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অপর্যাপ্ত [ aparyāpta ] a more than sufficient, exces sive; too much or too many; profuse, plentiful, abundant; (rare) insufficient inadequate.

অপলক [ apalaka ] a (of eyes) unwinking; (of look) steadfast. অপলক চোখে, অপলক দৃষ্টিতে adv. with eyes unwinking; looking steadfastly; with steadfast gaze.

অপলকা [ apalakā ] a extremely brittle or fragile.

অপলাপ [ apalāpa ] n suppression or concealment (তথ্যের অপলাপ); denial (সত্যের বা উক্তির অপলাপ); a false statement, suggestio falsi.

অপশব্দ [ apaśabda ] n a grammatically incorrect word; a corrupt word; an obscene or vulgar word; a cant phrase; vulgar speech.

অপশাসন [ apaśāsana ] n misrule; bad government.

অপশ্রুতি [ apaśruti ] n (gr.) ablaut.

অপসংস্কৃতি [ apasaṃskṛti ] n degenerate culture; per verted or corrupt taste, mentality etc.

অপসরণ [ apasaraṇa ] n leaving for a different place; removal, movement; withdrawal, re treat; going out, exit. অপসরণ করা v. to move to a different place; to move away, to shift, to remove; to with draw, to retreat; to go out; (phys.) to diverge.

অপসারণ [ apasāraṇa ] n taking away to a different place; transfer, removal; withdrawal; dismissal (কর্মচারীর অপসারণ); (phys.) divergence. অপসারণ করা v. to take away to a different place; to shift, to transfer, to remove; to withdraw; to dismiss; to dispel or expel (অন্ধকার অপসারণ করা); (phys.) to diverge. অপসারণ কোণ angle of divergence.

অপসারিত [ apasārita ] a shifted, gone away; removed, transferred; withdrawn; dismissed; dis pelled or expelled. অপসারিত করা same as অপসারণ করা (see অপসারণ). অপসারিত হওয়া v. to move to a different place; to move away; to shift; to remove; to withdraw, to retreat; to go back, to re cede; to go away; to be dispelled or ex pelled; (phys.) to diverge.

অপসারী [ apasārī ] a (phys.) divergent.

অপসিদ্ধান্ত [ apasiddhānta ] n wrong conclusion, fallacious inference.

অপসূর [ apasūra ] n (astr.) aphelion.

অপস্মার [ apasmāra ] n epilepsy.

অপস্রিয়মাণ [ apasriẏamāṇa ] a receding, retreating; with drawing.

অপহত [ apahata ] a killed, slain; murdered; de stroyed; perished.

অপহন্তা [ apahantā ] n a killer, a slayer; a murderer; a destroyer.

অপহরণ [ apaharaṇa ] n stealing, theft; pilferage, filch ing; plunder, loot; robbery; misappro priation; abduction; carrying off or lift ing. অপহরণ করা v. to steal; to pilfer; to plunder, to loot; to rob; to misappropri ate; to abduct; to carry off, to lift.

অপহর্তা [ apahartā ] n a thief; a pilferer; a plunderer; a looter; a robber; one who misappro priates; an abductor; a lifter.

অপহসিত [ apahasita ] a laughed at, ridiculed, mocked at; laughed to scorn; derided.

অপহারক, অপহারী [ apahāraka, apahārī ] a. & n a thief, a robber; one who steals or plunders or robs or abducts or carries off. ☐ a. thievish; plunderous.

অপহাস [ apahāsa ] n derisive or scornful laughter or smile; simper.

অপহৃত [ apahṛta ] a stolen; pilfered; plundered; looted; robbed, snatched; misappropri ated; abducted; carried off, lifted.

অপহ্নব, অপহ্নুতি [ apahnaba, apahnuti ] n concealment (of truth); denial; theft; (rhet.) a figure of speech in which the object of comparison is concealed under the analogy ('এ তো মালা নয় গো, এ যে তোমার তরবারি').

অপাক [ apāka ] n indigestion.

অপাঙ্ক্তেয় [ apāṅktēẏa ] a debarred from dining to gether with the members of one's own caste; socially cast out; outcaste.

অপাঙ্গ [ apāṅga ] n the outer corner of the eye; squint. ̃দৃষ্টি n. a glance from the outer corner of the eye; a side-glance; a sto len glance; an ogling or leering glance.

অপাচ্য [ apācya ] a indigestible; (fig.-of teaching, writing, books etc.) unintelligible.

অপাটব [ apāṭaba ] n lack of skill or dexterity; un gainliness, awkwardness.

অপাঠ্য [ apāṭhya ] a (of books etc.) not suitable for reading; not worth reading; hard-read ing; indecent, obscene.

অপাত্র [ apātra ] n an unfit or undeserving or in competent or improper or base or vile person or thing; a man unfit or not worth consideration for matrimonial alliance.

অপাদান [ apādāna ] n (gr.) the ablative case.

অপান [ apāna ] n the wind of the lower space; the wind that prevails within the lower part of the body; wind that passes through the anus. ̃বায়ু n. wind passed through the anus, fart.

অপাপ [ apāpa ] a sinless; guiltless; ̃বিদ্ধ a. one who or that which has never commit ted any sin; not affected by sin, taint less; not vitiated.

অপাবরণ [ apābaraṇa ] n unveiling or uncovering; opening the door (of).

অপাবৃত [ apābṛta ] a unveiled; uncovered, opened.

অপায় [ apāẏa ] n destruction, ruin; harm, loss; injury; a disaster, a mishap; a hazard, a danger; an impediment, a hin drance.

অপার [ apāra ] a shoreless (অপার সমুদ্র); unlim ited, boundless, endless, vast, im mense.

অপারক [ apāraka ] a incapable, unable.

অপারগ [ apāraga ] a not going or moving to or to wards the coast; incapable, unable.

অপার্থিব [ apārthiba ] a unearthly; preternatural, extramundane, celestial; supernatural.

অপার্যমানে [ apāryamānē ] adv in case of failure owing to inability or incapability.

অপালন [ apālana ] n bad government, maladminis tration, misrule.

অপিচ [ apica ] con moreover, also, besides, in addition, further; on the other hand, conversely.

অপিতৃক [ apitṛka ] a fatherless, one who has lost one's father or is without one's father.

অপিনিহিতি [ apinihiti ] n (phon.) epenthesis.

অপুচ্ছ [ apuccha ] a tailless; anurous.

অপুণ্য [ apuṇya ] n lack of virtue.

অপুত্র, অপুত্রক [ aputra, aputraka ] a sonless; (loos.) childless.

অপুরুষ, অপুরুষোচিত [ apuruṣa, apuruṣōcita ] a unmanly; cowardly.

অপুষ্ট [ apuṣṭa ] a undeveloped; undernourished; lean, thin. অপুষ্টি n. lack of nourishment; malnutrition.

অপুষ্প, অপুষ্পক [ apuṣpa, apuṣpaka ] a unflowering, flower less; (bot.) cryptogamous.

অপুষ্যি [ apuṣyi ] n (coll.) an undesirable or un wanted dependent for maintenance.

অপূত [ apūta ] a not sacred, unhallowed, unsanctified, unholy; defiled, impure.

অপূপ [ apūpa ] n a cake.

অপূরণ [ apūraṇa ] n non-fulfilment; shortage, want.

অপূর্ণ [ apūrṇa ] a not full or filled; imcomplete; imperfect; unfinished; undone, out standing (অপূর্ণ কার্য); ungratified, un fulfilled, unsatisfied (অপূর্ণ বাসনা). ̃তা ̃ত্ব n. incompletion; non-completion; imcompleteness; imperfection; unfin ished state; non-fulfilment.

অপূর্ব [ apūrba ] a that which has no previous exist ence; unprecedented; novel; new and strange; uncommon, unusual; wonder ful; excellent, grand; original. ̃তা n. unprecedentedness; novelty; uncom monness, unusualness; wonderfulness; excellence, originality.

অপেক্ষ [ apēkṣa ] a depending on (মুখাপেক্ষ); condi tional. অপেক্ষ সংখ্যা quorum.

অপেক্ষক [ apēkṣaka ] a waiting, waiting for, awaiting; expectant, anticipant; dependent. ☐ n. (alg.) a function.

অপেক্ষণীয় [ apēkṣaṇīẏa ] a one who or that which is or should be awaited; one who or that which is or should be expected or an ticipated; desirable; desired.

অপেক্ষবাদ [ apēkṣabāda ] n the theory of relativity.

অপেক্ষমাণ [ apēkṣamāṇa ] a in the state of waiting or awaiting.

অপেক্ষা [ apēkṣā ] n await; waiting (for) or tarrying; expectation, expectancy, anticipation (সুদিনের বা সাহায্যলাভের অপেক্ষা); reli ance (দৈবের অপেক্ষা); caring for or de pending on (কারও অপেক্ষা না রাখা). ☐ con. than, of, in comparison to or with. অপেক্ষা করা v. to await; to wait for; to tarry; to expect, to anticipate; to rely on; to care for. ̃কৃত adv. compara tively; relatively.

অপেক্ষিত [ apēkṣita ] a awaited, waited for; expected, anticipated.

অপেক্ষী [ apēkṣī ] a var. of অপেক্ষক (a.)

অপেয় [ apēẏa ] a that which is not fit to drink, un drinkable.