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কুসংস্কার [ kusaṃskāra ] n superstition. ̃গ্রস্ত, কুসংস্কারাচ্ছন্ন a. superstition-ridden, superstitious. ̃মূলক a. caused by superstition, super stitious.

কুসঙ্গ [ kusaṅga ] n bad or evil company. কুসঙ্গী n. a bad or wicked companion or friend.

কুসন্তান [ kusantāna ] n a bad or wicked child; an un worthy son or daughter.

কুসুম-কুসুম [ kusuma-kusuma ] a lukewarm, tepid. কুসম-কুসম গরম করা to make lukewarm or tepid, to take the chill off.

কুসিম্বী [ kusimbī ] n the kidney bean or its plant.

কসীদ [ kasīda ] n interest on loan; the money lending business or interest, usury. ̃জীবী n. a usurer, a money-lender on interest. ̃ব্যবহার n. usury; calculation of interest on loan.

কুসুম2 [ kusuma2 ] n a flower; menstruation, menses; a disease of the eye, the yolk of an egg. ̃কলি, ̃কলিকা, ̃কোরক n. a flower-bud. ̃কার্মুক, ̃চাপ, ̃ধনু, ̃ধন্বা n. appellation of Madana (মদন) the Hindu god of love whose bow is made of flowers. ̃কোমল ̃পেলব a. as soft as a flower. ̃দাম n. a flower-wreath, a garland of flowers. ̃বাস n. the scent or perfume of a flower. ̃মালিকা n. a small flower-wreath, a chaplet or small garland of flowers. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. a bed of flowers; a very soft bed; (fig.) ease and comfort. ̃স্তবক n. a bunch of flowers, a bouquet, a nosegay. কুসুমাকর, কুসুমাগম n. the season of flowers, the spring, the vernal season. কুসুমায়ুধ same as কুসুমকার্মুক । কুসুমাসব n. the juice or honey of flowers, the nectar of flowers. কুসুমাস্তীর্ণ a. strewn with flowers; (fig.) (of life) easy going, smooth.

কুসুমিত [ kusumita ] a in blossom, blossomed, flow ered; budded.

কুসুমেষু [ kusumēṣu ] n same as কুসুমকার্মুক ।

কুসুম্ভ [ kusumbha ] n the safflower the juice of which is used in dyeing cloth etc.

কুস্তি [ kusti ] n wrestling; (fig.) struggling, vying. কুস্তি করা, কুস্তি লড়া v. to wrestle; (fig.) to struggle. ̃গির n. a wrestler.

কুস্বপ্ন [ kusbapna ] n a bad dream; an ill-omened dream, a nightmare.

কুস্বভাব [ kusbabhāba ] n bad nature or conduct or char acter. ☐ a. ill-natured; of bad conduct or character. fem. a কুস্বভাবা ।

কুহক [ kuhaka ] n sorcery, witchcraft, black magic; magic; deception, delusion. কুহকী a. skilled in sorcery or magic; magical; deceiving, deluding. ☐ n. a sorcerer, a wizard; a magician, a juggler; a de ceiver, a deluder. কুহকিনী a. fem. of কুহকী ।n. fem. a sorceress, a witch; a female magician or juggler; a woman who deceives or deludes.

কুহর [ kuhara ] n a hole, a cavity (কর্ণকুহর); voice.

কুহরণ [ kuharaṇa ] n act of cooing; the note of a cuckoo.

কুহরই [ kuhari ] v. imperf (obs. & poet.) cooing.

কুহরা [ kuharā ] v (poet.) (of a cuckoo) to coo.

কুহরিত [ kuharita ] a resounded with the cooings of a cuckoo or cuckoos.

কুহরিল [ kuharila ] v (of cuckoo) cooed.

কুহু, কুহু [ kuhu, kuhu ] n the cooing of a cuckoo. ̃কণ্ঠ n. the cuckoo. ̃তান n. the dulcet note of the cuckoo, a cuckoo's sweet and soothing song. ̃রব n. the cooing of a cuckoo; the cuckoo.

কুহেলিকা, কুহেলি, কুহেলী [ kuhēlikā, kuhēli, kuhēlī ] n fog, mist. কুহেলীকাময়, কুহেলিকাচ্ছন্ন a. foggy, misty, enveloped in fog or mist; (fig.) myste rious, obscure, dark.

কুচিকা [ kucikā ] n a small brush; a painter's brush, a hair-pencil.

কূজন [ kūjana ] n a sweet note or call of a bird, cooing, warbling, chirping; (fig.—esp. of lovers) whispering. কূজন করা v. (of birds) to call, to coo, to warble, to chirp; (fig.—esp. of lovers) to whisper. কূজিত a. resounded or resounding with a bird's call or cooing or warbling or chirping.

কূট [ kūṭa ] a shrewd, subtle (কূটবুদ্ধি); compli cated, intricate (কূটপ্রশ্ন); tricky, decep tive (কূটচাল); false, fabricated (কূটসাক্ষ্য); cooked up, got-up, framed up (কূট মোকদ্দমা); crooked (কূটচরিত্র); diplomatic, politic (কূটনীতি). ☐ n. an in comprehensible or unexpoundable cou plet or saying (ব্যাসকূট); a mountain peak (চিত্রকূট); the top of anything (প্রাসাদকূট); a heap (অন্নকূট); a trap; a trick; (rhet.) a paradox. ̃চাল n. ob stacles and hindrances; intricacies; use less arguments; sophistry. ̃কচালে a. in tricate; incomprehensible; full of ob stacles and hindrances; given to useless arguments or sophistry. ̃কর্ম n. forg ery; swindling; fraud. ̃কৌশল n. shrewd tricky or crafty policy; tricky or shrewd contrivance or device. ̃ঘাত n. sabotage. ̃ঘাতী a. pertaining to or of the nature of sabotage. ☐ n. a saboteur. ̃জ n. a medicinal plant usu. grown on hillsides. ̃তর্ক n. scholastic but useless arguments, sophistry. ̃তার্কিক n. one given to sophistry, a sophist. ̃তুলা n. a false scale or balance (esp. made to de ceive buyers). ̃নীতি n. diplomacy; shrewd politics; shrewdness; politics. ̃নীতিক a. diplomatic; shrewd; political. ☐ n. a diplomat. ̃নীতিজ্ঞ a. shrewd; versed in diplomacy. ☐ n. a diplomat. ̃নৈতিক same as কূটনীতিক । ̃প্রশ্ন n. an intricate question, a poser; a riddle, a puzzle. ̃বন্ধ n. a trap, a snare. ̃বুদ্ধি a. crooked, wily, guileful, crafty. ☐ n. crookedness, wile, guile, craftiness. ̃ভাষী a. given to speaking in riddles; given to lying. ̃যন্ত্র n. a trapping de vice, a trap. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a diplomatic fight, manoeuvring and counter-mano euvring in diplomacy. ̃সাক্ষী n. a false witness; a tutored or got-up witness. ̃সাক্ষ্য n. false evidence, perjury. ̃স্হ a. (phil.) eternally uniform or unchanging (যেমনঈশ্বর, আকাশ); occult, latent (কূটস্হ চৈতন্য). কূটাভাস n. (rhet.) a para dox. কূটার্থ n. far-fetched meaning; an implied or implicit meaning, implica tion; a distorted meaning.

কূপ [ kūpa ] n a draw-well, a well; a hole, a cav ity (লোমকূপ, কর্ণকূপ). ̃মন্ডূক n. (lit.) a frog that dwells in a well and seldom comes out of it; (fig.) a narrow-minded person with limited knowledge or vi sion; (fig.) a home-keeping person.

কূপোদক [ kūpōdaka ] n water of a well.

কূর্চ, কূর্চা [ kūrca, kūrcā ] n a small brush, a painter's brush, a hair-pencil; the space between the eyebrows; bristly hair of one's beard; a bristle. কূর্চিকা n. a small brush, a painter's brush, a hair-pencil; a tuft of grass; a needle.

কূর্ম [ kūrma ] n the tortoise, the turtle; the second of the ten incarnations of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃পুরাণ n. the name of the Purana (পুরাণ) narrating the exploits of the second in carnation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃পৃষ্ঠ n. the back of a tortoise, a tortoise-shell. ☐ a. convex.

কূর্মাকার [ kūrmākāra ] a shaped like (the back of) a tor toise.

কূর্মাবতার [ kūrmābatāra ] n the second of the ten incarna tions of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) assuming the form of a tortoise.

কূর্মী [ kūrmī ] fem of কূর্ম ।

কূল [ kūla ] n a bank (of a river); a shore, a coast, a beach; a border, an edge (চোখের কূলে জল); (fig.) a shelter or help (অকূলে কূল পাওয়া); end, limit (দুঃখের কূল নেই). ̃কিনারা n. (fig.) a way or means of escape (কূলকিনারা না পাওয়া); end, limit (চিন্তার কূলকিনারা). ̃কিনারাহীন a. endless; at sea. ̃প্লাবী a. overflowing or inundating the bank or shore. কূলে কূলে to the brim.

কৃকলাস, কৃকলাশ [ kṛkalāsa, kṛkalāśa ] n the chameleon; (fig.) a very lean person.

কৃচ্ছ্র [ kṛcchra ] n physical hardship, hard labour; austerity; austere vow or (religious) meditation or penance (কৃচ্ছ্র করা). ☐ a. austere (কৃচ্ছ্র ব্রত). ̃লব্ধ a. hard-earned. ̃সাধন n. a very austere vow or (reli gious) meditation or penance; ex tremely hard labour; practice of aus terities, self-castigation. ̃সাধ্য a. re quiring hard labour or practice or adoption of austerities.

কৃত্1 [ kṛt1 ] sfx indicating one who does or per forms or works (পথিকৃত্).

কৃত [ kṛta ] a done, made, performed (কৃতকর্ম); instituted, committed (কৃত অপরাধ); composed (ব্যাসকৃত মহাভারত); built, learnt, earned (কৃতবিদ্য); taken, ac cepted (কৃতদার); appointed, employed, engaged (কৃতদাস); fixed, settled (কৃতবেতন). ̃কর্ম n. a work done, a deed. ̃কর্মা n. one who has done a work or performed a feat. ̃কাম, ̃কার্য a. one who has succeeded in perform ing a task undertaken, one who has achieved one's end, successful. ̃কার্যতা n. success. ̃কৃত্য a. one who has been able to accomplish one's duty or task; a person who has had his education completed; well-educated, learned. ̃তীর্থ a. one who has done one's pil grimage. ̃দার a. masc. one who has taken a wife, married. ̃দাস n. one who has been made a slave for a term, a bond-slave. fem. ̃দাসী । ̃ধী a. having firm resolve; having one's intellect sharpened; having intellectual sharp ness or accomplishments. ̃নিশ্চয় a. thoroughly convinced; having firm re solve; thoroughly convinced of suc cess. ̃নিশ্চয়তা n. thorough conviction; firm resolve; thorough conviction about success. ̃পূর্ব a. already done or accomplished. ̃বিদ্য a. one who has had his education completed; well educated, learned. ̃বিদ্যতা n. (success ful) completion of one's education; state of being well-educated or learned. ̃সংকল্প a. one who has re solved, determined; bent or intent upon. ̃সংকল্প হওয়া v. to resolve, to de termine, to make up one's mind.

কৃত্কৌশল [ kṛtkauśala ] n technique; technicality; tech nical devices or methods.

কৃতঘ্ন [ kṛtaghna ] a one who harms one's benefactor; ungrateful, unthankful. ̃তা n. act of harming one's benefactor; ingratitude, thanklessness, ungratefulness.

কৃতজ্ঞ [ kṛtajña ] a grateful, obliged, thankful. ̃চিত্তে adv. with a grateful or thankful heart; with feelings of gratitude. ̃তা n. gratitude, thankfulness.

কৃত্স্ন [ kṛtsna ] a (obs.) all; entire, whole.

কৃতাঞ্জলি [ kṛtāñjali ] a having one's hands folded; in folded hands; having cupped one's palms. ̃পুটে adv. with one's palms formed into a cup, having cupped one's palms. ̃পূর্বক adv. with folded hands; having cupped one's palms (in supplication etc.).

কৃতান্ত [ kṛtānta ] n a name of Yama (যম) the Hindu God of death.

কৃতাপরাধ [ kṛtāparādha ] a one who has committed an offence, guilty, criminal.

কৃতাভিষেক [ kṛtābhiṣēka ] a anointed for installation or enthronement; installed, enthroned.

কৃতাভ্যাস [ kṛtābhyāsa ] a one who has practised or re ceived training, practised, trained.

কৃতার্থ [ kṛtārtha ] a one who has achieved one's goal, successful; gratified. ̃ম্নন্য a. one who thinks oneself gratified.

কৃতাহ্নিক [ kṛtāhnika ] a one who has performed one's daily religious services or prayer.

কৃতি [ kṛti ] n performance, execution, action, achievement, construction; contribu tion (কৃতির পুরস্কার); authorship (কৃতিস্বত্ব); an act, a deed, a work. সুকৃতি n. a deed of piety; a virtuous act.

কৃতিত্ব [ kṛtitba ] n proficiency, skill; credit; achievement.

কৃতিস্বত্ব [ kṛtisbatba ] n patent; copyright.

কৃতী [ kṛtī ] a proficient; successful; one who has accomplished a great task or has been successful in a great effort; suc cessful in life; well-educated, erudite, learned.

কৃতোদ্বাহ [ kṛtōdbāha ] a married.

কৃতোপকার [ kṛtōpakāra ] a one who benefits, benevo lent; benefited.

কৃত্তি [ kṛtti ] n skin or hide of beasts; skin of hu man beings, epidermis, cutis. ̃ক n. cu ticle. ̃কা n. (astro.) the Pleiads, the Pleiades; (myth.) any of the six nymphs who nursed Kartikeya (কার্তিকেয়). ̃বাস n. a name of Shiva (শিব) who wears a tiger's skin. ̃বাসী a. composed by Krittibas (কৃত্তিবাস) who rendered the Sanskrit Ramayana into Bengali.

কৃত্য [ kṛtya ] a that which ought to be or is to be done. ☐ n. a duty, a task (নিত্যকৃত্য, প্রাতঃকৃত্য); (gr.) a system of adding suffixes to words. ̃ক n. a public de partment, public service (শিক্ষণ-কৃত্যক = the educational service). কৃত্যকবই n. a service-book. কৃত্যক সূচি n. service-roll. ̃সূচি a. agenda. কৃত্যা n. fem. enchant ment, witchery; an act or deed. কৃত্যাকৃত্য n. what ought to be and ought not to be done.