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দক্ষিণাচার [ dakṣiṇācāra ] n a system of Tantric (তান্ত্রিক) rituals. দক্ষিণাচারী a. & n. one who fol lows this system.

দক্ষিণাঞ্চল [ dakṣiṇāñcala ] n the mythological southern mountain, the Malaya; the Antarctic Mountain.

দক্ষিণান্ত [ dakṣiṇānta ] n termination of a religious function by paying the priest his fees. দক্ষিণান্ত করা v. to conclude or terminate a religious function by paying the priest his fees.

দক্ষিণাপথ [ dakṣiṇāpatha ] n the Deccan.

দক্ষিণাবর্ত [ dakṣiṇābarta ] a moving or winding clock wise; clockwise, dextral. ☐ n. the Deccan.

দক্ষিণাবহ [ dakṣiṇābaha ] n the south wind; the vernal breeze.

দক্ষিণায়ন [ dakṣiṇāẏana ] n the winter solstice. দক্ষিণায়নবৃত্ত n. the Tropic of Capricorn.

দখল [ dakhala ] n occupation, possession; hold, control; right to hold or possess; mas tery, knowledge, skill, aptitude (তার ন্যায়শাস্ত্রে বা গনিতে দখল আছে). দখল করা v. to occupy (আসন বা জমি দখল করা); to take possession of (শত্রুতে দেশ দখল করল); to appropriate to oneself (সে আমার কলমটা দখল করল). দখল থাকা v. to have right to hold or possess (জমিতে দখল থাকা); to have possession; to have hold or control (ভাগ্যের উপর দখল থাকা); to have mastery or knowledge or skill or aptitude (শাস্ত্রে বা খেলায় দখল থাকা). দখলে থাকা v. to be in occupation or possession or control. ̃কার, ̃দার a. one who is in occupation or posses sion, occupying. ☐ n. an occupant, an occupier; a possessor. ̃চ্যূত a. dispos sessed. ̃নামা n. a deed or title of pos session or occupancy. দখলি a. relating to occupancy or occupation or posses sion; occupied, held. দখলিকার, দখলিদার same as দখলকার । দখল স্বত্ব right by oc cupancy, possessory right.

দখিনা [ dakhinā ] a southern, south.

দগড় [ dagaḍ় ] n a kind of war-drum or kettledrum.

দগড়া [ dagaḍ়ā ] n a raised streak on the skin caused by lashing, a wale. দগড়া পড়া v. to be marked with a wale. দগড়া ফেলা v. to wale.

দগদগ [ dagadaga ] int expressing: burning sensation; inflammation or extensive openness of a wound (ঘা দগদগ করছে). দগদগানি, দগদগি n. burning sensation; inflamma tion. দগদগে a. giving a burning sensa tion, burning; inflammatory.

দগ্ধ [ dagdha ] a burnt; scorched, parched; singed, roasted; very hot or red hot (দগ্ধ লোহা); (fig.) extremely afflicted or distressed (দগ্ধ হৃদয়); (fig.) unfortunate, unlucky, illfated (দগ্ধ কপাল); (fig.) tarnished with shame or disrepute, disgraced (দগ্ধ বদন); (fig.) unkind, ungraceful (দগ্ধ বিধাতা). দগ্ধা n. fem. an ominous or ill omened lunar day (মাসদগ্ধা). ☐ v. (chiefly poet.) to burn; to scorch, to parch; to singe, to roast; to make very hot, to heat; (fig.) to afflict, to distress; (fig.) to annoy, to badger, to torment. দগ্ধানো v. same as দগ্ধা (v.). ☐ a. same as দগ্ধ (a.) ̃হৃদয় a. having a heart in deep and bitter grief. দগ্ধাবশেষ a. remaining as residue after burning. ☐ n. residue after burning.

দঙ্গল [ daṅgala ] n a crowd, a swarm; a group (এক দঙ্গল ছেলে); wrestling; a wrestling bout. দঙ্গল বাঁধা v. to form into a crowd; to crowd, to swarm.

দজ্জাল [ dajjāla ] a (usu. of a woman) hot-tem pered, querulous and overbearing, re fractory; wayward; wicked; choleric; (dero.) uncontrollable.

দড় [ daḍ় ] a strong, hard, steady; stiff; firm; strong; sharp (মুখে দড়); stronger, harder, stiffer (বাঁশের চেয়ে ক়ঞ্চি দড়); able, competent (কাজে দড়).

দড়বড় [ daḍ়baḍ় ] int expressing: the noise of a horse's trot. দড়বড়ি adv. (poet.) trotting(ly).

দড়া [ daḍ়ā ] n a thick cord, a rope, a hawser. ̃দড়ি n. ropes and cords, cordage. ̃বাজি n. rope-dancing, rope-walking, funam bulation;acrobatics;acrobatism.̃বাজি কর n. a rope-dancer, a rope-walker, a funambulist, an acrobat. দড়াবাজি করা v. to funambulate, to perform or exhibit acrobatic feats.

দড়াম [ daḍ়āma ] int expressing: a banging or slam ming or booming or loud thudding noise. দড়াম করে দরজা ভেজানো to shut the door with a bang, to slam the door.

দড়ি [ daḍ়i ] n a cord, a string; a halter (ফাঁসির দড়ি a fillet (চুল-বাঁধা দড়ি). দড়ি ছেঁড়া v. to snap a string; to get loose from bonds or bondage; to escape from cap tivity or control. ̃ছেঁড়া a. got loosened from bonds or bondage; (fig.) out of captivity; (fig.) unrestrained. ̃দড়া n. strings and ropes, cordage. দড়ি দেওয়া v. (lit.) to give a piece of string; to put a halter round one's neck; to hang. দড়ি পাকানো v. to twist ropes and cords, to make ropes and cords. ̃কলসি n. a piece of cord and a pitcher: equipment for committing suicide (one may drown oneself by tying a pitcher full of water to one's neck with a piece of cord). তোমার দড়ি-কলসি জোটে না (in curses and scolding) go, get yourself drowned. তোমার গলায় দড়ি (in curses and scolding) go, hang yourself. ভেবে ভেবে দড়ি হওয়া to be reduced to a skel eton or be emaciated through worries and anxieties.

দণ্ড1 [ daṇḍa1 ] n a measure of time (=24 minutes). দণ্ডে দণ্ডে at every moment; every now and then, frequently, often; repeatedly, একদণ্ডে adv. in a short time; in a trice, in a moment, in a jiffy.

দণ্ড2 [ daṇḍa2 ] n a rod, a mace, a club, a staff, a stick, a pole, a sceptre; a pestle; a mal let; a churning stick; a maulstick; a ramrod; a rudder; anything resembling a rod; a measure of length (=4 cubits); punishment, penalty; a sentence (প্রাণদণ্ড); a fine (অর্থদণ্ড); a loss (ব্যবসায়ে টাকা দণ্ড); government or statemanship, any form or policy of government (সামদানভেদদণ্ড); a war or battle; an army or column (দণ্ডনায়ক). ̃কর্তা n. one who is empowered to punish; a punisher; a governor or ruler; a judge. fem. ̃কর্ত্রী ।̃কাক n. the god of death or Yama (যম) in the guise of a crow; jackdaw, a raven. ̃গ্রহণ n. ac ceptance of or submission to punish ment; act of taking to asceticism. দণ্ডগ্রহণ করা v. to accept punishment, to submit to punishment, to kiss the rod; to take to asceticism, to renounce the world. ̃চুম্বক n. a bar magnet. ̃দাতা n. an inflicter of punishment, a scourger. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. infliction of pun ishment; an award of a sentence of punishment. দণ্ডদান করা, দণ্ড দেওয়া v. to punish; to sentence to punishment, to award a sentence of punishment. ̃ধর n. a king; a ruler or governor; a name of Yama (যম) the god of death and punisher of sinners. ☐ a. sceptred; armed with or bearing a staff. ̃ধারী a. armed with or bearing a staff; sceptred. ☐ n. king; an ascetic. ̃ন n. act of punishing or infliction of punishment, punishment. ̃নায়ক n. a commander in-chief; an army commander; one em powered to punish, a punisher, a scourger. ̃নীতি n. principles of gov ernment; political economy, politics; principles regulating punishment, penal system. ̃নীয় a. punishable. fem. ̃নীয়া । ̃পাণি same as দন্ডধর । ̃প্রদান same as দন্ডদান । ̃পাল, ̃পালক n. a gatekeeper, a porter (fem. porteress, portress), a jani tor (fem. janitrix, janitress). ̃বিধাতা same as ̃দাতা fem. ̃বিধাত্রী । ̃বিধান n. award or determination of punishment; the penal code. ̃বিধি n. the penal code; the criminal or penal procedure; a criminal or penal law. ̃মুণ্ড n. all sorts of punishments ranging from the most lenient ones to capital punishment. দণ্ডমুণ্ডের কর্তা one who has the absolute power of punishing; a king; an absolute ruler or master; a judge. ̃যোগ্য a. pun ishable. ̃স্বরুপ adv. by way of punish ment, as a penalty.

দণ্ডবত্ [ daṇḍabat ] int expressing: prostration to pay homage or to show reverence. ☐ n. ly ing prostrate in worship or respect. ☐ a. prostrate in worship or respect. দণ্ডবত্ করা v. to prostrate. oneself in worship or respect (to or before). দণ্ডবত্ হওয়া v. to lie prostrate in worship or respect. খুরে খুরে দণ্ডবত্ I bow down to your or his or her hoofs; a facetious expression to call a person a beast and get rid of him or her.

দণ্ডাঘাত [ daṇḍāghāta ] n hitting or striking with a stick, beating up or belabouring with a rod.

দণ্ডাধীন [ daṇḍādhīna ] a subject to punishment; liable to be punished; sentenced to punishment; subject to government or rule.

দণ্ডায়মান [ daṇḍāẏamāna ] a in the standing posture, standing up. দণ্ডায়মান হওয়া v. to stand up.

দণ্ডর্হ [ daṇḍarha ] a deserving punishment, punish able.

দণ্ডি [ daṇḍi ] n a holy or sacrificial thread mea suring 4 cubits or about 2 metres in length.

দণ্ডিত [ daṇḍita ] a punished, penalized; sentenced to a punishment; subjected to financial loss or fine.

দণ্ডী [ daṇḍī ] a armed with or bearing a staff; sceptred. ☐ n. a king; an ascetic; Yama (যম) the god of death and punisher of sinners.

দত্ত [ datta ] a given; given away; awarded; con ferred, bestowed; paid. দত্তা n. fem. of দত্ত ।a. fem. given away in marriage; betrothed. দত্তক, দত্তক পুত্র n. an adopted son. দত্তহারী, দত্তাপহারক, দত্তাপহারী a. (committing the offence of) taking back what has been given away by oneself. দত্তাপহরণ n. act of taking back what has been given by oneself; the of fence of doing this.

দদ্রু [ dadru ] n ringworm. ̃নাশন n. a curative medicine for ringworm. ☐ a. curative of ringworm.

দধি [ dadhi ] n curdled milk, curd. ̃ভান্ড n. a pail containing curd. ̃মঙ্গল n. a ritual of feeding a Hindu bride in the small hours previous to the wedding day. ̃মন্হন n. act of churning milk into but ter or act of churning curd into whey. দধিমন্হন করা v. to churn milk into butter or to churn curd into whey. ̃মন্হনদণ্ড n. a churning rod or stick. ̃সার n. butter or cream.

দনুজ [ danuja ] n (myth.) a son or descendant of Danu (দনু), a demon (demons were tra ditional enemies of gods). fem. দনুজা । ̃দলনী n. fem. the destroyer of demons: an appellation of goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

দন্ত [ danta ] n a tooth; a tusk (হস্তিদন্ত); a fang (সর্পদন্ত). ̃কাষ্ঠ n. a twig used as a tooth brush. দন্ত কিড়িমিড়ি n. an instance or act of gnashing one's teeth. ̃চিকিত্সক n. a dentist. ̃চিকিত্সা n. dentistry. ̃ধাবন n. act of cleansing or brushing one's teeth; a toothbrush. ̃ধাবনী n. a toothbrush, a stick or twig for cleaning teeth. ̃পঙ্ক্তি n. a row of teeth. ̃পেশি n. gums. ̃বিকাশ n. (dero. & facet.) smile or simper. দন্তবিকাশ করা v. (dero. & facet.) to smile or simper. ˜বেষ্ট n. gums. ̃মঞ্জন n. act of cleansing or brushing one's teeth; tooth powder or tooth-paste, dentifrice. ̃মল n. the tartar of teeth. ̃মাংস n. gums. ̃মার্জন n. cleaning or brushing one's teeth. ̃মূল n. the root of the tooth. ̃মূলীয় a. pertaining to the root of the tooth; (gr.) dental. ☐ n. (gr.) a dental let ter or sound, a dental. ̃রুচি n. the beauty or whiteness of teeth (as seen when one smiles). ̃শূল n. toothache, odontalgia. ̃স্ফুট n. act of piercing with teeth; act of biting; (fig.) comprehension. দন্তস্ফুট করা v. to bite; (fig.) to comprehend. ̃হীন a. toothless, edentate, edentulous. দন্তহীন প্রানী an edentate. দন্তহীন প্রাণীবর্গ the Edentata.

দন্তাগ্র [ dantāgra ] n the point of a tooth.

দন্তাঘাত [ dantāghāta ] n a bite.

দন্তাবল [ dantābala ] n the elephant.

দন্তায়ুধ [ dantāẏudha ] n the hog, the boar.

দন্তী [ dantī ] a toothed, dentate; having a tusk or a dreadful tooth; rodent. ☐ n. the el ephant; the hog; a rodent; (collect.) the Rodentia.

দন্তুর [ dantura ] a toothed, dentate, having a tusk; having a large or dreadful tooth or teeth; rodent. দন্তুর প্রাণী a rodent. দন্তুর প্রাণীবর্গ the Rodentia.

দন্তোদ্গম, দন্তোদ্ভেদ [ dantōdgama, dantōdbhēda ] n dentition, teething. দন্তোদ্গম হওয়া, দন্তোদ্ভেদ হওয়া v. to cut one's teeth, to teethe.