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কব্যবাহ [ kabyabāha ] n fire believed to carry the food offered to deceased ancestors.

কম1 [ kama1 ] a lovely, graceful; pleasant; charm ing; desirable.

কম2 [ kama2 ] a deficient, short; less; small (in amount or degree); a few, not many; a little, not much; inadequate; inefficient, inexpert, inferior (লাঠিবাজিতেও কম নয়). কম করা v. to lessen, to curtail, to re duce, to decrease, to abate. কম পড়া v. to fall short (of); to run short (of); to be inadequate; to decrease. ̃জোর a. weak; weakened. ̃জোরি a. weak. ☐ n. weak ness. ̃তি n. deficiency, shortage; smallness; fewness; inadequacy; ineffi ciency, inferiority. ☐ a. inefficient, in expert, inferior (সে কমতি কীসে ?). ̃পোক্ত a. not very strong, somewhat frail or weak. ̃বেশি a. & adv. more or less. ˜সম a. not many or much; restrained; moderate. ̃পক্ষে, কমসে কম adv. at least.

কমঠ [ kamaṭha ] n the tortoise, the turtle; a waterpot used by Hindu ascetics.

কমণ্ডলু [ kamaṇḍalu ] n a water-pot used for religious purposes and also by Hindu ascetics.

কমনীয় [ kamanīẏa ] a lovely, graceful; pleasant; charming; desirable. fem. কমনীয়া । কমনীয়তা n. loveliness, gracefulness; grace; pleasantness; charm; desirabil ity.

কমনে [ kamanē ] adv (dial.) where, whither; in or by which way; how.

কমবক্ত, কমবখত [ kamabakta, kamabakhata ] a wretched, miserable; down on one's luck, ill-fated.

কমল [ kamala ] n the water lily, the lotus. ̃-আঁখি n. an eye as beautiful as a lotus; a lo tus-eyed man. ☐ a. lotus-eyed. ̃কলি, ̃কোরক, ̃কোষ n. a lotus-bud. ̃দল n. a lotus-petal. ̃নয়ন same as কমল-আঁখি । fem. কমলনয়না । ̃যোনি n. an appellation of God Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). ̃লোচন same as কমল-আঁখি fem. কমললোচনা ।

কমলা1 [ kamalā1 ] n an appellation of Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী).

কমলা2 [ kamalā2 ] n an orange (also কমলালেবু).

কমলাগুঁড়ি [ kamalāgun̐ḍ়i ] n an orange-coloured fruitdust used to dye cloth.

কমলাপতি [ kamalāpati ] n an appellation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু).

কমলালয়া [ kamalālaẏā ] n an appellation of Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী).

কমলাসন [ kamalāsana ] n an appellation of God Brahma (ব্রহ্মা).

কমলাসনা [ kamalāsanā ] n an appellation of Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী).

কমলিনী [ kamalinī ] n a lotus clump; lotuses collec tively.

কমলেকামিনী [ kamalēkāminī ] n a female deity, described as sitting on a lotus floating in the sea and gorging and disgorging an ele phant continuously.

কমা1 [ kamā1 ] n (gr.) a comma (,).

কমা2 [ kamā2 ] v to fall short; to decrease; to abate; to grow less; to diminish; to fall, to come down (দাম কমেছে).

কমানো [ kamānō ] v to shorten, to curtail, to reduce; to cause to decrease or abate or dimin ish, to abate, to diminish. ☐ n. act of shortening or cutting down, curtail ment, reduction; act of decreasing or abating or diminishing. ☐ a. shortened, cut down., curtailed, reduced; de creased, abated; diminished.

কমিটি [ kamiṭi ] n a committee.

কমিশন [ kamiśana ] n a percentage paid to an agent, commission; (loos.) discount; a body of persons appointed to perform cer tain duties, a commission.

কমিশনার [ kamiśanāra ] n designation of several high public officials (such as, the Divisional Commissioner, the Food Commis sioner etc.); a member of a municipal board, a commissioner.

কম্প, কম্পন [ kampa, kampana ] n tremor, quake, shiver, trem ble, shudder; ague; quiver; throb, vibra tion. কম্প হওয়া v. to be stricken with tremor, to quake; to shiver, to tremble, to shudder; to be stricken with ague; to throb. কম্পক n. vibrator. কম্পজ্বর n. a fever marked by shivering; an ague; malaria. কম্পমান a. quaking; shivering, trembling, tremulous, shuddering; stricken with ague; quivering; throbbing; vibrating.