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কুঁড়ে2 [ kun̐ḍ়ē2 ] a idle, lazy, slothful. ̃মি n. idle ness, laziness, sloth.

কুঁতা, কুঁথা [ kun̐tā, kun̐thā ] v to strain oneself for evacuat ing one's bowels; to strain oneself to collect one's strength; to groan. ☐ n. act of straining for evacuating one's bowels, tenesmus; act of straining one self to collect one's strength; act of groaning. কুঁতানো, কুঁথানো v. to strain or cause to strain for evacuating one's bowels; to strain or cause to strain one self to collect one's strength; to groan or cause to groan.

কুঁদ [ kun̐da ] n a (turner's) lathe; a variety of multi-petalled jasmine.

কুঁদন, কোঁদন [ kun̐dana, kōn̐dana ] n act of turning (a thing) on a lathe; act of carving; act of rushing forward to attack or beat; act of skip ping or frisking; act of bragging.

কুঁদ1 [ kun̐da1 ] v to turn (a thing) on a lathe, to shape by turning on a lathe; to carve; to rush forward to attack or beat; to skip, to frisk; to brag.

কুঁদ2 [ kun̐da2 ] n a stock or butt (of a gun); a stump or trunk (of a tree); a log (of wood); a lump (of sugar etc.).

কুঁদুলি [ kun̐duli ] a. fem quarrelsome; spiteful. ☐ n. fem. a quarrelsome or spiteful woman or girl. masc. কুঁদুলে ।

কুকথা [ kukathā ] n foul or abusive words, indecent or filthy language, obscene talk, rib aldry; (rare) philosophical truths or discussion about the earth; (rare) ex position or explanation of scriptures esp. of the esoteric text of the scrip tures.

কুকরি [ kukari ] n a short dagger, a stiletto.

কুকর্ম, কুকার্য [ kukarma, kukārya ] n a wicked act; a sinful act; a blameable act; a mischief. ̃কারী, কুর্কমা a. given to doing wicked or sin ful or blameable act; given to mis chief-making. ☐ n. a performer of a wicked or blameable act; a sinner; a mischief-maker, an evil-doer. কুকর্মান্বিত, কুকর্মাসক্ত a. given to doing wicked or sinful or blameable act. কুকর্মী a. same as কুকর্মকারী ।n. a performer of a wicked or blameable act; a sinner; a mischief-maker; a bungler; a botcher.

কুকীর্তি [ kukīrti ] n misdeed; immoral act; a wicked act; a mischief.

কুকুর [ kukura ] n the dog. fem. কুকুরী the bitch. ̃কুণ্ডলী n. the manner of lying down in a coil as a dog. ̃কুণ্ডলী হওয়া v. to crouch or lie like a dog. ̃ছানা n. the puppy (of a dog), the pup. কুকুরে-গোঁ n. doggedness. কুকুরে-দাঁত n. the canine tooth (of a human being). কুকুরের ঘর বা বাসা a. kennel. যেমন কুকুর তেমনি মুগুর (fig.) the right whip for the right dog, condign punishment.

কুক্কুট [ kukkuṭa ] n the cock. fem. কুক্কুটী the hen. ̃ধ্বনি n. a cock's crow.

কুক্রিয় [ kukriẏa ] a given to evil deeds or bad prac tices; wrong-doing; depraved. কুক্রিয়া n. an evil deed; a bad practice; depravity. কুক্রিয়ান্বিত, কুক্রিয়াসক্ত a. given to evil ways.

কুক্ষণ [ kukṣaṇa ] n an inauspicious point of time, an evil hour, a bad or unfortunate mo ment.

কুক্ষি [ kukṣi ] n the pit of the belly or abdomen; the womb; a cave; the interior. ̃গত a. entered into the belly; lying in the belly or the womb or a cave; lying inside, in terior; (fig.) completely seized or ap propriated, under absolute control.

কুখাদ্য [ kukhādya ] n uneatable or forbidden food; food that is not fit for human consump tion.

কুখ্যাত [ kukhyāta ] a notorious; infamous. কুখ্যাতি n. notoriety; infamy.

কুগঠন [ kugaṭhana ] n a misshaped or uncouth figure. ☐ a. misshaped; uncouth; shabby.

কু গাওয়া [ ku gāōẏā ] n foreboding, presaging an omen or a portent. ☐ v. to forebode an evil omen or a portent.

কুগ্রহ [ kugraha ] n (astrol.) an unfavourable star, an evil star; (fig.) an object of trouble, a pest, a plague.

কুঙ্কুম [ kuṅkuma ] n saffron; the safflower.

কুচ1 [ kuca1 ] n either of the mammary glands in a woman, (either of) a woman's breasts.

কুচ2 [ kuca2 ] n military march. ̃কাওয়াজ n. mili tary parade.