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ডুবুডুবু [ ḍubuḍubu ] a almost sunk or submerged or drowned or ruined or failed or set; on the point of sinking, about to sink, on the point of being submerged or drowned or ruined, on the point of fail ing or setting.

ডুবুরি [ ḍuburi ] n a diver. ুরি পাখি n. a diving bird.

ডুবো [ ḍubō ] a submarine, underwater, sub merged, drowned, sinking. ̃জাহাজ n. a submarine. ̃পাহাড় a hill under water, a submarine mountain.

ডুম [ ḍuma ] n an electric bulb.

ডুমা [ ḍumā ] n a cube-shaped piece or slice. ডুমাডুমা a. cut into cube-shaped pieces; cube-shaped and numerous.

ডুমুর [ ḍumura ] n the fig. ুরের ফুল (fig.) an al most invisible object (like figflowers which lie invisibly within the fruits); (fig.) a rare object, rara avis.

ডুরি [ ḍuri ] n a thin rope or cord or string; bondage, bonds.

ডুরে [ ḍurē ] a with horizontal stripes, striped (ডুরে শাড়ি).

ডুলি [ ḍuli ] n a small covered litter, an impro vised palanquin, a doolie.

ডেউয়া, ডেও1 [ ḍēuẏā, ḍēō1 ] n the coral tree or its fruit.

ডেও2 [ ḍēō2 ] n a large and black species of ant.

ডেঁড়েমুষে [ ḍēn̐ḍ়ēmuṣē ] adv (coll.) licking up or con suming thoroughly; thoroughly, com pletely.

ডেঁপো [ ḍēm̐pō ] a precocious; saucy, pert. ̃মি n. precociousness, precocity; sauciness, pertness.

ডেক1 [ ḍēka1 ] n a large metallic cooking utensil, a large dixie.

ডেক2 [ ḍēka2 ] n a deck (of a ship or omnibus).

ডেকচি [ ḍēkaci ] n a metallic cooking pail, a dixie.

ডেকরা [ ḍēkarā ] n (dial.) a knave, a rascal; a sly fellow; a cheat; a saucy fellow; a dis courteous fellow; a lewd fellow. ☐ a. knavish, rascally; sly; given to cheat ing; saucy; discourteous; lewd. রামি, ডেকরামো n. knavishness, rascality, sauciness.

ডেঙ্গু [ ḍēṅgu ] n dengue.

ডেপুটি [ ḍēpuṭi ] a acting or employed as a deputy. ☐ n. a deputy magistrate. ̃গিরি n. the profession of a deputy magistrate. ̃বাবু n. a deputy magistrate.

ডেবরা [ ḍēbarā ] a left-handed.

ডেমি [ ḍēmi ] n demy-paper, prescribed paper used in writing legal deeds etc.

ডেরা [ ḍērā ] n a temporary abode, a modest lodging; a hutment, tented accommo dation. ডেরা গাড়া, ডেরা বাঁধা v. to come to lodge or to commence to lodge, to take up one's lodging; to build a tem porary hut, to pitch a tent. ডেরা তোলা v. to cease to lodge, to remove from a lodging; to demolish one's hutment; to strike the tent. ̃ডাণ্ডা n. a lodging and furniture; a tent and its equipage or ac cessories.

ডেলা [ ḍēlā ] n a lump; a clotted mass. ডেলা পাকানো v. to gather in a lump, to lump; to clot.

ডেসক, ডেস্ক [ ḍēsaka, ḍēska ] n a desk, a writing table.

ডোকরা [ ḍōkarā ] a naughty, wicked; depraved; un fortunate.

ডোঙা, ডোঙ্গা [ ḍōṅā, ḍōṅgā ] n a small boat; a canoe; a ca noe (usu.) made of the trunk of a sal tree.

ডোজ [ ḍōja ] n a dose; a potion of medicine.

ডোবা1 [ ḍōbā1 ] n a pit full of water; a small pool of water.

ডোম [ ḍōma ] n a Hindu caste whose duty is to burn the dead and look after the crema torium; a member of this caste (cp. an undertaker). fem. ডোমনি, ডুমনি ।

ডোমকাক [ ḍōmakāka ] n the raven, the rook, the jack daw.

ডোর [ ḍōra ] n a thread (esp. a holy one) to bind (the wrist etc.); (fig.) a tie or bondage (প্রণয়ডোর). ̃কৌপীন n. a kind of scanty loin-cloth worn by Vaishnava (বৈষ্ণব) ascetics; the dress of an ascetic.

ডোরা [ ḍōrā ] n a stripe, a streak. ডোরা-কাটা, ডোরা ডোরা a. striped, streaky; having stripes or streaks of different colours.