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কুঞ্জর [ kuñjara ] n the elephant; (as a sfx.) the best one (নরকুঞ্জর = the best of men,). fem. কুঞ্জরা, কুঞ্জরী ।

কুঞ্জি [ kuñji ] n a key.

কুট1 [ kuṭa1 ] int expressing the imaginary sound of a small bite as by an ant.

কুট2 [ kuṭa2 ] n a fort, a fortress; a hill; a tree.

কুটকুট [ kuṭakuṭa ] int expressing repeated inflamma tory itching sensation. কুটকুট করা v. to feel or cause to feel repeated itching sensation. কুটকুটানি, কুটকুটুনি n. repeated inflammatory itching sensation, tin gling sensation. কুটকুটে a. causing or full of repeated inflammatory itching or tingling sensation.

কুটজ [ kuṭaja ] n a medicinal flower-plant usu. grown on hillsides.

কুটনা [ kuṭanā ] n vegetable chopped or to be chopped into pieces for cooking. কুটনা কোটা v. to cut or chop vegetables into pieces for cooking, to dress vegetables.

কুটনী [ kuṭanī ] n. fem a female pander; a procuress, a pimp, a bawd. ̃গিরি n. the profession of the female pander or procuress, bawdry.

কুট্মল [ kuṭmala ] n a bud.

কুটি [ kuṭi ] n straw chopped fine; a bit of this straw, a small chip of straw. ̃কুটি a. cut into very small bits; minced; torn into shreds; beside oneself (হেসে কুটিকুটি হওয়া). কুটিকুটি করা v. to cut into very small bits; to mince; to tear into shreds. হেসে কুটিকুটি (কুটিপাটি) হওয়া v. to be beside oneself with laughter, to be convulsed with laughter; to split one's sides (with laughter).

কুটির [ kuṭira ] n a hut, a cottage; (usu. in polite ness) a humble abode. ̃বাসী n. a cot tager. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃শিল্প n. cottage in dustry.

কুটিল [ kuṭila ] a bent, curved; tortuous, zigzag; crooked; insincere, hypocritical, de ceitful, dissimulating (কুটিলচরিত্র, কুটিলচিত্ত, কুটিলস্বভাব); complicated (কুটিল প্রশ্ন). fem. কুটিলা । ̃গামী a. going tortuously or in a zigzag manner; fol lowing a crooked path. ̃তা n. the bent state, curvedness, tortuosity, tortuous ness; crookedness; angularity (চরিত্রের কুটিলতা); insincerity, hypocrisy, de ceitfulness, dissimulation. ̃রেখা n. a curved line, a curve. কুটিলান্তঃকরণ a. crooked at heart, having a crooked heart.

কুটো [ kuṭō ] n (a piece of) straw, a bit of straw.

কুট্টন [ kuṭṭana ] n act of cutting or chopping esp. into pieces; act of digging; act of pounding or squeezing; act of censur ing or blaming or abusing.

কুট্টনী [ kuṭṭanī ] n a female pander; a procuress, a bawd, a pimp.

কুট্টিত [ kuṭṭita ] a cut or chopped esp. into pieces; pounded; squeezed; censured; blamed; abused.

কুট্টিম [ kuṭṭima ] n a terrace; a paved or cemented floor (গৃহকুট্টিম); a mine of precious stones.

কুট [ kuṭa ] n leprosy. কুঠে (coll.) a. (of a per son) suffering from leprosy. ☐ n. a leper.

কুঠরি [ kuṭhari ] n a small room, a chamber, a com partment, a cabin, a cubicle.

কুঠার [ kuṭhāra ] n an axe, a hatchet. কুঠারিকা n. a small axe.

কুঠি [ kuṭhi ] n an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factor; a merchant.

কুঠিয়া [ kuṭhiẏā ] a leprous. ☐ n. a leper.

কুড় [ kuḍ় ] n a medicinal plant; a measure of land (= .33 acre or .13 hectare approx.) a heap (পাঁশকুড়); a slit, a hole; a place for depositing, a depository (আঁস্তাকুড়).

কুড়কুড় [ kuḍ়kuḍ় ] int expressing the sound of chewing crisp things. কুড়কুড় করা v. to give out or make this sound.

কুড়চি [ kuḍ়ci ] n a medicinal flower-plant usu. grown on hillsides.

কুড়বা [ kuḍ়bā ] n an obsolete measure of land (=.33 acre or .13 hectare approx.).

কুড়ানি [ kuḍ়āni ] n. fem one who draws together and picks up what is lying scattered (পাতাকুড়ানি).

কুড়ানো [ kuḍ়ānō ] v to draw together (what is lying scattered), to gather, to collect; to glean; to pick up; to sweep (ঘর কুড়ানো). ☐ a. drawn together, gathered, col lected; gleaned; picked up; swept. কুড়ানো শিশু, কুড়িয়ে পাওয়া শিশু a found ling.

কুড়াল, কুড়ালি [ kuḍ়āla, kuḍ়āli ] n an axe.

কুড়ি [ kuḍ়i ] n. & a twenty.

কুণ্ঠ [ kuṇṭha ] n (chiefly used as a sfx.) disinclined to, unwilling, reluctant, afraid of, shy, recoiling (কর্মকুণ্ঠ, শ্রমকুণ্ঠ, ব্যয়কুণ্ঠ); hesi tating; different; feeling delicacy. কুণ্ঠা n. hesitation, hesitancy; diffidence; feeling of delicacy; shyness; fear; re coil. কুণ্ঠাবোধ করা v. to feel delicacy; to feel shy; to hesitate. কুণ্ঠিত a. stricken with hesitation or diffidence; hesitat ing; feeling delicacy; feeling shy; shy; abashed; disinclined to, unwilling; re luctant, afraid of; recoiling from. fem. কুণ্ঠিতা । কুণ্ঠিত হওয়া v. to be stricken with hesitation or diffidence; to hesi tate; to feel delicacy; to feel shy; to be abashed; to be disinclined to, to be un willing or reluctant, to be afraid of; to recoil from.

কুণ্ড [ kuṇḍa ] n a hole, a cavity (নাভিকুণ্ড, হোমকুণ্ড); a tank or lake or basin etc. (সীতাকুণ্ড); a round and shallow recep tacle (তাম্রকুণ্ড).

কুণ্ডল [ kuṇḍala ] n an ornament for the ear, an ear ring; a bangle; an annular ornament or knot; a collection. কুণ্ডলিত a. rolled or twisted into a coil, coiled. কুণ্ডলিত নীহারিকা spiral nebula. কুণ্ডলিনী n. the fe male vital force latent in a creature ac cording to scriptures; the female snake. কুণ্ডলী a. wearing an earring. ☐ n. any annular object. কুণ্ডলী পাকানো v. to twist into a coil.

কুত [ kuta ] n toll. ̃ঘর n. a toll-house on a wa terway. ̃ঘাট, ̃ঘাটা n. a toll station on a waterway.

কুতন্ত্র [ kutantra ] n bad advice or counsel; bad policy or measure.

কুতর্ক [ kutarka ] n sophistry; unreasonable or use less argument, false but clever argu ment (intended mainly to outwit), quibbling.

কুত্সা [ kutsā ] n calumny, slander; scandal. কুত্সা করা v. to calumniate, to slander; to scandalize. ̃কারী n. a calumniator, a slanderer; a scandal-monger. ̃জনক a. calumniatory, calumnious, slanderous; scandalous.

কুত্সিত [ kutsita ] a ugly; ill-shaped; abominable, hateful; nasty (কুত্সিত ব্যবহার); inde cent; obscene; filthy, gross.

কুতূহল [ kutūhala ] n inquisitiveness, curiosity; de light, pleasure; sport. কুতূহলী a. inquisi tive, curious; delighted; sportive. কুতূহলে adv. (poet.) delightedly; sport ively; owing to delight.

কুত্রাপি [ kutrāpi ] adv anywhere.

কুদরত [ kudarata ] n glory (আল্লার কুদরত); a credit able performance, a feat; bravado; power, strength, skill. কুদরতি a. glori ous; creditable; powerful, skilful.

কুদর্শন [ kudarśana ] a ugly-looking, revolting to the sight; ugly; ill-shaped.

কুদিন [ kudina ] n hard times; an inauspicious day. Same as দুর্দিন ।

কুদৃশ্য [ kudṛśya ] n an ugly or indecent or hateful or abominable sight, a repulsive spec tacle.

কুদৃষ্টি [ kudṛṣṭi ] n an evil eye, a sinister look; (esp. in astrol.) an evil or unfavourable as pect or influence. কুদৃষ্টি দেওয়া v. to cast an evil eye (on); to influence unfavourably.

কুদেতা [ kudētā ] n coup d'etat, a sudden stroke of state policy; a sudden political or mili tary uprise.

কুধারা [ kudhārā ] n a bad custom, an unwholesome tradition.

কুনকি [ kunaki ] n a female elephant tamed and trained by elephant-catchers to allure wild elephants into the trap.

কুনখ [ kunakha ] n morbidity of the nails of hands and feet, felon; whitlow. কুনখী a. hav ing morbid nails, suffering from felon or whitlow.

কুনাম [ kunāma ] n a bad name; ill fame, notoriety, ill repute.

কুনি [ kuni ] n a morbid inward turning of the end of a nail causing pain, a painful ingrowing nail; inflammation of the end of a nail.

কুনিকা [ kunikā ] n a unit of dry measure of rice, pigeon-pulses etc.; a vessel for mea suring this amount.

কুনীতি [ kunīti ] n bad or perverted morals; evil conduct; corruption; a bad or unwise policy. ̃পরায়ণ a. having bad or per verted morals; having an evil conduct; corrupted; adopting bad or unwise policies.

কুনো [ kunō ] a pertaining to a corner; home keeping, domestic; shy of company, unsociable; shy, bashful. কুনো ব্যাং a species of frog which seldom comes out of its hole; (fig.) a home-keeping or domestic person. ̃মি n. habit of home-keeping; unsociableness; shy ness.

কুন্তল [ kuntala ] n hair (of human head); tresses.

কুন্হন [ kunhana ] n act of straining to evacuate one's bowels; act of groaning (esp. when one strains to apply all one's strength). see কোঁথ ।

কুন্দ [ kunda ] n a variety of multi-petalled jas mine; a (turner's) lathe. ̃কার n. a turner. ̃শুভ্র a. as white as a jasmine.

কুপথ [ kupatha ] n a bad or wrong or evil way. ̃গামী a. gone astray; off the fairway. কুপথে যাওয়া v. to go astray.

কুপথ্য [ kupathya ] n harmful diet (esp. for a patient). কুপথ্য করা v. to take harmful or un wholesome diet or food.

কুপন্হা [ kupanhā ] n a bad or wrong or evil means or policy or way.

কুপরামর্শ [ kuparāmarśa ] n unwholesome advice; bad or evil counsel.

কুপা, কুপো [ kupā, kupō ] n a narrow-necked earthen or leather vessel; (sarcas.) a potbellied person. কুপোকাত a. utterly defeated, vanquished; knocked down.

কুপাত্র [ kupātra ] n an undeserving or undesirable or bad man; a man who cannot make a good husband, an unworthy husband or bridegroom. fem. কুপাত্রী ।

কুপি [ kupi ] n a small oil-lamp; a small oil bottle.

কুপিত [ kupita ] a enraged, angered; angry; pro voked; (med.) increased, developed, aggravated. কুপিত বায়ু (med.) flatu lence, flatulency.

কুপিতা1 [ kupitā1 ] fem of কুপিত ।

কুপিতা2 [ kupitā2 ] n a bad father, an unworthy fa ther.

কুপুত্র [ kuputra ] n a bad or wicked or disobedient son, an unworthy son.

কুপুরুষ [ kupuruṣa ] n an unmanly man; a cowardly man, a coward; an ugly-looking man; a man of bad character. ☐ a. masc. be reft of manly qualities, unmanly; cowardly; ugly-looking; bad-charactered, immoral.