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গ্রসন [ grasana ] n act of swallowing or devouring or gulping; act of eclipsing.

গ্রসমান [ grasamāna ] a engaged in swallowing or de vouring or gulping or eclipsing.

গ্রস্ত [ grasta ] a swallowed, devoured, gulped; eclipsed; attacked; seized; affected with; involved in; overwhelmed. গ্রস্ত উপত্যকা n. a rift valley. গ্রস্তোদয় n. rising of the sun or the moon after eclipse.

গ্রহ [ graha ] n (astr. & astrol.) a planet; (astrol.) an evil planet, (loos.) an evil star (গ্রহের ফের); eclipse; act of taking; act of as suming (রূপগ্রহ); realization, compre hension (অর্থগ্রহ); misfortune. ̃কোপ n. the antagonism or opposition or evil in fluence of a planet. ̃জগত্ n. the plan etary world. ̃তত্ত্ব n. astronomy. ̃দশা n. (astrol.) the period of direct influence of a planet esp. an evil planet. ̃দৃষ্টি n. (astrol.) planetary influence (direct or indirect), esp. evil influence. ̃দেবতা n. (astrol.) the guardian or presiding deity of a planet. ̃দোষ n. (astrol.) he evil in fluence of a planet. ̃পতি n. the sun. ̃পীড়া n. (astrol.) the suffering owing to the evil influence of a planet. ̃পূজা n. worship of the sun and other planets in order to propitiate them. ̃বিপ্র n. a Brahmin astrologer. ̃বৈগুণ্য, ̃বিপাক n. (astrol.) antagonism or hostility or op position of a planet. ̃মণ্ডল n. (astr. & astrol.) the planetary system. ˜রাজ n. the sun. ̃শান্তি n. (astrol.) propitiation of planets. ̃স্ফুট n. a zodiacal sign indicat ing the position of a planet.

গ্রহণ1 [ grahaṇa1 ] n taking or receiving (ভিক্ষাগ্রহণ); holding (হস্তগ্রহণ); assuming (ছদ্মবেশ গ্রহণ); adoption (সন্ন্যাস গ্রহণ); reception (অতিথিকে সাদরে গ্রহণ); acceptance (নিমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ); comprehension, realiza tion (রচনার অর্থগ্রহণ); drinking or eating (জলগ্রহণ, অন্নগ্রহণ); taking in (শ্বাসগ্রহণ); act of inhaling (গন্ধগ্রহণ). গ্রহণ করা v. to take, to receive; to hold; to assume; to adopt; to accept; to comprehend, to realize; to drink or eat; to take in; to inhale. ̃ক্ষম a. receptive. ̃ক্ষমতা, ̃শক্তি n. receptive power or capacity.

গ্রহণ2 [ grahaṇa2 ] n an eclipse. গ্রহণ ছাড়ে v. an eclipse ends. গ্রহণ লাগে v. an eclipse be gins or starts. গ্রহণ হয় v. an eclipse takes place or occurs. ̃মোক্ষ n. end of an eclipse. ̃স্হিতি n. duration of an eclipse. ̃স্পর্শ n. commencement of an eclipse. পূর্ণগ্রহণ n. total eclipse. খণ্ডগ্রহণ n. partial eclipse.

গ্রহণি, গ্রহণী [ grahaṇi, grahaṇī ] n chronic diarrhoea; the duodenum.

গ্রহণীয় [ grahaṇīẏa ] a acceptable.

গ্রহাচার্য [ grahācārya ] n a soothsayer, an astrologer.

গ্রহাণু [ grahāṇu ] n (astr.) an asteroid. ̃পুঞ্জ n. pl. as teroids.

গ্রহান্তর [ grahāntara ] n another planet.

গ্রহান্তর্বর্তী [ grahāntarbartī ] a inter-planetary.

গ্রহাবিষ্ট [ grahābiṣṭa ] a (astrol.) influenced by an evil planet; possessed.

গ্রহীতা [ grahītā ] n a recipient.

গ্রাবরেখা [ grābarēkhā ] n (geog.) moraine.

গ্রাবু [ grābu ] n a kind of card-game.

গ্রাম [ grāma ] n a hamlet, a village; a small settle ment; (as a sfx.) a collection (গুণগ্রাম, স্বরগ্রাম); (mus.) a scale (উচ্চগ্রাম). ̃খরচা same as গ্রামভাটি । ̃জ, ̃জাত a. pro duced in a village, rural. ̃ণী n. (hist.) a village headman. ̃ধর্ম n. sexual inter course (esp. with one's wife). ̃বাসী n. a villager, a village-dweller. ̃ভাটি n. a monetary contribution to be given for village welfare at the time of wedding etc. ̃মৃগ n. a (village) dog. ̃সম্পর্ক, ̃সুবাদ n. the relation that arises owing to living in the same village. ̃সম্পর্কীয় a. rural; pertaining to co-villagers. ̃স্হ a. of or in or living in a village; rural.

গ্রামাধ্যক্ষ [ grāmādhyakṣa ] n a village headman.

গ্রামান্ত [ grāmānta ] n outskirts of a village; the border of a village.

গ্রামান্তর [ grāmāntara ] n another village.

গ্রামিক [ grāmika ] a. & n one who owns or rules or guards a village.

গ্রামী [ grāmī ] a one who lives in or rules a vil lage; rural; rustic; consisting of or con taining villages or musical scales.

গ্রামীণ [ grāmīṇa ] a produced in a village; in or of or dwelling in a village; rural; rustic.

গ্রামোফোন [ grāmōphōna ] n a gramophone, a record player.

গ্রাম্য [ grāmya ] a of or relating to a village; born or produced in a village; found or avail able in a village; living in a village; ru ral; rustic; (esp. of words and speech) vulgar. ̃তা n. rusticity; (esp. of words and speech) vulgarity. ̃ধর্ম n. sexual intercourse (esp.) with one's wife. ̃মৃগ n. a (village) dog.

গ্রাস [ grāsa ] n a mouthful, a morsel; the inner cavity of an opened mouth, a gape; a handful (as at snatching); a grip, a hold, seizure; appropriation; act of swallowing or devouring or eating or drinking; feed; food; an eclipse. গ্রাস করা v. to swallow or devour; to eat or drink; to seize; to grip; to appropriate to oneself; to eclipse. গ্রাস হওয়া v. to be eclipsed. ̃কারী a. & n. one who or that which swallows or devours or eats or drinks or seizes or appropriates or eclipses. ˜নালি n. the gullet, the oesophagus. গ্রাসাচ্ছাদন n. food and clothing; subsistence; bare subsis tence.

গ্রাহ [ grāha ] n act of taking or receiving; seizure; appropriation; enlightenment; knowl edge; cognition; comprehension; un derstanding; intelligence; solicitation or insistence; earnestness, zeal; the crocodile, the alligator, the shark etc. গ্রাহক a. one who takes or receives; one who buys or subscribes. ☐ n. a recipi ent; a buyer, subscriber. fem. গ্রাহিকা । গ্রাহকশ্রেণিভুক্ত করা v. to enlist or enrol as a subscriber. গ্রাহিতা n. practice of tak ing or receiving or seizing; (phys.) sus ceptibility (চৌম্বক গ্রাহিতা). গ্রাহী a. & n. one who or that which takes or re ceives; one who or that which seizes or appropriates; one who or that which comprehends or appreciates or ac knowledges (গুণগ্রাহী); one who or that which attracts (চিত্তগ্রাহী); astringent. গ্রাহী সেল (phys.) a secondary cell.

গ্রাহ্য [ grāhya ] a acceptable; perceptible (ইন্দ্রিয়গ্রাহ্য); admissible; worthy of con sideration; reckonable. গ্রাহ্য করা v. to accept; to pay heed to, to care. গ্রাহ্য না করা v. to reject, to dismiss, not to ac cept, to pay no heed to, not to care. গ্রাহ্য হওয়া v. to be accepted; to be consid ered; to be heeded.

গ্রিক [ grika ] a Greek. ☐ n. a Greek; the Greek language, Greek.

গ্রিসীয় [ grisīẏa ] a Grecian, Greek.

গ্রীবা [ grībā ] n the throat; the neck; the nape of the neck. ̃দেশ n. the nape of the neck; (loos.) the neck or the throat. ̃ভঙ্গি n. a (beautiful) gesture of the neck or the throat.

গ্রীষ্ম [ grīṣma ] n summer; heat. ☐ a. hot; torrid (গ্রীষ্মমন্ডল). ̃কাল n. summer, the hot season. ̃কালীন a. of summer, of the hot season, summer. ̃ক্লিষ্ট a. same as ̃পীড়িত । ̃তাপিত a. oppressed by the heat of summer; heated by summer. ̃পীড়িত a. oppressed with heat or by summer. ̃প্রধান tropical. ̃প্রধান দেশ a tropical country, a hot country. ̃বলয়, ̃মণ্ডল n. (geog.) the torrid zone. গ্রীষ্মাতিশয়, গ্রীষ্মাতিশয্য n. excess of heat; extreme heat. গ্রীষ্মাবকাশ n. the summer vacation or recess.

গ্রেন [ grēna ] n a grain (a unit of weight).

গ্রেপ্তার, গ্রেফতার [ grēptāra, grēphatāra ] n arrest, apprehension, seizure. ☐ a. arrested, apprehended, seized (গ্রেপ্তার হওয়া). গ্রেপ্তার করা v. to ar rest, to apprehend, to seize. গ্রেপ্তারি, গ্রেফতারি a. empowering or directing to arrest. গ্রেপ্তারি পরওয়ানা a warrant of ar rest.

গ্রৈব, গ্রৈবেয় [ graiba, graibēẏa ] a of the neck or the throat; of the nape of the neck.

গ্রৈস্মিক [ graismika ] a of summer; of summer heat.

গ্লান [ glāna ] a wearied, tired; exhausted, fa tigued; unhealthy; filthy, dirty; disreputed, disreputable, shameful; up braided, slandered, accused (falsely); mortified. ̃যান n. an ambulance car.

গ্লানি [ glāni ] n weariness, tiredness; exhaustion, fatigue; unhealthiness, filth, dirt (ঘামের গ্লানি); disgrace, disrepute, shame (বীরকুলগ্লানি); upbraiding, slander, (false) accusation; mortification (মনের গ্লানি). ̃কর, ̃জনক a. filthy; disgraceful, shameful; slanderous; mortifying.

গ্লাস [ glāsa ] n a tumbler, a glass.