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অসংকুচিত [ asaṅkucita ] a unhesitating; free; open; frank; liberal; not contracted.

অসংকোচ [ asaṅkōca ] a absence of hesitation; open ness; frankness; liberality; absence of contraction. অসংকোচে adv. unhesitatingly; freely; frankly; liber ally.

অসংখ্য, অসংখ্যক [ asaṅkhya, asaṅkhyaka ] a innumerable, number less; countless; infinite. অসংখ্যাত a. un numbered; uncounted. অসংখ্যেয় a. innu merable, countless.

অসংগত [ asaṅgata ] a unreasonable, unjustifiable; ir relevant; incoherent; impertinent; im proper; unjust, unfair. অসংগতি n. unrea sonableness; unjustifiability; irrel evance; incoherence; impertinence; impropriety; unjustness.

অসংনম্য [ asannamya ] a (phys.) incompressible. ̃তা n. incompressibility.

অসংবৃত [ asambṛta ] a not covered, uncovered; di vested of clothing, undressed; bare; one whose garments are about to fall off one's body. fem. অসংবৃতা ।

অসংযত [ asaṃyata ] a unrestrained, unbridled, un controlled; uncontrollable; wild.

অসংযম [ asaṃyama ] n lack of self-control; wanton ness; sensual indulgence, sensualism, incontinence; lack of restraint; intem perance. অসংযমী a. lacking in self-con trol; abandoned; indulging in sensual enjoyment, sensual, incontinent; lack ing in restraint; intemperate.

অসংযুক্ত [ asaṃyukta ] a unattached; disjointed; de tached; disconnected; not united or joined. অসংযুক্ত বর্ণ n. not a conjunct let ter.

অসংযোগ [ asaṃyōga ] n absence of union or connec tion or relation or communication or contact.

অসংলগ্ন [ asaṃlagna ] a disjointed; unconnected, unat tached; detached; incoherent; irrel evant, inconsistent, lambling (অসংলগ্ন বাক্য, অসংলগ্ন বিষয়). ̃তা n. irrelevance, incoherence, inconsistency.

অসংশয় [ asaṃśaẏa ] a undoubting; confident; doubt less. ☐ n. freedom from or absence of doubt; confidence. অসংশয়িত a. un doubted or undoubting; confident; sure. অসংশয়ে adv. without doubt, doubtlessly; confidently; surely.

অসংশোধিত [ asaṃśōdhita ] a unrectified; uncorrected; unamended.

অসংশ্লিষ্ট [ asaṃśliṣṭa ] a unattached; unrelated; uncon cerned.

অসংসক্ত [ asaṃsakta ] a unattached, unconnected, unassociated; separate.

অসংস্কার [ asaṃskāra ] n want of reform, repair or con ditioning.

অসংস্কৃত [ asaṃskṛta ] a unconsecrated; unrefined; vul gar; inelegant; not dressed or tended, loose (অসংস্কৃত কেশপাশ); (of languages etc.) non-Sanskritic. অসংস্কৃত বাক্য a speech in a language other than San skrit; vulgar language; obscene lan guage.

অসংস্হান [ asaṃshāna ] n non-provision.

অসংহত [ asaṃhata ] a not concentrated or united; sporadic; scattered; uncoordinated.

অসকাল [ asakāla ] n inopportune time; end, termi nation; evening, nightfall ('বেলি অসকাল').

অসকৃত্ [ asakṛt ] adv more than once; time and again, again and again; many times.

অসঙ্গ [ asaṅga ] a companionless; unaccompanied; lonely, solitary. ☐ n. solitariness; re nunciation of worldly ties and inter ests; the Supreme Being.

অসচ্চরিত্র [ asaccaritra ] a unchaste; incontinent, licen tious, profligate; immoral. fem. অসচ্চরিত্রা । ̃তা n. unchasteness; inconti nence, licentiousness, profligacy; im morality.

অসচ্ছল [ asacchala ] a financially uneasy; hard-up, ill-off, tight, indigent, poor. ̃তা n. fi nancial uneasiness, hardship or diffi culty; indigence, poverty.

অসজ্জন [ asajjana ] n a dishonest or wicked man; a man lacking in propriety.

অসত্ [ asat ] a dishonest; bad, evil (অসত্ সঙ্গ); wicked; unchaste, immoral; depraved; obscene (অসত্ বাক্য); rude (অসদাচরণ); (phil.) inexistent, non-existent; (phys.) virtual (অসত্ ফোকাস). ☐ n. inexistence, non-existence, virtual nonentity.

অসত্কর্মা [ asatkarmā ] a given to doing wicked or dis honest acts; wrongdoing.

অসত্কৃত [ asatkṛta ] a not accorded cordial recep tion, not treated with hospitality; ne glected, ignored.

অসততা [ asatatā ] n same as অসাধুতা ।

অসত্পথাবলম্বী [ asatpathābalambī ] a one who has taken to evil ways and means; wicked; dishonest.

অসতর্ক [ asatarka ] a inadvertent; careless; un guarded; incautious. ̃তা n. careless ness; unguardedness; lack of caution. অসতর্ক মুহুর্তে adv. in an unguarded mo ment.

অসত্সঙ্গ [ asatsaṅga ] n evil company.

অসতী [ asatī ] a. fem unchaste; unfaithful to one's husband. ☐ n. such a woman.

অসত্তা [ asattā ] n non-existence.

অসত্য [ asatya ] a untrue; false. ☐ n. untruth; falsehood; a lie. ̃বাদী, ̃ভাষী a. un truthful; indulging in telling lies. ̃বাদী বা ̃ভাষী ব্যক্তি an untruthful person, a liar. ̃বাদিতা, ̃ভাষিতা n. act or habit of telling lies; untruthfulness. ̃সন্ধ a. one who does not keep one's promise or word.

অসদ্গ্রাহী [ asadgrāhī ] a one who accepts improper or unlawful gifts; given to accepting un lawful gratification. অসদ্গ্রাহিতা n. ac ceptance of improper or unlawful gifts; practice of accepting unlawful gratifi cation; practice of accepting bribes.

অসদ্বিম্ব [ asadbimba ] n (phys.) a virtual image.

অসদ্বৃত্তি [ asadbṛtti ] n dishonest or evil practice or occupation; bad conduct.

অসদাচরণ [ asadācaraṇa ] n rude behaviour or treatment; wickedness. অসদাচরণ করা v. to behave or treat rudely; to indulge in wicked ness.

অসদাচার [ asadācāra ] n indecent or dishonest or evil practice; wickedness. ☐ a. given to in decent or dishonest or evil practice; in dulging in wickedness. অসদাচারী a. same as অসদাচার (a.).

অসদুদ্দেশ্য [ asaduddēśya ] n bad intentions; evil designs.

অসদুপদেশ [ asadupadēśa ] n mischievous or harmful counsel or advice.

অসদুপায় [ asadupāẏa ] n unfair means.

অসদৃশ [ asadṛśa ] a dissimilar, unlike; incongruous; different; unbecoming, improper.

অসদ্ব্যবহার [ asadbyabahāra ] n discourteous or rude behaviour; ill-treatment; misuse, abuse.

অসদ্ভাব [ asadbhāba ] n inexistence, absence; want of amity, unfriendliness; ill-feeling, bad blood; quarrel.

অসন্তুষ্ট [ asantuṣṭa ] a displeased; dissatisfied; discon tented; ill-disposed; aggrieved. অসন্তুষ্ট করা v. to displease; to dissatisfy; to make discontented or ill-disposed; to aggrieve.

অসন্তুষ্টি, অসন্তোষ [ asantuṣṭi, asantōṣa ] n displeasure; dissatis faction; discontent; ill disposition; aggrieved state; grievance. অসন্তোষজনক a. unsatisfactory; unsatisfied; dissatis fied; displeased.

অসন্দিগ্ধ [ asandigdha ] a unsuspicious, undoubting; un hesitating; doubtless, sure, certain. ̃চরিত্র a. unsuspecting; credulous. ☐ n. a character above suspicion. ̃চিত্তে adv. with mind free from suspicion or doubt or hesitation; unsuspiciously; unhesitatingly.

অসন্দিহান [ asandihāna ] a unsuspicious, not doubting, free from misgivings.

অসন্ধিত [ asandhita ] a not joined or tied (together); disjointed, united; detached; unfer mented.

অসন্নিধান [ asannidhāna ] n distance; absence of proxim ity or nearness.

অসপত্ন [ asapatna ] a one who has no enemy.

অসফল [ asaphala ] a unsuccessful; abortive.

অসবর্ণ [ asabarṇa ] a not belonging to the same caste. অসবর্ণ বিবাহ intercaste marriage.

অসভ্য [ asabhya ] a uncivil, discourteous, uncul tured, unpolished, rude; unsocial; un civilized, wild; aboriginal, primitive. ̃জাতি n. a wild or aboriginal race. ̃তা n. incivility, discourtesy; lack of cul ture or refinement or polish; rudeness; unsocialness; lack of civilization. অসভ্যতা করা, অসভ্য হওয়া v. to behave discourteously or rudely or unculturedly; to behave ill-manneredly or indecorously.

অসম [ asama ] a unequal; dissimilar; incongru ous; different; uneven, rugged, undu lating.