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চতুর্ঘাত [ caturghāta ] a & n. (math.) biquadratic raised to a fourth power, square of a square.

চতুর্থ [ caturtha ] a fourth. চতুর্থাংশ n. one-fourth, a fourth part. চতুর্থী a. fem. of চতুর্থ ।n. (astr.) the fourth day of a lunar fort night, obsequial rites performed by a married daughter on the fourth day of the death of either of her parents; (gr.) the fourth case-ending.

চতুর্দশ [ caturdaśa ] n & a. fourteen. □ a. fourteenth. ̃পদী a. consisting of fourteen lines. চতুর্দশপদী কবিতা a quatorzain; a sonnet. চতুর্দশ পুরুষ fourteen generations in the ascending order such as the father, the grandfather etc.; the fourteenth genera tion. চতুর্দশ বিদ্যা the four Vedas, the six Vedangas (বেদাঙ্গ), the Mimamsas (মীমাংসা), logic, history and mytholo gies; all these collectively. চতুর্দশ ভুবন the seven heavens and the seven un derworlds. চতুর্দশী n. fem. the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight; a girl of four teen. ☐ a. fem. fourteen years old.

চতুর্দিক [ caturdika ] n the four quarters of the com pass, namely north, south, east and west; four sides; all the four sides; all sides or places; all affairs or things. চতুর্দিকে adv. on all sides; in all direc tions.

চতুর্দোল, চতুর্দোলা [ caturdōla, caturdōlā ] n a kind of litter carried by four bearers.

চতুর্ধা [ caturdhā ] adv in four ways; on four sides; fourfold, four times; in four parts.

চতুর্নবতি [ caturnabati ] n & a. ninety-four. ˜তম a. ninety-fourth. fem. ̃তমী ।

চতুর্বর্গ [ caturbarga ] n Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha, or virtue, wealth, love and fi nal salvation: these four goals or pur suits of human life.

চতুর্বর্ণ [ caturbarṇa ] n the brahmanas, the Kshartiyas, the Vaishyas, and the Shudras: these four castes or orders of the Hindu soci ety.

চতুর্বিংশ [ caturbiṃśa ] a twenty-four. ̃তি n. & a. twenty-four. ˜তিতম a. twenty-fourth. fem. ̃তিতমী ।

চতুর্বিধ [ caturbidha ] a of four sorts or kinds. fem. চতুর্বিধা ।

চতুর্বেদ [ caturbēda ] n the four Vedas, namely Rik, Yajus, Sama and Atharva. চতুর্বেদী a. versed in all the four Vedas.

চতুর্ভুজ [ caturbhuja ] a having four hands or arms; (geom.) rectilineal, quadrilateral. ☐ n. an appellation of Narayana (নারায়ণ) or Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); (geom.) a rectilineal or quadrilateral figure.

চতুর্মাস [ caturmāsa ] n the four monsoon months.

চতুর্মুখ [ caturmukha ] a having four mouths or faces, four-faced. ☐ n. an appellation of God Brahma (ব্রহ্মা).

চতুশ্চত্তারিংশ [ catuścattāriṃśa ] a forty-four. ̃ত্ n. & a. forty-four. ˜ত্তম a. forty-fourth. fem. ̃ত্তমী ।

চতুষ্ক [ catuṣka ] n a square; a rectangle; a square or rectangular courtyard or portico or vestibule; a four-pillared square or rectangular courtyard or platform.

চতুষ্কোণ [ catuṣkōṇa ] a square; rectangular. ☐ n. a square; a rectangle.

চতুষ্টয় [ catuṣṭaẏa ] a having four limbs or divisions; of four kinds (আশ্রমচতুষ্টয়). ☐ n. an ag gregate of four, quartet (নীতিচতুষ্টয়).

চতুষ্পথ [ catuṣpatha ] n a junction of four roads or an intersection of two roads.

চতুষ্পদ [ catuṣpada ] n a quadruped animal; a beast. ☐ a. quadruped, four-footed; (fig.) as foolish as a beast. চতুষ্পদী n. fem. a four-lined or four-footed stanza, a qua train.

চতুষ্পাঠী [ catuṣpāṭhī ] n a school for teaching Sanskrit, esp. the four Vedas or grammar, po etry, law and philosophy.

চতুষ্পাদ [ catuṣpāda ] a four-footed or four-lined (চতুষ্পাদ শ্লোক); complete; entire; having all the parts; having four parts (চতুষ্পাদ ধর্ম). ☐ n. a quadruped.

চতুষ্পার্শ্ব [ catuṣpārśba ] n four sides; all the four sides; all sides; neighbourhood. চতুষ্পার্শ্বে adv. on all sides.

চতুস্তল [ catustala ] a (of a building etc.) four-storied; (of a vehicle etc.) four-decked; (geom.) tetrahedral. ̃ক n. a tetrahedron.

চতুস্ত্রিংশ [ catustriṃśa ] a thirty-four. ̃ত্ n. & a. thirty-four. ˜ত্তম a. thirty-fourth. fem. ̃ত্তমী ।

চত্বর [ catbara ] n a courtyard; a portico, a vesti bule; vicinity (এই চত্বরে কোনো কাঁচা বাড়ি নেই).