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চপল [ capala ] a restless; fickle; vivacious, lively; wanton; impudent, saucy; talkative; full of levity; flippant; fleeting, mo mentary. চপলা a. fem. of চপল ।n. fem. Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষী); the lightning. ̃তা n. restlessness; fickle ness; vivacity, liveliness; wantonness; impudence, sauciness; talkativeness; levity; flippancy; fleetingness.

চপেট, চপেটা, চপেটিকা [ capēṭa, capēṭā, capēṭikā ] n a blow with the open palm of the hand, a slap. চপেটাঘাত n. a slap. চপেটাঘাত করা v. to slap.

চপ্পল [ cappala ] n a kind of sandals.

চবর্গ [ cabarga ] n চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ: these five letters of the Bengali alphabet.

চবুতর, চবুতরা [ cabutara, cabutarā ] n a courtyard; a portico, a vestibule.

চব্বিশ [ cabbiśa ] n. & a twenty-four. চব্বিশ ঘন্টা n. & adv. twenty-four hours; all day; whole day; always. চব্বিশে n. the twenty-fourth day of a month, the twenty-fourth. ☐ a. (of days of a month) twenty-fourth.

চমক [ camaka ] n flash (বিদ্যুতের চমক); amazement (চমক লাগা); alarm, fright; conscious ness. চমক দেওয়া v. to flash; to strike with amazement. চমক ভাঙা v. to regain consciousness or come back to sense suddenly, to be suddenly freed from a rapt state of mind. চমক লাগা v. to be stricken with amazement; to be dazed.

চমকদার [ camakadāra ] a sparkling, glittering, glaring, scintillating.

চমকপ্রদ [ camakaprada ] a startling; thrilling; amazing; too good to be true.

চমকানো [ camakānō ] v to flash; to startle, to give a jolt or cause to startle, or to be taken by surprise. চমকানি n. a flash or flash ing; startle, a start or surprise or jolt.

চমকিত [ camakita ] a flashed; startled. fem. চমকিতা ।

চমচম [ camacama ] n a kind of juicy sweetmeat made of posset.

চমত্করণ [ camatkaraṇa ] n act of striking with amaze ment; act of causing wonder.

চমত্কার [ camatkāra ] a amazingly beautiful or good; amazing. ☐ adv. well, nicely (চমত্কার বুঝতে পারা, চমত্কার বোঝানো). ☐ int. fine, excellent; marvellous. চমত্কারক, চমত্কারী a. amazing. fem. চমত্কারিণী । চমত্কারিতা, চমত্কারিত্ব n. marvellousness; excellence. চমত্কৃত a. amazed. চমত্কৃত করা v. to amaze, to strike with marvel. চমত্কৃত হওয়া v. to be amazed, to marvel (at).

চম্র [ camra ] n the yak; a kind of fan or a brush for fanning made of the hair of a yak's tail; a fly-whisk. fem. চমরি the she-yak.

চমস [ camasa ] n a spoon; a spatula; a ladle. চমসাকার a. spoon-shaped or ladle shaped; (bot.) spatulate.

চমূ [ camū ] n 1/3th part of an অক্ষৌহিণী; a com pany of troops; an army.

চম্পক [ campaka ] n a flower or its tree of the mag nolia family, the Michelia champaca, the champak. ̃দাম n. a wreath or gar land of champak flowers.

চম্পট [ campaṭa ] n decampment, escapade; escape, flight. চম্পট দেওয়া v. to decamp; to es cape, to flee away, to run off, to show a clean pair of heels, to give the slip (to).

চম্পা1 [ campā1 ] n the name of an ancient Indian city.

চম্পূ [ campū ] n a literary composition in which both prose and verse are used.

চয় [ caẏa ] n (chiefly used as a sfx.) a collection, an assemblage, a multitude, a heap (অরাতিচয়); act of collecting or gathering, amassing.

চয়ন [ caẏana ] n act of collecting or plucking, col lection (পুষ্পচয়ন); a number collected or plucked, a collection, an anthology (কবিতাচয়ন, গল্পচয়ন). চয়ন করা v. to col lect or cull or gather or pick or pluck. চয়নিকা n. fem. a small collection; a col lection of poems or other literary works, an anthology. চয়নীয়, চেয় a. worthy of being collected; that which is to be collected.

-চর1 [ -cara1 ] a (used as a sfx.) moving in (গগনচর, বনচর); dwelling in, inhabit ing (জলচর); mobile (চরাচর).

চর2 [ cara2 ] n a strip of sandy land rising out of the bed of a river or a sea above the water-level.

চর3 [ cara3 ] n a secret emissary; a spy; (astrol.) Mars.

চরকসংহিতা [ carakasaṃhitā ] n a treatise on medicine written by Charaka the sage.