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তেওড়2, তেওড়া [ tēōḍ়2, tēōḍ়ā ] a crooked, curved. তেওড়ানো v. to make or become crooked, to curve.

তেওর [ tēōra ] n a Hindu caste (engaged in fish ing); a member of this caste.

তেঁ1 [ 1 ] pro (obs.) they.

তেঁ2, তেঁই [ 2, n̐tēm̐i ] adv. & con (obs.) because of that, on account of that.

তেঁতুল [ tēn̐tula ] n tamarind. তেঁতুলে a. shaped like a pod of tarmarind (তেঁতুলে বিছে); as dark-coloured as a ripe tamarind seed (তেঁতুলে নদী); very sour; knavish (তেঁতুলে লোক).

তেজপক্ষ [ tējapakṣa ] n act of marrying for the third time; one married as the third wife or husband.

তেজবর [ tējabara ] n a bridegroom who has married twice before; a man who has married for the third time. তেজবরে a. (of a bridegroom or husband) one who has taken two wives before the present one.

তেজস্কর [ tējaskara ] a invigorating; stimulating; strong, forceful; inspiring; encourag ing.

তেজস্ক্রিয় [ tējaskriẏa ] a redioactive. ̃তা n. radioactiv ity.

তেজস্বান, তেজস্বী [ tējasbāna, tējasbī ] a glorious; lustrous; ra diating; shining; vigorous; valorous; powerful, mighty, forceful; spirited. fem. তেজস্বতী, তেজস্বিনী । তেজস্বিতা n. vig orousness; vigour; valorousness; valour; powerfulness; mightiness, forcefulness; spiritedness; glorious ness; lustrousness; radiation.

তেজা [ tējā ] v (poet.) to forsake, to adandon, to give up, to forgo, to relinquish. pr. 3rd per. তেজই pt. 1st. per. তেজলুঁ, তেজলু; fut. 1st. per. তেজব ।

তেজারত [ tējārata ] n trade and commerce; money lending business, usury. তেজারতি (rej.) n. money-lending business, usury. ☐ a. relating to money-lending business; commercial.

তেজালো [ tējālō ] a very strong or hot (তেজালো রোদ, তেজালো লঙ্কা); haughty or angry. or spirited (তেজালো কথা).

তেজি1 [ tēji1 ] a (comm.) showing a rise in prices, booming. ̃মন্দি n. (comm.) boom and slump; (comm.) fluctuation of price(s); upward and downward movement of prices, rise and fall in prices.

তেজি2 [ tēji2 ] a spirited, vigorous (তেজি লোক); strong; powerful (তেজি ওষুধ).

তেজীয়ান [ tējīẏāna ] a extremely spirited or valorous or vigorous or powerful.

তেজোগর্ভ [ tējōgarbha ] a pregnant with spiritedness or power or vigour or valour or force or heat; charged with power or energy.

তেজোময় [ tējōmaẏa ] a luminous, radiating, shining; lustrous; bright; glorious; spirited. fem. তেজোময়ী ।

তেজোমূর্তি, তেজোরূপ [ tējōmūrti, tējōrūpa ] n a man or being hav ing a luminous or shining or lustrous appearance; lustre or power personi fied. ☐ a. having a luminous or shining or lustrous appearance.

তেজোহীন [ tējōhīna ] a spiritless, lacking in vigour, weak; lacking in lustre or glow or brightness; dim or dull. fem. তেজোহীনা ।

তেড়ে [ tēḍ়ē ] adv chasing offensively (তেড়ে যাওয়া); threatening loudly (তেড়ে মারতে যাওয়া); forcefully (তেড়ে বল মারা). ̃ফুঁড়ে ̃মেড়ে adv. chasing speedily; chasing and threatening; quickly or headstrongly and forcefully.

তেতাল্লিশ [ tētālliśa ] n. & a forty-three.

তেত্রিশ [ tētriśa ] n. & a thirty-three.

তেনা2 [ tēnā2 ] pro (obs.) he or she. তেনাকে pro. (dial. & vul.) him or her. তেনার pro. (dial. & vul.) his, her or hers. pl. তেনাদের their, theirs.

তেপান্তর [ tēpāntara ] n a desolate and extensive field or wilderness. ☐ a. desolate and exten sive (তেপান্তর মাঠ).

তেমত [ tēmata ] a (obs.) suchlike, like that, such. তেমতি adv. & con. (poet. & obs.) like that; in that way or manner; so.

তেমন [ tēmana ] a like that, suchlike, such. ☐ adv. (also con.) like that; in that or such way or manner; so. তেমনই a. (also con.) just like that, exactly similar; ☐ adv. & con. just in that way or manner, just so. তেমনি a. (also con.) like that, just like that; similar; exactly similar; fitting. ☐ adv. at once, forthwith. ☐ con. so; such.

তেরিজ [ tērija ] n (arith. & alg.) addition.

তেরিমেরি [ tērimēri ] n scolding and threats; bullying and abuses. তেরিমেরি করা v. to scold and threaten; to bully and abuse.

তেরিয়া [ tēriẏā ] a haughty; angry; furious; intend ing to attack or fight, bellicose, in clined to fighting, aggressive.

তেরেট [ tērēṭa ] n a kind of tree-leaf used as writ ing material in place of paper.

তেরো [ tērō ] n. & a thirteen. ̃ই n. the thirteenth day of the month. ☐ a. (of the day of a month) thirteenth.

তেল [ tēla ] n oil; fat (মাছটায় বেশ তেল); a lubri cant (মোটরগাড়ির তেল); (sarcas. & sl.) strength, power, courage, vanity, au dacity (তার বড় তেল বেড়েছে). তেল দেওয়া v. to oil; to lubricate; to flatter, to but ter up, to gloze. নিজের চরকায় তেল দেওয়া (fig.) to oil one's own machine, to mind one's own business, to go about one's own business. পায়ে তেল দেওয়া (fig.) to flatter servilely. তেল পড়া v. to infuse charm into oil by incantation. তেল মাখা v. to smear or massage or rub one's own body with oil. তেল মাখানো v. to rub or smear with oil; to lubricate; to smear or massage another's body with oil; to flatter or fawn on servilely. তেলে-বেগুনে জ্বলে ওঠা to fly out fretfully; to flare up in anger, to blaze with anger or indignation. ̃কল n. an oil-mill. ̃কাষ্টে গন্ধ n. an unpleasant smell of old oily substances. ̃কুচকুচে, ̃চুকচুকে a. as glossy as oil; so profusely smeared with oil as to look glossy. ̃চিটা, ̃চিটে a. thickly soiled (as dregs of oil), sticky and dirty. ̃তেলে a. oily, smooth; slippery. ̃ধুতি n. a short loin cloth worn when one smears his body with oil. ̃পড়া n. charmed oil (used for curing diseases).

তেলা [ tēlā ] a oily; lubricious; greasy; smooth; glossy; slippery; bald (তেলা মাথা). তেলা মাথা a bald head; a head (thoroughly) smeared with oil. তেলা মাথায় তেল দেওয়া (lit.) to rub oil on a head that is already well-oiled or sleek; (fig.) to carry coals to Newcastle.

তেলানো [ tēlānō ] v to grow fatty or adipose; to smear with oil; to season by smearing with oil and then sunning; (sl. & sarcas.) to grow powerful or auda cious; (sl.) to flatter or to fawn on ser vilely. তেলানি n. fatty or adipose state; act of growing fatty or adipose; act of smearing with oil; act of seasoning by smearing with oil and subsequently sunning; (sl. & sarcas.) power or au dacity; (sl.) servile flattery.

তেলাপোকা [ tēlāpōkā ] n the cockroach, the oil beetle.

তেলি [ tēli ] n a Hindu caste (manufacturing and selling oil); a member of this caste; an oilman. fem. তেলিনি, তেলেনি ।