ] a not corrupted; not defiled; (of water, air, etc.) not polluted.

অদৃঢ় [ adṛḍh় ] a not firm or strong; not steady; wavering; loose. ̃তা n. infirmity, un steadiness; looseness.

অদৃশ্য [ adṛśya ] a invisible; imperceptible. অদৃশ্য হওয়া v. to go out of sight; to disappear or vanish; to become invisible or im perceptible.

অদৃষ্ট [ adṛṣṭa ] a not seen, unseen. ☐ n. fate, luck, fortune; destiny. ̃ক্রমে adv. as ordained by destiny; as luck would have it; by chance; fortunately. ̃দোষে adv. unluck ily, unfortunately, as bad luck would have it. ̃পরীক্ষা n. act of telling or learning one's fortune by means of divination, palmistry, etc., act of trying one's luck (esp. in a game of chance) অদৃষ্ট পরীক্ষা করা v. to tell one's fortune. to try one's luck. অদৃষ্ট পরীক্ষা করানো v. to have one's fortune told. ̃পুরুষ n. masc. Destiny; God. ̃পূর্ব a. not seen before; novel, new. ̃বশত adv. as luck would have it; by chance. ̃বাদ n. fatalism. ̃বাদী n. a fatalist. ☐ a. fatalistic. ̃লিপি n. the unseen writing of one's fate; one's destiny. অদৃষ্টের পরিহাস irony of fate.

অদেখা [ adēkhā ] a unseen.

অদেয় [ adēẏa ] a incapable of being given, un offerable, that which cannot be given.

অদ্বয় [ adbaẏa ] n Brahma (ব্রহ্ম); Buddha. ☐ a. having no second or parallel, absolute. ̃বাদ n. monism; Buddhism. ̃বাদী n. a monist; a Buddhist. ☐ a. monistic; Buddhistic.

অদ্বিতীয় [ adbitīẏa ] a having no second or parallel; absolute; matchless; singular, unique; supreme.

অদ্বৈত [ adbaita ] a (theo.) having no second or di versity, monistical; unitarian, nondual, absolute. ☐ n. Brahma (ব্রক্ষ্ম); God. ̃বাদ n. non-dualism, monism, mono theism, unitarianism. ̃বাদী n. a nondualist, a monist, a monotheist, a unitarian.

অদ্ভুত [ adbhuta ] a strange, queer, quaint, odd; un couth; extraordinary; astonishing. ☐ n. (rhet.) a description that strikes the reader with its extraordinary strange ness or queerness (also অদ্ভুতরস). ̃কর্মা a. endowed with extraordinary capa bilities; one who is capable of per forming miraculous deeds. ̃দর্শন a. odd-looking.

অদ্য [ adya ] n & adv today. অদ্যাকার, অদ্যতন a. of today, today's. অদ্যভক্ষ্যোধনুর্গণঃ n. (fig.) over-optimistic calculation; (inc. but pop.) state of having nothing to eat to day, abject poverty. অদ্যাপি adv. even today; even now; even at present; as yet. অদ্যাবধি adv. from today; hereafter; till today; till now.

অদ্রব [ adraba ] a insoluble, undissolved.

অদ্রাব্য [ adrābya ] a insoluble.

অদ্রিজ [ adrija ] a born of or produced from a mountain. ☐ n. bitumen; red ochre.

অদ্রিশৃঙ্গ [ adriśṛṅga ] n the peak or summit of a mountain.

অদ্রিসার [ adrisāra ] n iron.

অদ্রোহ [ adrōha ] n absence of malignity or malice or envy; amicability; absence of quar rel.

অধঃ [ adhḥ ] adv. & prep down, below, beneath, under; in or to the underworld. ̃কৃত. a. cast or thrown downwards; felled; van quished, defeated; lowered. ̃ক্রম n. de scending order. ̃ক্ষিপ্ত thrown down, cast or hurled down. ̃পতন, ̃পাত, n. falling down; downfall; degradation; degeneration; moral downfall; aban doned state. ̃পতিত a. fallen down; downfallen; degraded; degenerated; morally degenerate, abandoned. অধঃপাতে যাওয়া v. to be ruined morally or otherwise, to go to the dogs, to reach a state of ruin. ̃স্হ a. lying or situated or placed under; lower; subor dinate.

অধম [ adhama ] a lowest; inferior; vile; mean; des picable, abominable, hateful; insignifi cant; worthless (অধম ভক্ত). অধমর্ণ n. a debtor. অধমাঙ্গ n. the part of the body from the waist downwards; (usu.) the foot or the leg. অধমাধম a. worse than the worst; vilest of the vile; most insig nificant or worthless.

অধর [ adhara ] n (ori.) the lower lip; (loos.) any of the two lips or both the lips. ̃কোণ n. the corner of the lips. ̃দল n. (bot.) a labellum. ̃পল্লব n. a lip or lips as ten der as tree-leaves. ̃প্রান্ত the end or ex tremity of the lips. অধরমধু পান, অধরসুধা পান n. (lit.) act of kissing greedily. অধরমধু বা অধরসুধা পান করা v. to kiss greedily.

অধরা [ adharā ] a incapable of being caught hold of; intangible; elusive. অধরা মাধুরী elu sive charm or beauty.

অধরিক [ adharika ] a inferior. অধরিক কৃত্যক inferior service.

অধরোষ্ঠ [ adharōṣṭha ] n upper and lower lips, lips.

অধর্ম [ adharma ] n any act in contravention of scrip tural or moral laws; a sinful act, a sin; irreligiousness; an unrighteous act; unrighteousness. ☐ a. sinful; unrigh teous. অধর্ম করা to do or commit an unrighteous or sinful act, to do an im moral act. ̃চারী, অধর্মাচারী a. irreligious; ungodly. ̃পরায়ণ a. unrighteous; sinful. অধর্মাচরণ n. committing sins; sinful practice; unrighteous practice. অধর্মী a. sinful; unrighteous; unreligious; impi ous; (loos.) treacherous.

অধস্তক [ adhastaka ] n hypodermis.

অধস্তন [ adhastana ] a lying or situated or placed un der; born or grown on a lower stratum; lower; inferior; lower subordinate (অধস্তন কর্মচারী) । অধস্তন পুরুষ n. a later generation; posterity.

অধাতু [ adhātu ] n non-metal. অধাতব a. non-metal lic.

অধার্মিক [ adhārmika ] a irreligious; impious; unrigh teous; sinful; vicious. ̃তা n. irreligiousness; immorality; impiety; unrighteousness. sinfulness.

অধি [ adhi ] pfx used in the senses of above, on, over, upon, higher, greater, more, superior, ruling, dominating, etc. over-, super-, sur-, ad-, etc.

অধিক [ adhika ] a many, much; more; exceeding, more than (পাঁচের অধিক); additional; superfluous, too many, too much. compar. ̃তর; super. ̃তম i ̃ন্তু con. & adv. moreover; over and above; fur ther, besides, in addition.

অধিকম্প [ adhikampa ] n a beat or beating (নাড়ির অধিকম্প).

অধিকর [ adhikara ] n super-tax.

অধিকরণ [ adhikaraṇa ] n anything that holds or contains; a container; a place; a vehicle or medium; proximity; a court of justice (ধর্মাধিকরণ); domination; possession or occupation; (gr.) the locative case.

অধিকর্তা [ adhikartā ] n director in charge of a (government) department.

অধিকল্প [ adhikalpa ] n an era.

অধিকাংশ [ adhikāṃśa ] a almost all, most; greater num ber or portion of. অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে বা স্হলে in most cases, mostly.

অধিকার [ adhikāra ] n ownership; possession, occu pation; right, title; claim; domination, control; overlordship; authority; expe rience, knowledge (গণিতশাস্ত্রে অধিকার); jurisdiction; a public directorate (শিক্ষাধিকার); ablity, competency or claim (রাজ্যশাসনে অধিকার). অধিকার করা. v. to occupy, to possess. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. juris diction. ̃গত a. in one's possession; concerning one's possession or rights or claim or office; titular. ̃চ্যুত, ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. dispossessed. অধিকারী a. having owner ship or right or claim or title or posses sion or competency or authority. ☐ n. an owner, a proprietor (who is also the motion-master) of an opera-party, orchestra-party, etc. (যাত্রাদলের অধিকারী); any venerable person of the Vaishnava (বৈষ্ণব) community. অধিকারী হওয়া v. be entitled to. অধিকারিণী a. fem. of অধিকারী n. a proprietress, a mistress.

অধিকৃত [ adhikṛta ] a that which has been taken pos session of; occupied, possessed; brought under control; obtained.

অধিকেশ [ adhikēśa ] n periwig.

অধিকোষ [ adhikōṣa ] n a banking establishment, a bank. ̃স্হিতি n. bank balance.

অধিক্রমণ [ adhikramaṇa ] n act of overlapping.

অধিক্ষিপ্ত [ adhikṣipta ] a rebuked, scolded, reproached; ignored; neglected; censured; placed; thrown.

অধিক্ষেপ [ adhikṣēpa ] n rebuke, reproach, scolding; neglect; censure; placing.

অধিগত [ adhigata ] a attained, obtained, acquired, earned; learned, known; studied; brought under control, mastered.

অধিগম্য [ adhigamya ] a accessible, attainable, acquir able; capable of being learnt or known, knowable, comprehensible; capable of being studied; capable of being mas tered. অধিগম, অধিগমন n. attainment; acquisition of knowledge, comprehen sion.

অধিচাপ [ adhicāpa ] n (geom.) a major arc.

অধিজন [ adhijana ] n the majority. অধিজন-প্রতিবেদন n. the majority report. অধিজন-সম্প্রদায় n. the majority community.

অধিজনন [ adhijanana ] n birth; procreation; produc tion.

অধিত্বক [ adhitbaka ] n (zool.) exodermis; the outer most layer of an animal's skin.

অধিত্যকা [ adhityakā ] n a plateau, a tableland.

অধিদেব, অধিদেবতা, অধিদৈবত [ adhidēba, adhidēbatā, adhidaibata ] n a guardian deity, a presiding or controlling deity.