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কজ্জল [ kajjala ] n eye-wash, eye-salve, collyrium; lampblack; cloud; dark cloud.

কজ্জলী [ kajjalī ] n mercurous sulphate (as used in medicine).

কজ্জ্বল [ kajjbala ] n eye-wash, eye-salve, collyrium.

কঞ্চি [ kañci ] n a bamboo twig; a slip of bamboo.

কঞ্চুক, কঞ্চু [ kañcuka, kañcu ] n armour, a coat of mail; a modesty vest, bodice, brassiere; a slough or cast skin of a snake.

কঞ্চুকী [ kañcukī ] n a Brahmin (ব্রাহ্মণ) supervisor of a royal household, (cp.) the Lord of the Bed-chamber; a eunuch guarding a harem; a man in armour; the snake.

কঞ্চুল [ kañcula ] n an ornament for women's breast.

কঞ্চুলিকা, কঞ্চুলী [ kañculikā, kañculī ] n bodice, brassiere, a modesty vest.

কঞ্জুস [ kañjusa ] a niggardly, miserly, close-fisted. ☐ n. a close-fisted man, a niggard, a mi ser. ̃পনা n. miserliness, niggardliness.

কট1 [ kaṭa1 ] int denoting: the sound of cutting or biting a hard thing as a nut. ̃কটানি n. croaking; painful throbbing or drumming; harsh reproaches. কট কট int. denoting: repeated sounds of cut ting or biting a hard thing; a croaking sound; repeated painful throbbing or drumming sound (কান কটকট); a harsh or blunt sound (কটকট করে বলা). কট কট করা v. to throb or drum painfully; to re proach harshly; (chiefly of frogs) to croak. ̃কটে a. giving out the sound as of cutting or biting a hard thing; throb bing or drumming painfully; given to reproaching harshly; croaking; heart rending or blunt (কটকটে কথা); frown ing or terror-striking (কটকটে চাহনি). ̃মট int. expressing: anger, threat, frown (কটমট করে তাকানো). ̃মটে a. an gry, frowning, sinister, terror-striking.

কট2 [ kaṭa2 ] a hypothecated, mortgaged; condi tional, stipulated. ☐ n. a mortgage deed; a deed of conditional sale.

কটক [ kaṭaka ] n an army, armed forces; encamp ment (of an army); tented accommoda tion (esp. of an army); the ridge of a hill; a bangle or an armlet.

কটকবালা [ kaṭakabālā ] n a deed of conditional sale; a mortgage deed.

কটকি [ kaṭaki ] a of or relating to Cuttack in Orissa.

কটকিনা [ kaṭakinā ] n stringency of rule or order; a conditional or periodical lease; resolve, determination, a promise.

কটরকটর, কটরমটর [ kaṭarakaṭara, kaṭaramaṭara ] int denoting: a sound produced whilst munching hard things such as nuts.

কটা2 [ kaṭā2 ] a brownish; having a white com plexion with a tinge of red; tawny; (usu. dero.) fair-complexioned.

কটাক্ষ [ kaṭākṣa ] n a side-glance, a sidelong look, an oblique look; significant or mean ingful look; reflection, insinuation. কটাক্ষ করা v. to cast a side-glance, to look obliquely or askew; to cast a sig nificant or meaningful look; to insinu ate, to reflect on. ̃পাত n. casting a sidelong glance; a sidelong or oblique look; act of casting a significant look; a significant or meaningful look; in sinuation, reflection. ̃পাত করা same as কটাক্ষ করা । কটাক্ষে adv. at or by or with a sidelong or meaningful look; by way of insinuation or reflection; in a mo ment, at once.

কটা-চোখ [ kaṭā-cōkha ] n a brownish eye as of a cat. ☐ a. possessing catlike brownish eyes, cat-eyed.

কটাল [ kaṭāla ] n spring tide; flood-tide. ভরাকটাল n. spring tide; flood-tide. মরাকটাল n. neap tide; ebb-tide.

কটাস্ [ kaṭās ] int denoting: the sound of biting off or cutting off (esp. suddenly) a por tion of a hard thing at one stroke; a snapping sound; an imaginary sound made by an ant when it pricks. কটাস্ কটাস্ int. denoting: repetition of any of these sounds.

কটাসে [ kaṭāsē ] a slightly brownish or tawny.

কটাহ [ kaṭāha ] n a cauldron; a large tumblerlike cooking utensil; a dixie.

কটি2 [ kaṭi2 ] n the waist; the loin; the hip. ̃তট, ̃দেশ same as কটি । ̃ত্র, ̃বন্ধ n. a waistband, a belt, a girdle. ̃ভূষণ n. an ornament worn as a girdle by women. ̃শূল, ̃বাত n. lumbago; sciatica.

কটু [ kaṭu ] a bitter; acrid, pungent (কটুরস); tasting hot (কটু তেল); harsh, acrimoni ous (কটুবাক্য). কটু হয়ে যাওয়া v. to have the taste or flavour spoilt or fouled, to grow or to run rancid. কটু কথা n. same as কটুক্তি । ̃কাটব্য n. pl. bitter re proaches. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. bitterness; pun gency; hot taste; harshness, acrimony. কটু তেল n. mustard oil. ̃ভাষী a. rude or impolite in speech, foul-spoken, foul mouthed.

কটূক্তি [ kaṭūkti ] n a bitter or acrimonious or sharp remark.

কটূত্তর [ kaṭūttara ] n caustic or sharp reply.

কটোরা [ kaṭōrā ] n a goblet.

কট্টর [ kaṭṭara ] a uncompromising; inveterate; ob stinate; bigoted; ultra-conservative.

কঠিন [ kaṭhina ] a hard, firm; stiff; stern, strict; se vere; difficult; cruel, merciless (কঠিন হৃদয়); tremendous, intense; solid (কঠিন পদার্থ); serious (কঠিন রোগ). fem. কঠিনা । ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. hardness, firmness; stiff ness; sternness, strictness, severity; difficulty; cruelty, mercilessness; tre mendousness, intensity; solidity; seri ousness.

কঠিনী, কঠিনিকা [ kaṭhinī, kaṭhinikā ] n chalk.

কঠিনীভূত [ kaṭhinībhūta ] a hardened; stiffened.

কঠোপনিষত্, কঠোপনিষদ্ [ kaṭhōpaniṣat, kaṭhōpaniṣad ] n Katha, the name of one of the major Upanishads.

কঠোর [ kaṭhōra ] a hard; stern, harsh; firm, steady, unflinching; merciless, cruel, heartless (কঠোর শাসক); strict, severe; difficult; in tense; serious (কঠোর ব্যাধি); dull; rough (কঠোর অবয়ব). ̃তা n. hardness; stern ness, harshness; firmness, steadiness; mercilessness, cruelty, heartlessness; strictness, severity; difficulty; intensity; seriousness; dullness; roughness.

কড় [ kaḍ় ] n an iron ring for the wrist to be worn by married women, a lac-brace let.

কড়ক, কড়কচ [ kaḍ়ka, kaḍ়kaca ] n sea salt.

কড়কড় [ kaḍ়kaḍ় ] int denoting: the sound of munching hard or of a loud rumbling noise (as of a clap of thunder); imagi nary sound produced by the stiffening of anything glutinous (ভাত শুকিয়ে কড়কড় করছে). কড়কড়ানি n. any of the aforesaid sounds. কড়কড়ে a. giving out a sound that is caused by the stiffening of anything glutinous; hard and gluti nous.

কড়কানো [ kaḍ়kānō ] v (coll. & inf.) to rebuke, to reprimand; to check, to pull up.

কড়ঙ্গ [ kaḍ়ṅga ] n a beggar's bowl or drinking bowl made of coconut shell.

কড়চা [ kaḍ়cā ] n a chronicle, a biography, a nar rative; an account book containing de tails of rent payable by tenants, a de scriptive rent-roll.

কড়তা [ kaḍ়tā ] n tare.

কড়া1 [ kaḍ়ā1 ] n a metal ring; such a ring affixed to a thing as a handle.

কড়া2 [ kaḍ়ā2 ] n a coin of smallest value (usu. denominated by cowries or small conch-shells), a cowrie, এক কড়া (to the) smallest amount or degree; an iota. ̃কিয়া n. a table for counting cowries from 1 to 1. ̃ক্রান্তি see ক্রান্তি । কড়ায় গণ্ডায় adv. to the last farthing; completely, thoroughly.

কড়া3 [ kaḍ়ā3 ] a hard; stiff; difficult; severe; tre mendous, intense; angry; haughty; harsh, rude (কড়া কথা); strict; rough. ☐ n. a corn on the skin. ̃কড়ি, ̃ক্কড়, ̃ক্কড়ি n. strictness; stringency. কড়া আইন a strict or stringent law কড়া মনিব an ex acting master; a hard or strict task master. কড়া লোক a strict man or disci plinarian.

কড়া4, কড়াই [ kaḍ়ā4, kaḍ়āi ] n a large tumblerlike cook ing utensil, (cp.) a vat.

কড়াত্ [ kaḍ়āt ] int denoting: the sound of the clapping of thunder or fracture of a bone.

কড়ার [ kaḍ়āra ] n a condition, a stipulation; a promise. কড়ারি a. conditional.

কড়ি1 [ kaḍ়i1 ] n a snail-like gastropod resem bling a miniature conch, a cowrie; a cowrie-shell (formerly) used as a coin of the smallest denomination; a coin of the smallest denomination (cp. a stiver); money. কানাকড়ি a coin of the smallest denomination which is useless as a medium of exchange; (fig.) of no value, quite ineffective.

কড়ি2 [ kaḍ়i2 ] n a joist.

কড়ি3 [ kaḍ়i3 ] n (mus.) any of the notes in the natural major scale. (cp. sharp).

কড়িকপালে [ kaḍ়ikapālē ] a lucky in making money, fortunate.

কড়িকাঠ [ kaḍ়ikāṭha ] n a joist.

কড়িমধ্যম [ kaḍ়imadhyama ] n (mus.) a higher variation of the fourth note in the Indian musical gamut; a subdued variation of the fourth note in the natural major scale.

কড়িয়াল1 [ kaḍ়iẏāla1 ] a wealthy, opulent, rich.

কড়িয়াল2, কড়িয়ালি [ kaḍ়iẏāla2, kaḍ়iẏāli ] n a horse's bit.

কড়ুয়া [ kaḍ়uẏā ] a rancid (কড়ুয়া গন্ধ); pungent or hot (কড়ুয়া স্বাদ); strong (কড়ুয়া তামাক); made of mustard. কড়ুয়া তেল mustard oil.

কড়ে [ kaḍ়ē ] a youngest, smallest; little; young. কড়ে আঙুল the little finger (of the hand or foot.) কড়ে রাঁড়ি a woman widowed in childhood or at an early age, a childwidow.

কণা, কণিকা [ kaṇā, kaṇikā ] n a very small or fine par ticle; a grain of dust or powder; a grain of corn. কণাকার a. granular.

কণিকাবাদ [ kaṇikābāda ] n corpuscular theory.

কণ্টক [ kaṇṭaka ] n a thorn; a thistle; the spine of a fish; (fig.) an obstacle (সুখের কণ্টক); disgrace (কুলের কণ্টক); an insignifi cant adversary; a horripilation or goose-flesh. ̃ফল n. the jack-fruit or its tree. ̃ময় a. full of thorns; thorny. ̃যুক্ত a. thorny. ̃লতা n. a thorny creeper. কণ্টকে কণ্টকোদ্ধার করা to set a thief to catch a thief. ̃শয্যা n. a bed of thorns; (fig.) unbearable torment or an guish, extreme discomfort.

কণ্টকাকীর্ণ [ kaṇṭakākīrṇa ] a thorny, strewn with thorns or thistles.

কণ্টকিত [ kaṇṭakita ] a full of thorns, thorny; pricking as thorns, prickly; horripilated.

কণ্টকিফল [ kaṇṭakiphala ] n the jack-fruit or its tree.

কণ্টকী [ kaṇṭakī ] a thorny; prickly. ☐ n. any thorny plant such as dates; a fish with too many (thin) spines or bones.

কণ্টকীফল [ kaṇṭakīphala ] n alt. spell. of কণ্টকিফল ।

কণ্টকোদ্ধার [ kaṇṭakōddhāra ] n extraction of a thorn; re moval of thorns; removal of an ob stacle or difficulty; destruction of an enemy.

কণ্টিকারী [ kaṇṭikārī ] n a prickly nightshade used in medicine.

কন্ঠ [ kanṭha ] n the throat; (bio.) the windpipe; the oesophagus; voice. ̃গত same as কণ্ঠাগত । ̃নালী, ̃নালি n. the windpipe; the oesophagus, the gullet. ̃বদ্ধ a. clinging to the throat. ̃ভূষণ n. lace, chain etc. worn round the neck; (fig.) an object of pride or affection. ̃মণি n. jewel worn at or round the throat; the Adam's apple; (fig.) an object of affec tion or pride. ̃রোধ n. act or an in stance of choking or stifling or throt tling; deprivation of the power of speaking or making any (adverse) comment. ̃রোধ করা v. to choke, to stifle, to throttle; to silence, to gag, to deprive of the power of speaking or making any (adverse) comment. ̃রোধ হওয়া v. to be choked or stifled or throttled; to be deprived of the power of speaking or criticizing (esp. ad versely). ̃লগ্ন, ̃লীন same as কণ্ঠবদ্ধ । ̃সংগীত n. vocal music. ̃স্হ a. of the throat; lying in or at the throat; stored in memory; memorized. ̃স্হ করা v. to commit to memory, to memorize, to learn by heart. ̃স্বর n. voice; tone of voice. ̃হার n. a necklace.

কণ্ঠা [ kaṇṭhā ] n the clavicle, the collarbone.

কণ্ঠাগত [ kaṇṭhāgata ] a that which has come up to the throat; about to get out of the mouth. ̃প্রাণ a. about to breathe one's last; about to die. ̃প্রায় a. that which has come up almost to the throat; about to spill.

কণ্ঠাভরণ [ kaṇṭhābharaṇa ] n an ornament for the throat; a necklace.

কণ্ঠি [ kaṇṭhi ] n a necklace of the twigs of holy basil worn by Vaishnavas. কণ্ঠি ছেঁড়া to cast out a person from the Vaishnava sect. ̃ধারণ n. initiation into Vaishnavism; act of wearing the holy basil-necklace. ̃ধারী a. wearing a holy basil-necklace. ☐ n. a Vaishnava. ̃বদল n. the Vaishnava system of marriage in which the bridegroom and the bride exchange the holy basil-necklaces.

কণ্ঠী [ kaṇṭhī ] n a one-stringed necklace; the holy basil-necklace of Vaishnavas.

কণ্ঠৌষ্ঠ্য [ kaṇṭhauṣṭhya ] a (gr.) both guttural and labial, gutturo-labial.

কণ্ঠ্য [ kaṇṭhya ] a (gr.) guttural. ̃বর্ণ n. (gr.) a gut tural letter, a guttural.

কণ্ডন [ kaṇḍana ] n husking. কণ্ডন করা v. to husk. কণ্ডনী n. a pestle (for husking).

কণ্ডু, কণ্ডূ [ kaṇḍu, kaṇḍū ] n itch, scabies; ringworm; act of scratching as an itch. কণ্ডূতি n. itch, scabies, ringworm; (fig.) eager desire or urge (হস্তকণ্ডূতি). কণ্ডূয়ন n. act of scratching to relieve itching; (fig.) ea ger desire or urge. কণ্ডূয়ন করা v. to scratch. কণ্ডূয়মান a. in the act of scratching where it itches.

কণ্ডোল [ kaṇḍōla ] n a large basket or container for storing grains or cereals.

কত [ kata ] a how much, how many; much, many. ☐ adv. to a great extent, much. ☐ n. a great number or amount (কত এল, কত গেল). ☐ pro. how much or how many of it or them. কত করে at what price (কত করে কিনলে); with much solicitation or entreaty (কত করে বললাম); after or with a great effort (কত করে পাশ করেছি). ̃ক a. some; somewhat. ☐ adv. to some extent; par tially. ☐ pro. some of it or them. ☐ n. some people (দেশের কতক অর্ধাশনে থাকে). কতক কতক to a certain extent; some what; partially. কতকটা a. some. ☐ adv. partially; somewhat. ☐ pro. some of it. ☐ n. some amount. কতক পরিমাণে adv. to some extent; partially. ̃কাল adv. how long; for a long time (কতকাল বসে আছি). ☐ n. a long time. কত কী, কত কিছু various; various things; various and unknown (things); a large number of (things.) ̃ক্ষণ adv. how long; for a long time. ☐ n. a long time. ̃দিন adv. how many days; for many days; for a long time. ☐ n. many days; a long time. কত না adv. countlessly; immea surably. ̃বার adv. how many times; many times. ̃মতো a. of numerous and various kinds. ☐ adv. in numerous and various ways. ̃শত a. countless. ̃হুঁ a. (poet. & obs.) numerous and various.

কত্ [ kat ] n the pointed end of a quill-pen, a nib.

কতল [ katala ] n beheading, decapitation. কতল করা v. to behead, to decapitate.

কতিপয় [ katipaẏa ] a several, some, a number of.

কতেক [ katēka ] a some; several; much; how much. ☐ pro. some, a few of them, a little or a part of it.

কত্থক [ katthaka ] n an Indian classical dance form.

কথক [ kathaka ] n a professional narrator of scrip tural and mythological stories (usu. কথকঠাকুর); a speaker. ̃তা n. profes sional practice of narrating scriptural and mythological stories.

কথঞ্চন, কথঞ্চিত্ [ kathañcana, kathañcit ] adv somehow; (loos.) somewhat. ☐ a. (pop.) a small amount of.

কথন [ kathana ] n act or mode of speaking; utter ance; words spoken; a saying; a state ment; a speech. কথনীয় a. worthy of be ing spoken or told, speakable, utter able; that which is to be spoken or told.

কথা [ kathā ] n a word or words spoken; a say ing; an utterance; a statement; mode of speaking, pronunciation (তার কথা আড়ষ্ঠ); voice (তার কথা শুনতে পেলাম); a dialect (বর্ধমানের কথা); a tale, a story; a chronicle or history (ভারত-কথা); news (গ্রামের কথা); a word (সে নিজের কথা রাখে); an opinion (এ বিষয়ে আমার কথা হল যে); professional narration of scriptural and mythological stories (জমিদার বাড়িতে কথা হবে); a topic, a dis course (এ কথার অবতারণা); conversa tion; speaking terms (তার সঙ্গে আমার কথা নেই); consultation, discussion (ডাক্তারের সঙ্গে কথা হয়েছে); counsel, ad vice; instigation; comparison (তার সঙ্গে কার কথা); an incident, an affair (যে সে কথা নয়); a request (সে আমার কথা রেখেছে); order, direction (ছেলেটা কথা শোনে না); necessity, need, compulsion (এ কাজ করতেই হবে, এমন কথা আছে?); plea (ভুল হলে কোনো কথা শুনব না); a proverb (কথায় বলে). কথা কওয়া v. to speak; to talk. কথা কাটা v. to refute; to protest. কথা দেওয়া v. to give one's word, to promise. কথা চালা v. to tell one's secrets to another; to indulge in scandal-mongering, to talk scandal, to gossip. কথা পাড়া v. to raise a topic; to propose. কথা না থাকা not to be on speaking terms with; not to be prom ised or decided beforehand. কথা রাখা to keep a promise; to be true to one's word. কথায় কথায় in course of conver sation; incidentally during conversa tion, by the by, by the way; whilst talk ing (কথায় কথায় রাত হল). কথায় থাকা to involve oneself in. কথায় না থাকা to have nothing to do with. কথার কথা a word for word's sake; worth serious consideration (এ কি একটা কথার কথা হল ?). কথার খেলাপ breaking a promise. কথার ঝুড়ি (of a person) a chatterbox. কথার ধার sting of words. কথার নড়চড় deviation from one's promise. কথার ফের, কথার মারপ্যাঁচ a sly turn of speech; verbal trickery; jugglery of words; quibble. কথার শ্রাদ্ধ too much or unnec essary talking, words and words. ̃কলি n. Indian dance depicting ancient war tales. কথা কাটাকাটি n. arguments and counter-arguments; bandying of words; altercation; hot exchange. কথা কাটাকাটি করা v. to advance arguments and counter-arguments; to bandy words; to altercate; to be engaged in a hot exchange. কথা চালাচালি n. act of telling one's secrets to another; scan dal-mongering; gossiping. কথা চালাচালি করা same as কথা চালা । ̃চ্ছলে same as কথাপ্রসঙ্গে । ̃ন্তর n. altercation; bandy ing of words; another topic; interval in course of conversation; a breach of promise. ̃প্রসঙ্গ n. conversation, talk; act of raising a topic; a topic; a context. ̃প্রসঙ্গে adv. in course of conversation; incidentally during conversation, by the way. ̃বার্তা n. conversation; a talk; a chat. ̃বার্তা বলা v. to talk; to chat. ̃মতো adv. in keeping with one's words or promise; in obedience to one's order or direction. ̃মাত্র n. mere words (having no genuine worth). ̃মাত্র সার mere words having no genuine worth, words or promises ending in smoke; false promise. ̃মুখ n. a pref ace. ̃রম্ভ n. the beginning of a story or conversation. ̃শিল্প n. creative literary works written in prose such as novels, stories etc. ̃শিল্পী n. an author of prose fiction, stories etc. ̃শেষ n. the end of a story or conversation. ̃সাহিত্য same as কথাশিল্প । ̃সাহিত্যিক same as কথাশিল্পী ।

কথিকা [ kathikā ] n a story in a sketchy shape; a talk.

কথিত [ kathita ] a uttered, pronounced; said, told; narrated, described; mentioned, spoken of কথিত আছে যে it is said that.

কথোপকথন [ kathōpakathana ] n a conversation; a talk, a chat; a dialogue. কথোপকথন করা v. to talk. কথোপকথনের ভাষা colloquial or spoken language.

কথ্য [ kathya ] a worthy of being spoken or told, speakable, utterable; that which is to be spoken or told; colloquial (কথ্য ভাষা).

কদক্ষর [ kadakṣara ] n a letter (of the alphabet) written badly; bad handwriting. ☐ a. (of a let ter) badly written; one who writes a bad hand.

কদন্ন [ kadanna ] n bad food; abominable food; food unfit for human consumption.

কদভ্যাস [ kadabhyāsa ] n a bad habit.

কদম1 [ kadama1 ] n coll. var. of কদম্ব ।

কদম2 [ kadama2 ] n a foot; a leg; a step; (of horses) trot. কদমে চলা v. to trot.

কদমা [ kadamā ] n a round and hard sweetmeat shaped like a kadam (কদম) flower.

কদর [ kadara ] n respect, honour; regard; impor tance; appreciation; cordial reception; value, worth. কদর করা v. to respect, to honour; to have regard for; to attach importance to; to appreciate; to receive cordially; to deem valuable.

কদর্থ [ kadartha ] n a distorted meaning; a misinter pretation; a perverted meaning. কদর্থ করা v. to distort or pervert the meaning (of); to misinterpret. ̃ন, ̃না n. distor tion or perversion of meaning; misin terpretation; censure. কদর্থিত a. having the meaning distorted or perverted; misinterpreted.

কদর্য [ kadarya ] a extremely ugly; detestable; abominable, hateful; base; miserly, niggardly. ̃তা n. extreme ugliness; de testableness, abomination, hatefulness; baseness; miserliness, niggardliness.

কদলী [ kadalī ] n the banana or plantain (fruit or tree).

কদাকার [ kadākāra ] a unshapely, ungainly, ugly looking; deformed.

কদাচ, কদাচন, কদাচিত্ [ kadāca, kadācana, kadācit ] adv at any time, ever; rarely, seldom. কদাচ না never.

কদাচার, কদাচরণ [ kadācāra, kadācaraṇa ] n an abominable habit or practice; malpractice. ☐ a. given to abominable or loathsome habits or practice. কদাচারী same as কদাচার (a.).

কদাপি [ kadāpi ] adv same as কদাচ ।

কদু [ kadu ] n the gourd.

কদুক্তি [ kadukti ] n obscene utterance or words; harsh words; filthy or foul language, abusive words; malicious words.

কদুত্তর [ kaduttara ] n an insolent or impertinent re ply; an ungracious or unseemly an swer; a retort.

কনক [ kanaka ] n gold. ☐ a. in comp. (used as a pfx.) golden, made of gold (কনকমুকুট); auriferous. ̃ক্ষার n. borax. ̃চাঁপা n. a golden-coloured sweet-scented flower or its plant. ̃চূড় n. a variety of paddy. ☐ a. golden-crested (কনকচূড় মুকুট). ̃ধুতুরা n. a species of Datura, its plant or flower. ̃দীপ n. a lamp made of gold, a gold lamp. ̃পুরী n. a city full of architectural works made of gold; a city of gold; (fig.) a beautiful city or dwelling-house. ̃প্রভ a. bright or shin ing as gold. ̃প্রভা n. the lustre of gold. ̃বরণ a. golden-coloured. ̃ময় a. made of gold, full of gold, golden. ̃মুকুট n. a gold crown. ̃রঞ্জিত a. gold gilt. ̃লতা n. a golden creeper, (cp.) golden rod.

কনকন [ kanakana ] int denoting a twinging or painful sensation; smarting; shivering with cold. কনকন করা, কনকনানো v. to twinge; to ache, to smart; to feel smarting pain; to shiver with cold. কনকনানি n. twinge; aching; the bite of cold; shivering caused by cold. কনকনে a. (of pain) twinging, smarting; (of cold) biting or piercing.

কনকাচল [ kanakācala ] n (myth.) a mountain of gold or as bright as gold.

কনকাঞ্জলি [ kanakāñjali ] n a ceremonial gift of gold made at wedding or just before the im mersion of an idol.

কনকানটে [ kanakānaṭē ] n a dark-red variety of edible spinach, the golden spinach.

কনট্রাকটর [ kanaṭrākaṭara ] n a contractor. কনট্রাকটরি n. the profession of a contractor, esp. of a building-contractor; a contract (বাড়ির কনট্রাকটরি তাকে দিয়ো).

কনস্টবল, কনস্টেবল [ kanasṭabala, kanasṭēbala ] n a constable.

কনিষ্ঠ [ kaniṣṭha ] a smallest; youngest; (loos. but pop.) younger (সহদেব কনিষ্ঠ পাণ্ডব). ☐ n. a younger or the youngest brother or son. কনিষ্ঠা a. & n. fem. of কনিষ্ঠ ।n. the little finger or toe.

কনীনিকা [ kanīnikā ] n the apple of the eye, the pupil.

কনীয়ান [ kanīẏāna ] a smaller; younger; (loos.) very small, little, puny. fem. কনীয়সী ।.

কনুই [ kanui ] a the elbow. কনুই দিয়ে গুঁতানো v. to elbow, to jostle.

কনে [ kanē ] n a bride; a virgin of marriageable age; a newly-married wife. ̃বউ n. a newly-married wife; a child-wife; the youngest wife of a family.

কন্ট্রোল [ kanṭrōla ] n control; a shop or place where controlled or specified goods are sold at a scheduled price (কনট্রোলে যাওয়া).

কন্হা [ kanhā ] n a cotton covering made of patch work.

কন্দ [ kanda ] n any of the bulbous or tuberous plants, a bulb or tuber.

কন্দমূল [ kandamūla ] n radish.

কন্দর [ kandara ] n a mountain-cave, a cavern.

কন্দর্প [ kandarpa ] n the name of Hindu love god (cp. Cupid, Eros).

কন্দল1 [ kandala1 ] a bulbous, tuberous.

কন্দল2 [ kandala2 ] n a quarrel, an altercation; a strife, a fight, a war. কন্দলিয়া a. quarrel some; wrangling; shrewish; belliger ent.

কন্দু [ kandu ] n a cooking pan made of iron.

কন্দুক, কন্দূক [ kanduka, kandūka ] n a spherical shot for put ting; a ball for playing with. ̃ক্রীড়া n. a game with a ball; the game of putting the shot.

কন্ধ [ kandha ] n the shoulder; the head; the body; the trunk, torso. ̃কাটা a. headless; truncated. ☐ n. a headless being or spirit.

কন্ধর [ kandhara ] n the throat; the neck; the shoul der.

কন্যকা [ kanyakā ] n a ten year old virgin; a daugh ter.

কন্যা [ kanyā ] n a daughter; a virgin; a marriage able girl; a bride; (astrol.) the Virgo. ̃কর্তা n. (in a wedding) the chief man amongst the bride's people. ̃কাল n. maidenhood. ̃গ্রহণ n. act of taking a girl as wife; act of receiving a girl in marriage in one's family. ̃দান n. act of giving away a girl esp. a daughter in marriage; the ceremony of committing the bride into the hands of the bride groom. ̃দায় n. the responsibility of ar ranging for the marriage of one's daughter; the state of being burdened with a marriageable daughter for whom a husband has not yet been found. ̃দায়গ্রস্ত a. of one who is yet to marry off his daughter, burdened with the responsibility of arranging for the marriage of one's daughter. ̃পক্ষ n. (in a wedding) the bride's people or party. ̃প্রণিধি n. a girl guide. ̃যাত্রী n. a wed ding-guest invited by the bride's people. ̃রাশি n. (astrol.) the Virgo. ̃সম্প্রদান same as কন্যাদান ।

কপ [ kapa ] int expressing : the sound of gulping or swallowing quickly. কপকপ int. expressing : repetition of this sound. কপাকপ adv. with this repeated sound.

কপচানো [ kapacānō ] v (of or like talking birds) to ut ter or reproduce by rote, to say what is hackneyed or stock by rote; to indulge in empty talk in order to parade one's learning; to prattle, to talk bunkum; to cut or shear (চুল কপচানো). কপচানি n. act of roting or prattling.

কপট [ kapaṭa ] n a chicane, a trick; chicanery, trickery; deceit. ☐ a deceitful; hypo critical, feigning, insincere (কপট বন্ধু); dissimulating, assumed (কপট বেশ). ̃তা n. chicanery; deceitfulness; hypocrisy, feigning, insincerity; dissimulation. ̃তাময় same as ̃কপট (a). ̃প্রবন্ধ n. a deceitful trick or design, a chicane, a stratagem. ̃বন্ধু a false friend. ̃বেশ a disguise. ̃বেশী a. disguised. কপটাচরণ, কপটাচার, কপটচারিতা n. chicanery; act of deceiving, deceit; feigning; hypocrisy, insincerity; dissimulation. কপটাচরণ করা v. to chicane, to deceive, to doublecross; to feign; to dissimulate. কপটাচারী, কপটচারী, কপটী a. practising chicanery, tricky; deceitful; hypocriti cal, feigning, insincere; dissimulating; disguising. fem. কপটাচারিণী, কপটচারিণী, কপটিনী । কপটালাপ n. hypocritical or in sincere talk.

কপনি [ kapani ] n a small piece of loincloth worn after the fashion of a suspensor by In dian ascetics; a very small and cheap loincloth.

কপর্দক [ kapardaka ] n a snail-like gastropod resembling a miniature conch, a cowrie; a cowrie-shell used as a coin or medium of exchange of the smallest denomination; a coin of the smallest denomination, (cp.) a stiver. ̃বিহীন, ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. penniless, (coll.) broke; extremely poor.

কপর্দী [ kapardī ] n Lord Shiva (ref. to his ringlets).

কপাট [ kapāṭa ] n a door; a door-panel; a lid; a shutting or concealing device (মনের কপাট). কপাটক n. (anat.) a valve.

কপাটি [ kapāṭi ] n an Indian outdoor game; lock jaw, trismus (usu. দাঁতকপাটি).

কপাল [ kapāla ] n the skull, the cranium; the fore head; a beggar's bowl; a shred of an earthen pitcher. কপাল চাপড়ানো v. to beat one's forehead in despair; to complain bitterly against bad luck. কপাল ঠোকা v. to strike one's forehead against something (in order to express grief, complaint etc.); to try one's luck; to undertake a venture abandoning oneself into the hands of destiny. কপাল পোড়া v. to lose the favour of fortune, to be down on one's luck; (coll.) to be come a widow, (of women) to be wid owed. কপাল ফেরা v. to win the favour of fortune; to improve one's state and position; to begin to flourish; to be on the rise. কপাল ভাঙা same as কপাল পোড়া । কপালের লিখন decree of fate or providence. ̃ক্রমে adv. luckily, fortu nately; by luck; as luck would have it; unfortunately, unluckily (কপালক্রমে সুযোগ হারানো) ̃জোর, জোর কপাল n. good luck, good fortune. ̃গুণে, ̃জোরে adv. by good luck (and esp. by chance). ̃পোড়া a. luckless, down on one's luck, unfortunate. ̃ভৃত্, ̃মালী, কপালী n. appellations of Shiva (শিব) ̃মালিনী, কপালিনী n. fem. appellations of Goddess Kali (কালী) কপালিয়া, কপালে a. fortunate, lucky, favoured by fortune. হায় কপাল int. oh dear! dear me!

কপি1 [ kapi1 ] n the monkey.

কপি2 [ kapi2 ] n cabbage or cauliflower. ওলকপি n. kohlrabi. ফুলকপি n. cauliflower. বাঁধাকপি n. cabbage.

কপি3 [ kapi3 ] n matter for printing; a transcript; a copy. কপি করা v. to transcribe, to make a duplicate of; (by a student) to look on a fellow-student's work and filch the result; to copy unfairly from a fellow-student's answer-script in the examination hall; to copy; to duplicate. কপি-করা a. copied.

কপিকল [ kapikala ] n a pulley.

কপিকেতন [ kapikētana ] n a chariot on the top of which sits a monkey; Arjuna (অর্জুন) of the Mahabharata for he had such a chariot.

কপিঞ্জল [ kapiñjala ] n the Indian swallow; the chatak; the sandpiper, the lapwing.

কপিত্থ [ kapittha ] n a shelled fruit with sour pulp akin to the wood-apple; its tree.

কপিল [ kapila ] a brown, tawny. ☐ n. the brown colour. কপিলা a. fem. of কপিল; (of cows) female. ☐ n. a brown cow; a wishing cow; a cowcalf.

কপিশ [ kapiśa ] n pale yellowish colour, mud-colour. ☐ a. pale yellow, mud-coloured.

কপোত [ kapōta ] n the pigeon. fem. কপোতী, ̃পালী, ̃পালিকা n. a pigeonry, a pigeon-house; a dovecot. ̃বৃত্তি n. behaviour of or like a pigeon; a livelihood in which there is no means of providing for the future. ☐ a. behaving like a pigeon or dove; living from hand to mouth without any means to provide for the future. কপোতাভ a. of the colour of a pigeon; grey. কপোতারি n. the hawk, the falcon. কপোতেশ্বর n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব).

কপোল [ kapōla ] n the cheek. ̃কল্পনা n. false fancy; fanciful imagery or talk or de piction, figments of the imagination. ̃কল্পিত a. imaginary; fictitious. ̃দেশ n. the region of the cheek; the cheek. ̃রাগ n. a glow or flush of the cheek.

কফ [ kapha ] n phlegm; catarrh; rheum; mucus.

কফঘ্ন [ kaphaghna ] a counteracting or removing phlegm or catarrh.

কফজ [ kaphaja ] a phlegmatic; catarrhal; mucous.

কফণি, কফোণি [ kaphaṇi, kaphōṇi ] n the elbow.

কফনিঃসারক [ kaphaniḥsāraka ] n. & a (an) expectorant.

কফি [ kaphi ] n coffee.

কফিন [ kaphina ] n a coffin.

কবচ [ kabaca ] n an armour, a coat of mail; a met rical form of words believed to possess occult power, a spell, a charm; an amu let, a trinket, a talisman. কবচ করা v. to protect or guard with a spell; to give an amulet for protection. কবচ ধারণ করা v. to wear an amulet for protection. ̃ধারী a. wearing a coat of mail, armour-clad; wearing an amulet.

কবচকুণ্ডল [ kabacakuṇḍala ] n armour and earrings.

কবচী [ kabacī ] a armour-clad; wearing an amulet; crustacean. ☐ n. a crustacean.

কবজ1 [ kabaja1 ] n a receipt (esp. for the rent paid); a note of hand, a bond.

কবজ2 [ kabaja2 ] n a charm, a spell; an amulet, a trinket, a talisman.