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অনুসূচি, অনুসূচী [ anusūci, anusūcī ] n a schedule.

অনুসূর [ anusūra ] n (astr.) perihelion.

অনুসৃত [ anusṛta ] a followed, pursued; succeeded; imitated; succeeded by another in simi lar shape or appearance or with similar behaviour or qualities. অনুসৃতি n. fol lowing, pursuit, pursuance; succession; imitation; succession in similar shape or appearance or with similar behaviour or qualities.

অনুস্বর, অনুস্বার [ anusbara, anusbāra ] n one of the nasal sounds or the letter representing it ().

অনুস্মরণ [ anusmaraṇa ] n recollection. অনুস্মরণ করা v. to recollect.

অনুস্মারক [ anusmāraka ] n a reminder; a memento.

অনুস্মৃতি [ anusmṛti ] n recollection; that which is rec ollected.

অনুস্যূত [ anusyūta ] a ever attached, attached insepa rably; sewn or strewn together.

অনুস্রবণ [ anusrabaṇa ] n (chem.) percolation.

অনূক [ anūka ] n (anat.) urinal bladder.

অনূঢ় [ anūḍh় ] a unmarried. fem. অনূঢ়া ।

অনূদিত [ anūdita ] a (ori. but rare) said or men tioned afterwards; (loos. but pop.) translated.

অনূপ [ anūpa ] n a marsh, a swamp, a bog. অনূপ দেশ marshy land; a country with many rivers, canals etc. flowing through it.

অনূর্ধ্ব [ anūrdhba ] a (of numbers, amount, etc.) not more than, under.

অনৃত [ anṛta ] a untrue, false. ̃বাদিতা n. untruth fulness. ̃বাদী, ̃ভাষী a. untruthful. ☐ n. a liar. fem. ̃বাদিনী, ̃ভাষিণী ।

অনেক [ anēka ] a more than one; many, numer ous; various; much, too much; very much; great; most. ☐ pro. many per sons; many a one; excess. ☐ n. (obs.) the universe ('অনেকের পতি' the lord of the universe). ̃ত্ব n. plurality. ̃ধা adv. & prep. in many ways; in various di rections. ̃প্রকার, ̃বিধ, ̃রূপ a. of nu merous and various kinds or types or sorts; manifold. অনেক রাত্রিতে adv. late at night. অনেকাংশে adv. largely, to a great extent; in many respects. অনেকানেক a. numerous and various, mainfold. অনেকে pro. many persons; many a one.

অনৈক্য [ anaikya ] n lack of unity or agreement; dis cord; disagreement; difference (esp. of opinion), dissension; dissimilarity; in consistency, incongruity; (loos.) ani mosity or opposition.

অনৈচ্ছিক [ anaicchika ] a involuntary, compulsory.

অনৈতিক [ anaitika ] a immoral; dissolute. ̃তা n. im morality.

অনৈতিহাসিক [ anaitihāsika ] a unhistoric, unhistorical.

অনৈপুণ্য [ anaipuṇya ] n lack of skill or dexterity or proficiency, incompetence.

অনৈসর্গিক [ anaisargika ] a unnatural; supernatural.

অনৌচিত্য [ anaucitya ] n impropriety; unbecoming ness; indecorousness, inelegance; unjustness.

-অন্ত [ -anta ] sfx to form present participial ad jectives (e. g. ঘুমন্ত  ঘুম্, চলন্ত  চল্).

অন্ত [ anta ] n death, destruction; end; break-up; termination; a terminus; a border or limit (বনান্ত, সীমান্ত); duration or ex panse (পক্ষান্ত); intention or intrinsic nature (অন্ত পাওয়া ভার); depth or bot tom (মনের অন্ত); the life beyond death or the next world ('অন্তে দিও গো পদাশ্রয়'). অন্ত পাওয়া ভার too deep for comprehension; one whose intention or intrinsic nature can hardly be ascer tained; difficult to fathom or gauge.

অন্তঃ [ antḥ ] pfx denoting; the heart, depth, within, inside, etc.

অন্তঃকর্ণ [ antḥkarṇa ] n (anat.) an inner ear.

অন্তঃকেন্দ্র [ antḥkēndra ] n (geom.) in-centre.

অন্তঃকোণ [ antḥkōṇa ] n (geom.) an interior angle.

অন্তঃকোষীয় [ antḥkōṣīẏa ] a intracellular.

অন্তঃপাতী [ antḥpātī ] a lying or situated within; lying in.

অন্তঃপুর [ antḥpura ] n a zenana. a gynaeceum, a harem; the inner portion of a dwelling-house. ̃চারী a. & n. one who keeps to the zenana. fem. ˜চারিণী । ̃রক্ষক n. a guard of the zenana. (cp.) Lord of the bed-chamber. অন্তঃপুরিকা n. a woman who keeps to the zenana. ̃বাসিনী a. fem. keeping constantly to the zenana. mas. ̃বাসী ।

অন্তঃপ্রকোষ্ঠাস্হি [ antḥprakōṣṭhāshi ] n (anat.) an ulna.

অন্তঃপ্রবিষ্ঠ [ antḥprabiṣṭha ] a infused; self-absorbed.

অন্তঃপ্রবেশন [ antḥprabēśana ] n literary interpolation.

অন্তঃশত্রু [ antḥśatru ] a any of the sense-organs (these are regarded as veritable enemies of man); one who is culpable of treason, a quisling; one who is inimical to or rises against (esp. secretly) his own country or party or family; a traitor.

অন্তঃশীল [ antḥśīla ] a lying in the depth or heart of a person or thing; unrevealed; hidden; secret. fem. অন্তঃশীলা ।

অন্তঃশুল্ক [ antḥśulka ] n excise.

অন্তঃশ্বসন, অন্তঃশ্বাস [ antḥśbasana, antḥśbāsa ] n inhalation.

অন্তঃসত্ত্বা [ antḥsattbā ] a. fem pregnant, (coll.) in the family way, enceinte.

অন্তঃসলিল [ antḥsalila ] a containing water within (esp. hidden from the view), fem. অন্তঃসলিলা । অন্তঃসলিলা নদী a. subterra nean river.

অন্তঃসাগরীয় [ antḥsāgarīẏa ] a submarine, undersea.

অন্তঃসার [ antḥsāra ] n essential core or kernel of anything; useful substance of anything.

̃শূন্য [ ̃śūnya ] a having no essential core or useful substance; inane, empty, hol low; insincere (অন্তঃসারশূন্য কথা); worthless, useless.

অন্তঃসীমা [ antḥsīmā ] n inner lines.

অন্তঃস্তর [ antḥstara ] n a substratum (pl. substrata.)

অন্তঃস্হ, অন্তস্হ [ antḥsha, antasha ] a lying within or in-be tween. অন্তঃস্হ বর্ণ য র ল ব হ: any of these letters.

অন্তঃস্রাবী [ antḥsrābī ] a endocrine. অন্তঃস্রাবী গ্রন্হি endo crine gland (also অন্তর্গ্রন্হি).

অন্তক [ antaka ] n Yama (যম) the god of death and Hades. ☐ a. destroying; destructive; causing the end of.

অন্তকাল [ antakāla ] n the time of death or termina tion.

অন্তত, অন্ততপক্ষে [ antata, antatapakṣē ] adv at least.

অন্তর [ antara ] n the heart; the mind; interior, depth; distance; intervening distance; end, termination; limit; difference; contrariety. ☐ a. different; other; inti mate (অন্তরতম) ̃জ্ঞ n. one who knows the mind; God.

অন্তরক [ antaraka ] a (phys.) insulating. ☐ n. an insu lator.

অন্তরকলন [ antarakalana ] n (math.) differential calculus.

অন্তরঙ্গ [ antaraṅga ] a having blood relation or friendship; very intimate, hand in glove. ☐ n. an internal limb or part. ̃তা n. close intimacy.

অন্তরটিপুনি [ antaraṭipuni ] n a secret pinching of the heart of a person which is only known to the pincher and the pinched and no body else, a surreptitious prodding or pinching, blow or thrust.

অন্তরণ [ antaraṇa ] n internment; insulation.

অন্তরস্হ, অন্তরস্হিত [ antarasha, antarashita ] a lying in the depth of one's heart.

অন্তরা [ antarā ] n (mus.) the intermediary part be tween the refrain and the final devel opment of the music of a song.

অন্তরাত্মা [ antarātmā ] n (phil.) the invisible immortal and guiding soul that every individual possesses, the indwelling spirit; the depth of one's heart.

অন্তরায় [ antarāẏa ] n an obstacle, a barrier, a bar, a hindrance, an impediment.

অন্তরায়ণ [ antarāẏaṇa ] n internment. অন্তরায়িত a. in terned.

অন্তরাল [ antarāla ] n a place screened from the view; a hiding; concealment; distance; a point beyond the range of (দৃষ্টির অন্তরালে) ̃বর্তী a. stationed or lying or living behind the screen or in a hiding; hidden from the view. fem. ̃বর্তিনী ।

অন্তরিত [ antarita ] a disappeared, vanished; over cast; (thoroughly) covered; over whelmed, begone; removed, driven away; confined within fixed bounds under government order, interned.

অন্তরিন, অন্তরায়িত [ antarina, antarāẏita ] n an internee. ☐ a. in terned.

অন্তরিন্দ্রিয় [ antarindriẏa ] n the mind.

অন্তরীক্ষ [ antarīkṣa ] n the intervening region be tween any two planets or stars; the sky. ̃চারী a. (capable of or used to) moving or dwelling in the sky; aerial.

অন্তরীপ [ antarīpa ] n (geog.) a cape, a promontory, a headland. উত্তমাশা অন্তরীপ the Cape of Good Hope. কুমারিকা অন্তরীপ Cape Comorin.