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নিকায় [ nikāẏa ] n a collection; a brotherhood; an aim or goal; an abode; God.

নিকরবোকার [ nikarabōkāra ] n a knickerbocker, a loose fitting garment, usu. worn by children.

নিকারি [ nikāri ] n a Muslim community of fisher men or butchers.

নিকাশ [ nikāśa ] n act of letting out, drainage (জলনিকাশ); completion, finalization (হিসাবনিকাশ); final accounts or a bal ance-sheet; destruction or end (দফা নিকাশ). নিকাশ করা v. to let out, to drain out; to complete, to finalize; to settle up (accounts); to destroy; to put an end to. নিকাশ হওয়া v. to come or get out (as water); to be completed or finalized; to be settled up; to be destroyed; to come to an end. নিকাশি a. relating to coming or getting out (জলনিকাশি ব্যবস্হা); relat ing to final accounts or a balance sheet. নিকাশি পত্র n. a balance-sheet.

নিকি [ niki ] n a young of a louse; an egg of a louse, a nit.

নিকুচি [ nikuci ] n (vul.) ruin, destruction. নিকুচি করা v. to ruin, to destroy, (sl.) to do up.

নিকুঞ্জ [ nikuñja ] n an arbour, a bower (also নিকুঞ্জকানন,নিকুঞ্জবন).

নিকুম্ভিলা [ nikumbhilā ] n (myth.) a sacrificial rite per formed by Indrajit (ইন্দ্রজিত্) to win a victory over his enemy.

নিকৃত [ nikṛta ] a scolded; defeated; humiliated or insulted; oppressed.

নিকৃতি [ nikṛti ] n scolding; poverty; humiliation; oppression.

নিকৃষ্ট [ nikṛṣṭa ] a inferior; hateful, vile; low, mean. ̃তা n. inferiority; vileness; lowness, meanness.

নিকেতন, নিকেত [ nikētana, nikēta ] n a dwelling-house, an abode, a home.

নিক্তি [ nikti ] n a balance for minute and accurate weighing (as one used by jewellers). নিক্তির ওজন minute or subtle weighing.

নিক্কণ [ nikkaṇa ] n sweet jingle, sonorous tinkling of bells etc. (নূপুরনিক্কণ).

নিক্ষিপ্ত [ nikṣipta ] a thrown; cast, shot, flung, hurled; ejected; scattered; imputed; placed, deposited.

নিক্ষেপ, নিক্ষেপণ [ nikṣēpa, nikṣēpaṇa ] n an instance or act of throwing; casting, shooting, flinging, hurling; ejection; scattering; act of giv ing or conferring or imputing; act of placing or depositing. নিক্ষেপ করা v. to throw; to cast, to shoot, to fling; to eject; to scatter; to give; to confer; to impute; to place, to deposit. নিক্ষেপক a. one who or that which throws or casts or shoots or flings or ejects or scatters or gives or confers or imputes or places or deposits; a device for throw ing or hurling missiles etc. নিক্ষেপা poet. form of নিক্ষেপ করা ।

নিখর্ব [ nikharba ] n a hundred thousand million. ☐ a. hundred thousand million.

নিখাকি [ nikhāki ] a. fem (vul.) eating nothing or lacking appetite. ☐ n. fem. such a woman.

নিখাত [ nikhāta ] a dug, excavated; thrust into, bur ied, planted, inserted.

নিখাদ1 [ nikhāda1 ] n (mus.) the major sixth of the C scale.

নিখাদ2 [ nikhāda2 ] a unalloyed, unadulterated, pure, genuine (নিখাদ সোনা).

নিখিল [ nikhila ] a entire, whole (নিখিল সৃষ্টি). ☐ n. the whole universe (নিখিলনাথ).

নিখিলভুবন, নিখিলবিশ্ব [ nikhilabhubana, nikhilabiśba ] n the whole uni verse, the whole world.

নিখুঁত [ nikhun̐ta ] a faultless, flawless, spotless, im peccable, immaculate; perfect.

নিগড় [ nigaḍ় ] n an iron chain; a shackle for the feet, fetters. ̃বদ্ধ a. enchained, chained; fettered.

নিগদ [ nigada ] n an utterance, a saying. নিগদিত a. uttered, spoken.

নিগম [ nigama ] n a scripture of the tantra (তন্ত্র) cult; the Vedas; exit; a path, a way or a way out, a city, a town; a marketplace, a Rialto; a corporation, a municipality, a town council; a commercial guild; a chamber of commerce. ̃কর n. corpora tion tax. ̃বদ্ধ, নিগমিত a. united in a guild; incorporated. ̃বন্ধন n. incorporation.

নিগমন [ nigamana ] n going out, exit, outflow; issue.

নিগরণ [ nigaraṇa ] n swallowing or gulping down; eating up.

নিগার [ nigāra ] n (dero.) a dark-skinned man, a blackie, a negro, a nigger.