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ঘেঁষ2, ঘেঁস [ ghēm̐ṣa2, ghēm̐sa ] n the dust of coal; dust of bro ken brick or stone; coal ash.

ঘেঁষা [ ghēm̐ṣā ] n to stay touching; to come in con tact with; to draw close (to); to ap proach. ঘেঁষাঘেঁষি adv. closely; crowdingly. ☐ n. closeness or crowd ing state (ঘেঁষাঘেঁষির জন্য অসুবিধা).

ঘেঙানো [ ghēṅānō ] v to whine, to whimper. ঘেঙানি n. whining; a whine, a whimper.

ঘেটেল [ ghēṭēla ] n a ferryman.

ঘেমো [ ghēmō ] a sweaty ঘেমো গা, ঘোমো জামা.

ঘেয়ো [ ghēẏō ] a having an ulcer or sore or wound, ulcerous; ulcerated; (of a dog) mangy (ঘেয়ো কুকুর).

ঘের [ ghēra ] n perimeter, circumference; girth (শায়ার ঘের); an enclosing frame or an enclosed place, an enclosure. ঘের দেওয়া v. to enclose.

ঘেরাও [ ghērāō ] n act of enclosing or shutting in or surrounding; gherao, encircling em ployers or authorities to coerce them to accept demands; besiegement. ☐ a. en closed; shut in; surrounded; gheraoed; besieged.

ঘেসো [ ghēsō ] a full of grass, grass-grown ঘেসোজমি = a grass-plot); grass-like, grassy (ঘেসো গন্ধ); having a disagree able smell, bad-smelling; made of grass (ঘেসো কাগজ).

ঘোঁজ [ ghōn̐ja ] n a curve; a bend or bent, a turn; a bend of a furrow-line or of the side of a field; a nook; a corner. ঘোঁজ-ঘাঁজ n. nook and corner; (fig.) secret wiles, trick or device (esp. to deceive).

ঘোঁট [ ghōn̐ṭa ] n a conference (esp. of conspirators); gossip; a rumour; a faction; an idle crowd. ঘোঁট করা, ঘোঁট পাকানো v. to hatch a conspiracy; (dero.) to engage in confer ence, to spread a malicious rumour; to form a faction; to form an idle crowd.

ঘোঁটন [ ghōn̐ṭana ] n act of stirring with a pestle in a mortar; act of beating up; act of agitat ing, agitation; act of searching or trav elling thoroughly, act of rifling or ran sacking. ঘোঁটনা n. a pestle.

ঘোঁতঘোঁত [ ghōn̐taghōn̐ta ] int expressing: the grunting of the boar; angry grumbling. ঘোঁতঘোঁত করা v. to grunt; to grumble angrily. ঘোঁতঘোঁতানি n. the grunting of the boar; angry grumbling.

যোগ [ yōga ] n a kind of beast having resem blance to the wolf and the dog, the tigerwolf; the wild dog, the hyena-dog.

ঘোঙ্গট [ ghōṅgaṭa ] n (obs. & poet.) a veil.

ঘোটক [ ghōṭaka ] n the male horse, the stallion; the horse. fem. ঘোটকী the mare. ঘোটকারূঢ় a. mounted or seated on a horse.

ঘোড়দৌড় [ ghōḍ়dauḍ় ] n a horse-race; (fig.) fatiguing harassment or running about. ঘোড়দৌড় করা v. (fig.) to run about out of breath. ঘোড়দৌড় করানো v. (fig.) to fatigue with harassment; (fig.) to cause to run about out of breath. ঘোড়দৌড়ের মাঠ a race course.

ঘোড়সওয়ার [ ghōḍ়sōẏāra ] n a horseman; a horse-sol dier, a cavalryman.

ঘোড়া1 [ ghōḍ়ā1 ] n the horse; (in chess) a knight. ঘোড়া জোতা v. to yoke a horse, to fasten a horse to a cart, plough etc. ঘোড়া ডিঙিয়ে ঘাস খাওয়া (fig.) to ignore or by pass the proper channel. ঘোড়া দেখে খোঁড়া হওয়া (fig.) to get idle when there is somebody to do a job. ঘোড়ায় চড়া v. to ride a horse. ঘোড়ার গাড়ি same as ঘোড়াগাড়ি । ঘোড়ার ডাক1 neigh. ঘোড়ার ডাক2 the horse mail, the mail carried by the horse. ঘোড়ার ডিম (fig.) a mare's nest. ঘোড়ার সাজ harness. ঘোড়ার সাজ পরানো v. to harness a horse. খেলনা ঘোড়া n. a hobby-horse; a rocking horse. গাড়ির ঘোড়া a carriage-horse. চড়বার ঘোড়া a riding horse. ভারবাহী ঘোড়া, মাল-টানা ঘোড়া a pack-horse, a draught-horse. যুদ্ধের ঘোড়া a war-horse, a charger. ̃ওয়ালা n. a horse-dealer. ̃গাড়ি n. a horse-drawn carriage, a carriage. ঘোড়া ঘোড়া খেলা n. a children's game in which one player acts as a horse whilst an other as a rider (cp. horse-play). ̃মুগ n. an inferior kind of pigeon-pea chiefly used as food for horses, gram. ̃রোগ n. an extremely harmful or ex pensive hobby or craze. ঘোড়ায় টানা a. horse-drawn. ঘোড়াশাল n. a stable. ভাড়াটে ঘোড়ার গাড়ি a. a hackney carriage.

ঘোড়া2 [ ghōḍ়ā2 ] n the trigger of a pistol or a re volver or a gun. ঘোড়া টেপা v. to pull the trigger.

ঘোণা [ ghōṇā ] n the nose of the horse; (sarcas.) a human nose.

ঘোপ [ ghōpa ] n a small hole or pocket; a secret or invisible place. ̃ঘাপ n. a narrow hiding-place.

ঘোমটা [ ghōmaṭā ] n a veil. ঘোমটা খোলা v. to unveil. ঘোমটা দেওয়া v. to cover with a veil, to veil. ঘোমটার ভিতর খেমটা নাচ (fig.) de bauchery under the veil of chastity, wickedness under the veil of goodness.

ঘোর [ ghōra ] a dreadful, frightful, awful (ঘোর বিপদ); severe (ঘোর যুদ্ধ); excessive, extreme, intensive (ঘোর নেশা); beside oneself, dead (ঘোর মাতাল); dense and dark (ঘোর অরণ্য); deep (ঘোর অন্ধকার, ঘোর লাল); sound (ঘোর নিদ্রা); dark (ঘোর সন্ধ্যা) ☐ n. obsession (নেশার ঘোর, সুখের ঘোর); illusion (চোখের ঘোর); darkness (সন্ধ্যার ঘোর). ঘোর করা v. to be come dark, to darken. ঘোর কাটা v. to be freed from obsession or illusion. ঘোর হওয়া v. to become dark, to darken; to become deep, to deepen. ঘোর-ঘোর n. slight darkness, darkishness, duski ness; slight deepness. ☐ a. darkish; slightly deep. ̃তর compar. of ঘোর । a. (pos. deg.) extremely terrible or se vere. ̃দর্শন a. horrid-looking, having a frightful appearance, hideous looking. fem. ̃দর্শনা । ̃প্যাঁচ n. intricacy or com plication; crookedness; angularity. ঘোরে adv. under the influence or spell of.

ঘোরা1 [ ghōrā1 ] fem of ঘোর ।

ঘোরাকৃতি [ ghōrākṛti ] a having a frightful or terrible appearance.

ঘোরাফেরা [ ghōrāphērā ] n walking or wandering or sauntering here and there.

ঘোরালো [ ghōrālō ] a extremely dark, deep dark (ঘোরালো রাত্রি); deep (ঘোরালো রং); grave or glum (ঘোরালো মুখ); terrible (ঘোরালো বিপদ); very complicated or intricate (ঘোরালো ব্যাপার).

ঘোল [ ghōla ] n whey, buttermilk. ঘোল করা v. to make whey. ঘোল খাওয়া v. (fig.) to be put out of countenance, to be put to shame, to be bewildered or harassed. ঘোল খাওয়ানো v. (fig.) to bewilder or harass. ঘোল মওয়া v. to churn butter. মাথায় ঘোল ঢালা to pour whey on one's shaven head (as a mark of public dis grace); (fig.) to disgrace publicly. ঘোল-মউনি n. a churning-stick. ঘোলের শরবত a beverage or drink prepared with whey.

ঘোলা [ ghōlā ] a turbid, muddy (ঘোলা জল); opaque, dull (ঘোলা চোখ); dim, hazy (ঘোলা দৃষ্টি). ̃টে a. slightly turbid or muddy; slightly opaque or dull; slightly dim or hazy. ̃নো v. to make turbid or dull esp. by beating up or stir ring; to make or become opaque or dull or dim or hazy; (fig.) to compli cate matters, to rake up old quarrels.

ঘোষ [ ghōṣa ] n a grave sound; a sound, a noise, a note; an announcement, a loud declara tion, a proclamation; a milkman by profession or caste (ঘোষপা়ড়া); a milkman's hamlet (ঘোষযাত্রা). ☐ a. (gr.) voiced (ঘোষধ্বনি). ̃ক n. an announcer, a proclaimer, a crier. ̃ণ, ̃ণা n. an nouncement, proclamation. ঘোষনাপত্র n. a written announcement or proclama tion, a bulletin, a notice. ঘোষণীয় a. that which can be or to be announced or proclaimed. ̃পল্লি, ̃পাড়া n. a milkman's hamlet. ̃বর্ণ n. (gr.) a voiced consonant. ̃যাত্রা n. a visit in state by a prince to a hamlet of milk men where his cattle are kept.