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ধনু [ dhanu ] n a bow; a linear measure equivalent to four cubits; an arc or arch; anything arch-shaped (রামধনু); (astrol.) the ninth sign of zodiac, the Sagittarius. ̃ক n. bow; a bow-like device for card ing and cleaning cotton, (cp.) a cottongin; a bow of a violin or any other musical instrument. ধনুকধারী n. a bowman, an archer. ধনুকাকার, ধনুকাকৃতি a. bow-shaped, arched. ̃র্গুণ n. a bow string. ধনুর্গুণ আরোপণ করা to string a bow. অদ্য ভক্ষ্যঃ ধনুর্গুণঃ state of having nothing to eat (this day); utter poverty. ̃র্ধর n. an archer, a bowman; (sarcas. & hum.) a very capable or efficient man (গণিতশাস্ত্রে ধনুর্ধর). ˜ধারী n. an ar cher, a bowman. ̃র্বন্ধনী n. (math. print, etc.), braces, the second bracket. ̃র্বাণ n. bow and arrow. ̃র্বিদ্যা n. the art and science of archery; archery. ̃র্বেদ n. an ancient treatise on archery written by Viswamitra (বিশ্বামিত্র). the sage; any trea tise on archery; the art and science of archery. ̃র্ভঙ্গ n. act of splitting a bow into two. ধনুর্ভঙ্গ পণ n. (fig.) an irrevo cable or unalterable determination or resolve, a grim or inflexible resolution. ̃ষ্কোটি n. an end or tip of a bow; a Hindu holy place in South India. ̃ষ্টঙ্কার ̃ষ্টংকার n. the twang of a bow; (med.) tetanus, convulsion, spasm; lock-jaw.

ধনে [ dhanē ] n coriander seed, coriander.

ধনেশ [ dhanēśa ] n the lord or god of wealth; an ap pellation of Kuvera (কুবের), (cp.) Plutus, Mammon; a beautiful long-billed bird, the hornbill. ☐ a. very rich or wealthy, affluent, opulent.

ধনোপার্জন [ dhanōpārjana ] n same as ধনার্জন ।

ধন্দ, ধন্ধ [ dhanda, dhandha ] n confusion or dazzlement of eyesight; confusion; bewilderment; suspicion.

ধন্ব, ধন্বা [ dhanba, dhanbā ] n (chiefly used in comp.) a bow (সুধন্বা).

ধন্বন্তরি [ dhanbantari ] n (Hindu myth.) the name of the physician of heaven; (fig.) an unfailing physician.

ধন্বী [ dhanbī ] a carrying a bow; armed with a bow; versed or efficient in archery.

ধন্য [ dhanya ] a fortunate or gratified (ধন্য করা, ধন্য হওয়া); blessed (জগতে সাধুরাই ধন্য); praiseworthy or admirable (ধন্য সাহস); virtuous or holy. ☐ n. thanks or thanks giving (ধন্য তোমাকে). fem. ধন্যা । ̃বাদ n. thanksgiving; thanks. ধন্যবাদ দেওয়া v. to thank, to give thanks.

ধপ ধপ [ dhapa dhapa ] int expressing: brilliant white ness or tidiness. ধপ ধপ করা v. to ap pear brilliantly white or tidy. ধপধপে a. brilliantly white (ধপধপে কাপড়); lumi nous (ধপধপে জোছনা); immaculately tidy (ধপধপে উঠোন); brilliant or dazz ling (ধপধপে সাদা).

ধপাধপ [ dhapādhapa ] int expressing: a succession of thudding or thumping noise as of heavy bodies falling one after another. ধপাধপ করে with thuds.

ধপাস [ dhapāsa ] int expressing: a loud thud or thump as caused by the fall of a heavy body. ধপাস করে with a thud.

ধবল [ dhabala ] a white (ধবলগিরি, ধবল আকাশ); grey (ধবল কেশ). ☐ n. the white colour; the grey colour; leucoderma. ধবলা a. fem. of ধবল ।n. a white cow. ধবল-কুষ্ঠ n. leucoderma. ধবলাকার, ধবলাকৃতি a. looking white; white. ধবলিত a. made or turned white, whitened; turned grey (ধবলিত কেশ) ধবলিমা n. whiteness; whitishness. ধবলী n. a white cow. ধবলীকৃত a. made white, whitened. ধবলীভূত a. turned white or grey.

ধমক, ধমকানি [ dhamaka, dhamakāni ] n a rebuff, a snub; a scold ing, a reprimand; threat, intimidation. ধমক দেওয়া, ধমকানো v. to rebuff, to snub; to scold, to reprimand; to threaten, to intimidate. ধমকধামক n. mild reproof, expression of blame or disapproval.

ধমনি, ধমনী [ dhamani, dhamanī ] n an artery; a vein; the pul sating vein palpable at the wrist. ̃স্পন্দন, ̃ঘাত n. pulse-beat, pulse; ar terial throbbing.

ধমিল্ল [ dhamilla ] n (of a human being) a bun; (of a bird etc.) a hairy crest.