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ক্যাস্টর অয়েল [ kyāsṭara aẏēla ] n castor oil.

ক্রকচ [ krakaca ] n a saw.

ক্রতু [ kratu ] n a holy sacrifice or oblation at which a fire is enkindled or a burnt-of fering is given; the name of a Vedic sage or rishi (ঋষি) supposed to have been transformed into one of the group of stars forming the Great Bear of Ursa Major. ̃পুরুষ n. an appellation of Vishnu; the Kratu appellation of Vishnu.

ক্রন্দন [ krandana ] n weeping. ̃রোল n. a loud noise of weeping or wailing.

ক্রল্দসী [ kraldasī ] n the sky and the earth, heaven and earth.

ক্রন্দিত [ krandita ] a weeping; tearful. ☐ n. weeping; a call, a summons.

ক্রব্য [ krabya ] n meat. ক্রব্যাদ n. a cannibal; a carni vore.

ক্রম [ krama ] n one of a series, a grade, order, se quence; procedure, a method, a form; a rule, a law, a directive; a syllabus (পাঠক্রম); succession (পর্যায়ক্রমে); a step or pace; course (কালক্রমে); a dilu tion (esp. of a Homoeopathic medi cine). ক্রমণ n. act of pacing; act of walking, ambulation; act of going. ̃নিম্ন a. sloping downwards; declining or decreasing gradually; gradually lower or inferior. ̃নিম্নতা n. downward slope, declivity; gradual decline or de crease or descent; gradual lowness or inferiority. ̃পরিবর্তন n. gradual change. ̃পর্যায় n. grade or gradation. ̃বর্ধন n. gradual increase or development. ̃বর্ধমান a. increasing or developing gradually. ̃বর্ধিত a. increased or devel oped gradually. ̃বিকাশ n. gradual de velopment, evolution. ̃বৃদ্ধি same as ক্রমবর্ধন । ̃ভঙ্গ n. break of continuity or serial order; disorder, confusion, jumble. ̃মাণ a. pacing or ambulating in a leisurely manner. ̃শ adv. gradu ally; seriatim. ̃সূক্ষ্ণ a. getting gradu ally thinner or subtler; tapering. ̃হ্রাসমান a. gradually decreasing or de clining or waning; on the wave. ক্রমে ক্রমে same as ক্রমশ ।

ক্রমাগত [ kramāgata ] a coming serially or gradually; serial, gradual; succeeding gradually; successive; continuous, incessant. ☐ adv. incessantly, continuously; always.

ক্রমাঙ্ক [ kramāṅka ] n (phys.) calibre or its measure ment. ক্রমাঙ্ক নির্ণয় করা v. to calibrate. ক্রমাঙ্কন n. calibration.

ক্রমানুযায়ী [ kramānuyāẏī ] a serial; gradual; successive. ☐ adv. serially; gradually; successively.

ক্রমানুসারে [ kramānusārē ] adv according to the serial or der, seriatim; gradually; successively.

ক্রমান্বয় [ kramānbaẏa ] n a serial order or succession; gradualness. ক্রমান্বয়ে adv. serially, seriatim; one after another; gradually.

ক্রমায়াত [ kramāẏāta ] a succeeding serially, successive.

ক্রমিক [ kramika ] a serial, gradual. ক্রমিক গুণফল con tinued product. ক্রমিক সংখ্যা a serial number.

ক্রমেল, ক্রমেলক [ kramēla, kramēlaka ] n the camel.

ক্রমোচ্চ [ kramōcca ] a gradually higher; in the ascend ing order, ascending.

ক্রমোত্কর্ষ [ kramōtkarṣa ] n gradual progress or develop ment, evolution.

ক্রমোন্নত [ kramōnnata ] a gradually higher; inclining or sloping upwards; gradually increasing or developing or evolving. ক্রমোন্নতি n. gradual rise; upwards inclination or slope, acclivity; gradual increase or de velopment; evolution. ক্রমোন্নতিশীল a. developing or evolving gradually; pro gressing; progressive.

ক্রয় [ kraẏa ] n buying, purchase. ক্রয়করা v. to buy, to purchase. ক্রয়-বিক্রয় n. buying and selling; commercial transaction; trading. ̃মূল্য n. cost price. ̃যোগ্য a. fit for buying, that which can be bought, purchasable. ̃সাধ্য a. same as ক্রয়যোগ্য । ̃সীমা n. purchasing power.

ক্রস [ krasa ] n two lines or other objects lying transversely to each other; a cross. ক্রস করা v. to go across; to cross out; to draw a line or lines transversely or ver tically; cross; ক্রসিং n. act of crossing; a crossing; a cross-road.

ক্রান্ত [ krānta ] a of ক্রান্তি; spread, covered, per vaded, surrounded.

ক্রান্তি [ krānti ] n transition, transit; attack; gait, change of state or condition; (astr.) the ecliptic; (astrol.) the zodiac; an obso lete Indian coin of the lowest value (=⅓ কড়া). ̃কোণ n. (astr.) the obliq uity of the ecliptic. ̃পাত n. (astr.) an equinoctial point; (geog.) the equinox. ̃বিন্দু n. (astr.) an equinoctial point. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃বলয়, ̃মণ্ডল n. (astr.) the eclip tic; (geog.) the tropics. ̃বিম্ব n. (astr.) the celestial latitude. ক্রান্তীয় a. tropical (ক্রান্তীয় মরু); ecliptical. ক্রান্ত্যংশ n. (astr.) the celestial longitude.

ক্রিকেট [ krikēṭa ] n (the game of) cricket. ক্রিকেট খেলোয়াড় n. a cricketer.

ক্রিয়মাণ [ kriẏamāṇa ] a in the state of being done.

ক্রিয়া [ kriẏā ] n function; action; an act, a work; a ceremony or performance; a scriptural rite (অন্ত্যেষ্টিক্রিয়া); performance or ob servance of a scriptural rite, ritual; worship; (gr.) a verb. ̃কর্ম n. pl. scrip tural rites; performance or observance of scriptural rites; rituals. ̃কলাপ, ̃কাণ্ড n. pl. actions; functions; workings; ac tivities, deeds; performances; scrip tural rites collectively; performance or observance of scriptural rites; rituals. ̃কুশল a. efficient, expert. ̃তত্পর a. active, prompt. ̃ন্বিত a. observant of scriptural rites; ritualistic; (gr.) con strued with a verb. ̃পদ n. (gr.) a verb. ̃ফল n. the result of an action; the con sequence of an act. ̃বাচক a. (gr.) ver bal; gerundial; participial. ̃বিশেষণ n. (gr.) an adverb. ̃রত a. engaged in work; active. ̃শক্তি n. capacity for work or exertion; energy, vigour. ̃শীল a. given to performance or observance of scriptural rites, ritualistic; given to holding functions (esp. pompous ones); active; operative; of active hab its. ̃সক্ত a. having enthusiasm or pas sion for work, devoted to work. ̃সক্তি n. fondness or passion for work, devo tion to work. ̃হীন a. inactive, without work or occupation; inoperative; (gram.) verbless, without the verb.

ক্রীড়ক [ krīḍ়ka ] a one who plays; one who exhib its a show. ☐ n. a player; a sportsman; a showman.

ক্রীড়ন [ krīḍ়na ] n act of playing; exhibition. ̃ক n. a toy; one who is made the tool of an other, a cat's-paw. ক্রী়ড়নীয় a. playable.

ক্রীড়মান [ krīḍ়māna ] a engaged in playing or in ex hibiting a show.

ক্রীড়া [ krīḍ়ā ] n a play, a game, a sport; a pas time; a show, an exhibition; an amuse ment, an entertainment; fun. ক্রীড়া করা v. to play; to sport, to frolic. ̃কন্দুক n. a ball to play with. ̃কৌতুক n. pl. sports and pastimes, games and frolics. ̃কৌতুক করা v. to sport and jest. ̃ঙ্গন same as ক্রীড়াভূমি । ̃চ্ছলে adv. under pretence of sport; playfully; jestingly; whilst playing with. ̃প্রতিযোগিতা n. a competition of games or sports. ̃ভূমি, ̃স্হান n. a playground, a playing field; an arena; a venue of a game or sport. ̃মোদী n. a lover of games, one who loves and enjoys games. ̃রত, ̃শীল a. engaged in games, engaged in playing; playing. ক্রীড়াসক্ত a. attached (overmuch) to games or sports; frolicsome. ক্রীড়াসক্তি n. (overmuch) attachment to games and sports. ̃সামগ্রী n. sports goods.

ক্রীড়োদ্যান [ krīḍ়ōdyāna ] n a pleasure garden.

ক্রীত [ krīta ] a bought, purchased. ̃দাস n. one who has been purchased to be the slave of the buyer for life, a slave. see also দাস । fem. ̃দাসী a. slave woman; a slave-girl. ̃দাসত্ব n. a sla very. ̃দাসবত্ a. slavish. ̃দাস-ব্যবসায় n. slave-trade. ̃দাস-ব্যবসায়ী n. a slave trader, a slaver.

ক্রুজার [ krujāra ] n a cruiser.

ক্রুদ্ধ [ kruddha ] a angry; angered; enraged; wrath ful; indignant. fem. ক্রুদ্ধা । ̃দৃষ্টি n. an an gry look. ☐ a. with an angry look, looking angrily.

ক্রুশ [ kruśa ] n a cross; a cruciform gibbet on which the ancient Romans executed malefactors; the gibbet on which Jesus Christ was crucified, the Cross. ̃বিদ্ধ a. crucified. ক্রূশবিদ্ধ করা v. to crucify. ক্রুশাকার a. cruciform.

ক্রুশকাঠি, ক্রুশকাটি [ kruśakāṭhi, kruśakāṭi ] n a crochet.

ক্রূর [ krūra ] a merciless, unkind, hard-hearted; cruel, envious, malicious, spiteful; crooked; wicked; malignant. ̃কর্মা a. one who performs horrible or cruel deeds; merciless. ̃তা n. mercilessness, unkindness, hard-heartedness; cruelty; envy, malice, spite; crookedness; wickedness; malignance, malignancy. ̃মতি a. crooked-minded, malevolent.

ক্রেংকার [ krēṅkāra ] n the call of a duck or swan.

ক্রেতব্য [ krētabya ] a worth buying, that which can be or is to be bought, buyable, pur chasable.

ক্রেতা [ krētā ] n a buyer, a purchaser, a customer. fem. ক্রেত্রী ।

ক্রোক [ krōka ] n legal seizure or attachment of goods or property, seizure, distraint. ক্রোক করা v. to seize, to attach, to distrain. ক্রোক হওয়া v. to be seized, to be in distraint. ক্রোকি a. pertaining to distraint. ক্রোকি পরওয়ানা a warrant of distraint. ক্রোকি সম্পত্তি a. property of distraint মালক্রোক distraint of mov ables.

ক্রোড়1 [ krōḍ়1 ] n a ten million, a crore. ☐ a. ten million, crore. ̃পতি n. a multi-million aire, a billionaire; an extremely wealthy man.

ক্রোড়2 [ krōḍ়2 ] n the fold of the body of a person sitting, the lap (ক্রোড়ে বসা); the flank of a person standing (ক্রোড়ে তোলা); flank or side or brink (নদীর ক্রোড়); foot or vicinity or neighbourhood (বৃক্ষ ক্রোড়ে); bosom, heart, the inside (সমুদ্রের ক্রোড়). ক্রোড়ে ওঠা v. to get upon one's lap or to one's flank. ক্রোড়ে করা, ক্রো়ড়ে তোলা, ক্রোড়ে নেওয়া (now obs.) v. to take on one's lap; to lift to one's flank, to take in arms. See কোল2 । ক্রোড় অঙ্ক, ক্রোড়াঙ্ক n. an epilogue of a drama. ̃চ্যুত a. fallen or removed from one's lap; separated; estranged; out of con trol. ̃পত্র n. a supplement (of a maga zine, deed etc.); a codicil (of a will); an appendix (of a book).

ক্রোধ [ krōdha ] n anger, wrath, rage, fury; indigna tion. ̃ন, ̃পরায়ণ, ̃প্রবণ, ̃পরবশ a. easily angered; hot-tempered; sulky, wrathful. বহ্নি, ক্রোধাগ্নি, ক্রোধানল n. the fire of anger or rage; terrible anger or fury. ̃শান্তি n. appeasement of anger. ̃ভরে adv. angrily, in a fit of ill-tem per, in a huff. ক্রোধান্ধ a. blind with rage. ক্রোধান্বিত, ক্রোধাবিষ্ট a. angered, furious, enraged. fem. ক্রোধান্বিতা, ক্রোধাবিষ্টা । ক্রোধাবেশ n. incitement of anger. ক্রোধী a. hot-tempered; sulky by nature. ক্রোধোদ্দীপক a. exciting anger. ক্রোধোদ্দীপন, ক্রোধোদ্রেক n. excitement of anger. ক্রোধোন্মত্ত a. mad or maddened with rage, furiously angry, livid with rage. ক্রোধোপশম same as ক্রোধশান্তি ।

ক্রোশ [ krōśa ] n a measure of length or distance equal to 8 cubits or a little more than two miles or three kilometres.

ক্রৌঞ্চ [ krauñca ] n a species of the heron or the cur lew, the stork. fem. কৌঞ্চী । ̃মিথুন n. pl. a couple or pair (one male and one fe male) of this bird.

ক্লম [ klama ] n extreme weariness, fatigue, ex haustion.

ক্লান্ত [ klānta ] a extremely tired, wearied, fa tigued, exhausted.

ক্লান্তি [ klānti ] n extreme tiredness, weariness, fa tigue, exhaustion. ̃কর, ̃জনক a. tire some, wearisome, fatiguing, exhaust ing. ̃নাশক, ̃হর a. removing tiredness or weariness or fatigue; refreshing.

ক্লাব [ klāba ] n a club, an association, a society.

ক্লাস [ klāsa ] n a class. ক্লাসে ওঠা v. to move to or to be promoted to a higher class. ক্লাসে তোলা v. to promote to a higher class.

ক্লিন্ন [ klinna ] a besmeared with liquid filth; be smeared with any morbid matter se creted from within one's body such as sweat, pus, slaver etc.; soiled; wet, moist.

ক্লিশ্যমান [ kliśyamāna ] a suffering; in sorrow or mis ery; in trouble; suffering from pain.

ক্লিষ্ট [ kliṣṭa ] a troubled; stricken with sorrow or misery; suffering; pained; painful; wearied, fatigued.

ক্লীব [ klība ] n a man divested of manliness; a sexually impotent man; an asexual or neuter human being. ☐ a. unmanly; cowardly; sexually impotent; asexual or neuter. ̃ত্ব n. lack of manliness; cowardliness, cowardice; sexual impo tency (in man); asexuality. ̃লিঙ্গ n. (gr.) the neuter gender.

ক্লেদ [ klēda ] n liquid filth or soil; foul water; any morbid matter secreted from within one's body such as pus, sweat, saliva etc.; humidity, moisture. ক্লেদাক্ত a. be smeared with liquid filth; besmeared with any morbid matter secreted from within one's body; soiled, dirty.

ক্লেশ [ klēśa ] n trouble; sorrow; misery; pain. ক্লেশ দেওয়া v. to trouble; to distress; to inflict sorrow or misery (on); to pain. ক্লেশ পাওয়া to be distressed or afflicted; to suffer. ̃কর, ̃জনক, ̃দায়ক a. troublesome; distressing; painful; diffi cult. ক্লেশাবহ same as ক্লেশদায়ক । ক্লেশার্জিত a. hard-earned. ক্লেশিত a. one who is being troubled or distressed or pained; troubled; sorrowful; in misery; af flicted, distressed; pained.

ক্লোম [ klōma ] n (anat.) the gall-bladder; the kid ney; the lung. ̃নালিকা n. (anat.) the wind-pipe. ̃শাখা n. (anat.) the bron chus.

ক্লোরিন [ klōrina ] n a poisonous gaseous element of greenish yellow colour (used for puri fying water), chlorine.

ক্ষণ [ kṣaṇa ] n a measure of time equal to about four minutes; a very small point of time, a moment, an instant, a while (ক্ষণমাত্র); a point of time (এক্ষণ); a length of time (বহুক্ষণ); a particular point of time (শুভক্ষণ). অশুভক্ষণ n. an evil hour, an inauspicious moment. কিছুক্ষণ n. some time; a short time. ☐ adv. for or during some time; for or during a short time. কুক্ষণ same as অশুভক্ষণ । প্রতিক্ষণ adv. every moment, always; ceaselessly. বহুক্ষণ n. a long time. ☐ adv. for or over or during a long time. শুভক্ষণ n. an auspicious mo ment. সর্বক্ষণ, সারাক্ষণ adv. always. ̃কাল n. a moment, an instant; a very short time. ☐ adv. for a moment, for an in stant; for or during a very short time. ক্ষণকাল পরে shortly after; a little later; before long, ere long. ক্ষণকাল পূর্বে shortly before. ̃চর a. roaming or ex isting for a very short time; fleeting, evanescent; short-lived; ephemeral; transient. ̃জন্মা a. (astrol. & pop.) born at an uncommonly auspicious moment; very fortunate; (loos.) endowed with rare qualities; highly gifted. ̃দা n. the night. ̃দ্যুতি same as ক্ষণপ্রভা । ̃ধ্বংসী a. perishing in a moment; transitory; most frail. ̃পরে adv. shortly after; a little later; ere long, before long. ̃পূর্বে adv. a little while ago, shortly before. ̃প্রভ a. flashing or gleaming only for a moment. ̃প্রভা n. the lightning. ̃ভঙ্গুর a. breaking or perishing in a moment; transitory; most fragile. ̃মাত্র adv. only for a moment. ̃স্হায়িত্ব n. momentari ness; transitoriness; existence for a very short period. ̃স্হায়ী a. lasting for a moment, momentary; transitory; con tinuing for a very short period (ক্ষণস্হায়ী সুখ).

ক্ষণিক [ kṣaṇika ] a lasting for a moment, momen tary; lasting for a very short time, tran sitory. ☐ adv. for or during a moment only; for or during a very short time. ☐ n. a moment, a shortest point of time (ক্ষণিকের অতিথি).

ক্ষণে [ kṣaṇē ] adv in a moment, at one moment, at one time ('ক্ষণে হাতে দড়ি ক্ষণে চাঁদ'). ক্ষণেক্ষণে adv. frequently; repeatedly; at short intervals, every now and then; spasmodically.

ক্ষণেক [ kṣaṇēka ] n the shortest point of time, a mo ment; a short time. ☐ adv. for a while; for a short time, a little. ক্ষণেক দাঁড়াও tarry a little or while; wait for a mo ment.

ক্ষত [ kṣata ] n a wound; an ulcer; a morbid boil; a sore part of the body, a sore. ☐ a. wounded; ulcerated; sore. ̃চিহ্ন n. a scar. ̃জ a. coming out or born of a sore or wound. ☐ n. blood; pus. ̃নাশক a. removing or wiping out or healing up injury or wound. ̃বিক্ষত a. wounded at several parts of one's body, covered all over with wounds. ̃যোনি a. (of a woman) one whose virginity has been violated, ravished, deflowered. ̃স্হান n. the wound; the in jury; the injured or wounded part.

ক্ষতাশৌচ [ kṣatāśauca ] n impurity of the body on ac count of a wound or sore or haemorrhage.

ক্ষতি [ kṣati ] n injury, harm; damage, detriment; depreciation; loss. ক্ষতি করা v. to injure, to harm; to damage; to depreciate; to cause a loss (to). ̃কর, ̃কারক, ̃জনক a. injurious, harmful; damaging, detri mental; depreciatory; causing a loss (to), losing. ̃গ্রস্ত a. damaged; depreci ated; one who has sustained a loss; in jured, harmed. ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করা same as ক্ষতি করা । ক্ষতিগ্রস্হ হওয়া v. to sustain a loss; to be harmed or injured; to be damaged or depreciated. ̃পূরণ n. com pensation; indemnity. ক্ষতিপূরণ করা v. to compensate; to indemnify. ক্ষতিপূরণ হওয়া v. to be compensated; to be in demnified. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. loss or gain. ক্ষতিবৃদ্ধি না হওয়া v. to have nothing to lose or gain. ̃সাধন n. doing damage or harm. ক্ষতিসাধন করা same as ক্ষতি করা ।

ক্ষত্তা [ kṣattā ] n a man born of a sudra (শুদ্র) father and Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়) or Vaisya (বৈশ্য) mother; one's (esp. a king's) son born of his maid-servant.

ক্ষত্র [ kṣatra ] n the Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়) caste; a member of this caste. ̃কর্ম n. an action or activities becoming a Kshatra (ক্ষত্র). ̃জাতি n. the Kshatriya caste. ̃ধর্ম n. the traditional obligations and duties of a Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়); chivalry. ̃নারী n. fem. Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়) woman. masc. ̃পুরুষ ।

ক্ষত্রিয় [ kṣatriẏa ] n the second caste amongst Hin dus according to the scriptural order; they were chiefly entrusted with the administration and defence of the realm; a member of this caste; a caste amongst up-country Hindus, a member of this caste, a Kshetri (ক্ষেত্রি). fem. ক্ষত্রিয়া । ক্ষত্রিয়াণী n. Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়) woman. fem. ক্ষত্রিয়ী n. wife of a Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়) who may not neces sarily be a Kshatriya woman herself. ̃জাতি n. the Kshatriyas (ক্ষত্রিয়). ক্ষত্রিয়োচিত a. becoming a Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়).

ক্ষত্রোচিত [ kṣatrōcita ] a becoming or befitting a Kshatra (ক্ষত্র).

ক্ষত্রী [ kṣatrī ] n a Kshatra (ক্ষত্র) or Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়); a caste amongst up-country Hindus or a member of this caste.

ক্ষন্তব্য [ kṣantabya ] a pardonable, forgivable, excus able.

ক্ষন্তা [ kṣantā ] a. & n one who forgives.

ক্ষপণক [ kṣapaṇaka ] n an ancient Buddhist or (also) Jaina Digambar (nude) mendicant or ascetic.

ক্ষপা [ kṣapā ] n the night.

ক্ষম [ kṣama ] a (used as a sfx.) able (কর্মক্ষম); de serving (মার্জনক্ষম); -able, -ible.

ক্ষমতা [ kṣamatā ] n power, strength, might; ability, capacity; efficiency, proficiency, dex terity, skill; influence, control. ক্ষমতা অভিযোজন n. delegation of power. ̃চ্যুত a. devoid or deprived of power. ̃প্রিয় a. power-loving. ̃প্রিয়তা n. love of power. ̃বান, ̃শালী, ̃সম্পন্ন a. powerful, strong, mighty; influential; able, ca pable; proficient, skilful. fem. ̃বতী, ̃শলিনী । ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. powerless; lack ing in influence; unable, incapable; in efficient, unskilled. ক্ষমতাসীন a. ruling; wielding power; possessed of power or authority, possessing or holding power.

ক্ষমা [ kṣamā ] n forgiveness; pardon; forbearance; tolerance. ক্ষমা করা v. to forgive; to par don; to forbear; to excuse; to tolerate, to brook. ক্ষমা চাওয়া same as ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করা । ক্ষমা দেওয়া v. to forbear; to desist (from). ̃গুণ n. the quality of forgive ness or forbearance or tolerance in man. ̃ধর্ম n. the doctrine of forgive ness or pardon or forbearance or toler ance (as enjoined for man). ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ a. forgiving, tolerant, given to forgiveness or tolerance. fem. ̃পরায়ণা । ̃প্রার্থনা n. asking for forgiveness; beg ging pardon; an apology. ̃প্রার্থনা করা v. to ask for forgiveness, to beg pardon; to apologize. ̃প্রার্থী a. (one who is) asking for forgiveness or begging par don or apologizing. ̃বান same as ̃পর । fem. ̃বতী । ̃ভিক্ষা same as ̃প্রার্থনা ̃শীল same as ̃পর । fem. ̃শীলা । ̃হীন a. unforgiving; unrelent ing ক্ষমার্হ same as ক্ষম্য ।

ক্ষমী [ kṣamī ] a given to forgiveness or toler tance, forgiving, forbearing, tolerating, enduring; able; capable.

ক্ষম্য [ kṣamya ] a forgivable, pardonable; excusable.

ক্ষয় [ kṣaẏa ] n destruction (শত্রুক্ষয়); defeat (অধর্মের ক্ষয়); waste, loss (অর্থক্ষয়); erosion (কুলক্ষয়); depreciation (মুদ্রা ক্ষয়); decay, waning (চন্দ্রের ক্ষয়); con sumption, phthisis, tuberculosis (ক্ষয় রোগ). ক্ষয় করা v. to destroy; to defeat, to vanquish; to waste, to lose; to erode, to eat into or away; to depreciate; to decrease. ক্ষয় পাওয়া, ক্ষয় হওয়া v. to be destroyed; to be defeated or van quished; to be wasted or lost; to be eroded, to be eaten into or away; to be depreciated; to decay; to decrease. ̃কর, ̃কারক, ̃জনক a. destroying; de feating; causing waste or loss; erosive; depreciating; causing decay or de crease; consuming. ̃কাশ n. consump tion, phthisis, tuberculosis. ̃ক্ষতি n. wear and tear. ̃জাত পর্বত n. residual mountain. ̃পক্ষ n. the fortnight of the waning moon. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. destroyed; de feated; wasted, lost; eroded, eaten into or away; depreciated; decayed; de creased; dilapidated (ক্ষয়প্রাপ্ত অট্টালিকা); consumed. ̃রোগ same as ̃কাশ । ̃রোগী n. a person suffering from phthisis, a consumptive or tubercular patient. ̃শীল same as ক্ষয়ীষ্ণু । ̃হীন a. undecaying, uneroding; that which does not erode or decay.

ক্ষয়িত [ kṣaẏita ] a destroyed; defeated; wasted, lost; eroded, eaten into or away; de cayed; decreased; dilapidated.

ক্ষয়িষ্ণু, ক্ষয়ী [ kṣaẏiṣṇu, kṣaẏī ] a tending to decay or wear away or decrease; consumptive; per ishable. ক্ষয়িষ্ণুতা n. tendency towards decaying or wearing away or decreas ing; consumptiveness; perishability.

ক্ষর [ kṣara ] n an ooze or oozing; exudation; dripping. ☐ a. oozy; exuding; dripping; perishable, fragile. ক্ষরণ n. oozing; exudation; dripping; destruction. ক্ষরিত a. oozed; exuded. ক্ষরণ হওয়া, ক্ষরিত হওয়া, ক্ষরা v. to ooze; to exude; to drip. ক্ষরী a. oozy; oozing; exuding; drip ping.

ক্ষাত্র [ kṣātra ] a pertaining to kshartiyas (ক্ষত্রিয়); becoming a kshartiya. ☐ n. the tradi tional obligations and duties or might of a kshatriya; chivalry; the state of be ing a kshatriya. ̃ধর্ম n. the duties and obligations of a kshatriya.

ক্ষান্ত [ kṣānta ] a tolerant; forbearing; forgiving; desisted, stopped. ক্ষান্ত করা v. to cause to forbear or desist (from); to stop or terminate. ক্ষান্ত দেওয়া v. to forbear; to desist (from), to leave off. ক্ষান্ত হওয়া v. to forbear; to desist (from), to leave off (যুদ্ধে ক্ষান্ত হওয়া); to stop, to be over (যুদ্ধ ক্ষান্ত হওয়া). ক্ষান্তি n. tolerance; for bearance; forgiveness; desistance; a stop, termination. ক্ষান্তি দেওয়া same as ক্ষান্ত দেওয়া ।

ক্ষার [ kṣāra ] n alkali; a basic salt. ক্ষারক n. a chemical base; alkali; a washerman. fem. ক্ষারিকা । ক্ষারকীয় a. (chem.) basic, alkaline. ̃জল n. alkali water, alkaline water; salt water. ̃ধাতু n. alkali metal. ̃মিতি n. alkalimetry. ̃মৃত্তিকা n. alka line earth, fuller's earth.

ক্ষারণ [ kṣāraṇa ] n act of causing to ooze or drip; melting; liquefaction; slandering, stig matization; corruption.

ক্ষারিত [ kṣārita ] a caused to ooze or drip; melted; liquefied; slandered, stigmatized; cor rupted.

ক্ষারীয় [ kṣārīẏa ] a alkaline. ক্ষারীয় সন্ধান alkaline fermentation.

ক্ষালন [ kṣālana ] n washing (বস্ত্রক্ষালন); cleansing; exoneration (দোষক্ষালন, পাপক্ষালন); re moval; purification. ক্ষালন করা v. to wash; to cleanse; to exonerate; to re move; to purify.

ক্ষালিত [ kṣālita ] a washed; cleansed; exonerated; removed; purified.

ক্ষিতি [ kṣiti ] n the ground (ক্ষিতিতল); clay; the earth, the world; (ক্ষিতি অপ্ তেজঃ মরুত্ ব্যোম). ̃জ a. earthborn; growing on the ground, earth-grown. ☐ n. Mars; the horizon. ̃জ রেখা n. a horizontal line, a horizontal. ̃জ লম্বন n. horizontal par allax. ̃তল n. the surface of the earth, the ground. ̃ধর n. a mountain. ̃নাথ, ̃প, ̃পতি, ̃পাল n. a king. ̃ভৃত্ n. a mountain. ̃রুহ n. a tree (usu. a large one).

ক্ষিতীশ [ kṣitīśa ] n a king.

ক্ষিদা, ক্ষিদে [ kṣidā, kṣidē ] rej spellings of খিদা and খিদে respectively.

ক্ষিপ্ত [ kṣipta ] a (ety.) thrown, ejected; distracted; maddened, frenzied, mad; (of animals) must, musty; frantic; furious. fem. ক্ষিপ্তা । ক্ষিপ্ত করা v. to madden; to make musty; to make frantic or furious. ক্ষিপ্ত হওয়া to go mad; to madden, to become frenzied; to become musty; to get fran tic or furious. ̃তা n. mental distrac tion; madness, frenzy; (of animals) must; furiousness, fury. ̃বত্ adv. like one gone mad, in a fit of madness; madly; frantically; furiously. ☐ a. mad, madding; frantic; furious.

ক্ষিপ্যমাণ [ kṣipyamāṇa ] a in the state of being thrown or ejected.

ক্ষিপ্র [ kṣipra ] a swift, quick; prompt; rapid. ☐ adv. swiftly, quickly; promptly; rap idly. ̃কারী a. ready in action, prompt. ̃কারিতা n. promptness, promptitude. ̃গতি a. swift-moving, swift, fast, nimble. ☐ n. a swift motion. ̃গামী a. swift-moving, fast-going, swift, fast, nimble. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃তা n. swiftness, quickness, promptitude; rapidity. ̃বেগে adv. swiftly, quickly; fast; rapidly. ̃হস্ত a. swift-handed. ̃হস্তে adv. swift-handedly; quickly.

ক্ষীণ [ kṣīṇa ] a decayed (ক্ষীণ চন্দ্র); lean, thin (ক্ষীণ দেহ); slender (ক্ষীণ কটি); meagre; insufficient (ক্ষীণ আলোক); subdued (ক্ষীণ কণ্ঠ); feeble, weak (ক্ষীণ দৃষ্টি). fem. ক্ষীণা । ক্ষীণ করা v. to decay; to emaciate; to attenuate; to make slender; to lessen (আলো ক্ষীণ করা); to subdue; to en feeble, to weaken. ক্ষীণ হওয়া v. to de cay; to be emaciated; to become slen der; to lessen; to become subdued; to become feeble, to weaken. ̃কণ্ঠ n. a feeble or subdued voice, a faint or low voice. ☐ a. feeble-voiced; having a subdued voice. ̃কণ্ঠে adv. in a faint or feeble voice; in an undertone. ̃কায় a. leanbodied; emaciated; thin, small (ক্ষীণকায় বই). ̃চন্দ্র n. the waning moon or the moon in wane (that is, the moon of the dark fortnight). ̃চেতা a. feeble hearted, weak-minded. ̃জীবী a. having low vitality; short-lived; frail. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. decayed state; leanness, thinness; emaciation; slenderness; meagreness, insufficiency; subdued state; feeble ness, weakness. ̃দৃষ্টি a. weak-sighted. ̃দেহ same as ̃কায় । ̃প্রাণ same as ̃জীবী । ̃বল a. weak; weakened; weak in military strength (ক্ষীণবল রাষ্ট্র). ̃বুদ্ধি a. dull-witted. ̃মতি a. weak-minded. ̃মধ্যা a. fem. having a slender waist. masc. ̃মধ্য । ̃শক্তি same as ̃বল । ̃শ্বাস a. having one's breath failing; dying; completely deprived of vigour; en feebled; short-lived (ক্ষীণশ্বাস প্রাণ). ̃স্বর n. & a. same as ˜কণ্ঠ । ̃স্বরে adv. same as ̃কণ্ঠে । ক্ষীণাঙ্গী a. (fem.) having a slim body.

ক্ষীণালোক [ kṣīṇālōka ] n dim light.

ক্ষীয়মাণ [ kṣīẏamāṇa ] a decaying; waning.

ক্ষীর [ kṣīra ] n milk (গো-ক্ষীর); juice; latex; milk condensed and sweetened by boiling (taken as a sweetmeat). ̃পুলি n. a sweetmeat made from sweetened and condensed milk. ̃মোহন n. a kind of sweetmeat. ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সাগর n. (myth.) a sea containing milk instead of water, the Milk Sea.

ক্ষীরোদ [ kṣīrōda ] n (myth.) a sea containing milk, The Milk Sea. ̃তনয়, ̃নন্দন n. the Moon (personified). ̃তনয়া n. fem. Goddess Lakshmi.

ক্ষুঁয়া [ kṣum̐ẏā ] n silk; jute; cloth made of silk or jute. ̃তাঁতি n. a jute-weaver; a weaver of coarse cloth.

ক্ষুণ্ণ [ kṣuṇṇa ] a saddened; mortified; offended; re stricted, restrained, frustrated, curbed, hindered; pulverized. ̃মনা a. (mentally) distressed or mortified or aggrieved.