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পিণ্ডীভূত [ piṇḍībhūta ] a conglomerate.

পিণ্ডে খেজুর [ piṇḍē khējura ] n dates preserved in lumps, lump-dates.

পিতঃ [ pitḥ ] int O father (cp. abba).

পিতল [ pitala ] n brass. পিতলের কারিগর n. a bra zier.

পিতা [ pitā ] n father. ̃মহ n. one's father's fa ther or uncle, a grandfather or a grand uncle; an appellation of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). ̃মহী n. fem. one's father's mother or aunt, a grandmother or a grand-aunt.

পিতৃ [ pitṛ ] n (chiefly used as a pfx.) father. ̃আজ্ঞা n. father's command. ̃ঋণ n. one's obligation to one's father, filial obligation; debt incurred by one's fa ther (esp. that which should be paid off by children). ̃কর্ম same as পিতৃকৃত্য । ̃কল্প a. father-like, fatherly. ☐ n. same as ̃কৃত্য । ̃কার্য same as ̃কৃত্য । ̃কুল n. one's father's line, spearside. ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়া n. obsequial rites performed in honour of the manes of one's father and forefathers. ̃গণ n. (myth.) heav enly sages (collectively) from whom the human race has evolved; manes of the forefathers of mankind or of an in dividual; dead ancestors or forbears or forefathers. ̃গৃহ n. father's house or family. ̃ঘতক, ̃ঘাতী, ̃ঘ্ন same as পিতৃহন্তা । ̃তর্পণ n. water-offering to the manes of one's forefather, (cp.) liba tion. ̃তুল্য a. father-like, fatherly. ̃ত্ব n. paternity, fatherhood. ̃দত্ত a. given or transmitted by one's father; (rare) given to one's father. ̃দায় n. the sol emn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased fa ther. পিতৃদায়গ্রস্ত হওয়া v. to be under the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased fa ther. ̃দেব n. father looked upon as a deity (used as a term of respect). ̃ধন n. patrimony. পিতৃধনসংক্রান্ত a. patrimo nial. ̃পক্ষ n. the dark fortnight imme diately preceding the bright fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন); one's father's side, spearside. ̃পুরুষ n. an an cestor, a forefather. ̃বিয়োগ n. death or bereavement of one's father. ̃ব্য n. a brother of one's father, an uncle. পিতৃব্যপুত্র n. son of a paternal uncle, a cousin. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted or loyal to or fond of one's father. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to or fondness for one's father, filial pi ety. ̃মাতৃদায় n. the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased parents. ̃মাতৃহীন a. be reft of parents, orphan. পিতৃমেধ, পিতৃযজ্ঞ same as পিতৃকৃত্য or পিতৃতর্পণ । ̃যান n. the route for the journey of the manes to the lunar heaven or the region of the moon for settling there. ̃রিষ্টি n. (astrol.) the location of the zodiacal signs in one's horoscope indicating loss of one's father. ̃লোক n. the region of the moon where the manes dwell, the lunar heaven. ̃শোক n. grief or mourning for one's deceased father. ̃শ্রাদ্ধ n. obsequies of one's deceased father. ̃ষ্বসা n. a father's sister, an aunt. ̃সম same as পিতৃতুল্য । ̃সেবা n. act of attending upon or serving one's father devotedly. ̃স্হানীয় a. deserving to be respected as one's father. ̃হত্যা n. parricide, patricide. ̃হত্যামূলক a. patri cidal. ̃হন্তা a. guilty of parricide or patricide. ☐ n. a parricide or patricide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হীন a. fatherless. fem. পিতৃহীনা ।

পিত্ত [ pitta ] n bile, gall. পিত্ত পড়া v. to lose appe tite because of abstinence from food when hungry. পিত্ত জ্বালা v. to have one's ill-humour roused, to burn or boil with indignation, to get cross or peered. ̃কোষ n. the gall-bladder. ̃ঘ্ন a. antibilious. ̃জ্বর n. bilious fever. ̃নাশ n. abominable perversion or corruption (from the fact that a fish tastes bitter if its gallbladder is burst open and its body smeared with bile). ̃নালি n. bil iary ducts. ̃নাশক a. antibilious. ̃পাথর, ̃পাথুরি n. gall stone, biliary stone. ̃বিকার n. (med.) biliary or bilious trouble or disorder. ̃রক্ত n. plethora. ̃রক্ষা n. appeasement of hunger by tak ing a small quantity of food; (sarcas.) a mere show of gratification. পিত্তরক্ষা করা v. to appease one's hunger by taking a small quantity of food; (sarcas.) to make one content or be content with a mere show of fulfilment of one's de sire. ̃শূল n. biliary colic.

পিত্তল [ pittala ] n brass. ̃নির্মিত a. made of brass, brazen. ̃ফলক n. a brass-plate.

পিত্তাতিসার [ pittātisāra ] n (med.) bilious or biliary di arrhoea.

পিত্তাশয় [ pittāśaẏa ] n the gall-bladder,

পিত্রালয় [ pitrālaẏa ] n father's house (esp. of a mar ried woman).

পিধান [ pidhāna ] n a case, a sheath (as of a sword); a lid; a covering.

পিন [ pina ] n a pin. পিন আটকানো, পিনে আটকানো v. to pin.

পিনদ্ধ [ pinaddha ] a tied, fastened (esp. to one's body); put on, worn.

পিনাক [ pināka ] n the bow of Shiva (শিব); a bow shaped musical instrument of Shiva; a trident (esp. that of Shiva). ̃পানি পিনাকী. n. Shiva (শিব), who carries a পিনাক in his hand.

পিনাল কোড [ pināla kōḍa ] n the penal code.

পিণ্ডারি [ piṇḍāri ] n a band of mercenary freeboo ters who operated in India till 1817, the Pindaris.

পিন্ধন [ pindhana ] n (poet. & obs.) act of putting on or wearing.

পিন্ধা [ pindhā ] v (obs.) to put on, to wear. পিন্ধাওল v. to dress (one) in.

পিপাসা [ pipāsā ] n thirst; (fig.) eager desire. পিপাসা পাওয়া v. to feel thirsty. পিপাসা মেটানো, পিপাসা দূর করা v. to quench or slake one's thirst; (fig.) to satisfy one's de sire. পিপাসার্ত, পিপাসিত, পিপাসী, পিপাসু a. thirsty; (fig.) eagerly desirous (of.) fem. পিপাসার্তা, পিপাসিতা,, পিপাসিনী ।

পিপীলিকা [ pipīlikā ] n the ant.

পিপে [ pipē ] n a cask, a barrel, a coop.

পিপ্পলি, পিপ্পলী [ pippali, pippalī ] n a small pungent seed of the pepper genus used in medicine; long pepper; its plant.

পিয়ন [ piẏana ] n a postman, a liveried messenger, a footman, a peon.

পিয়াজ [ piẏāja ] n onion. পিয়াজি n. a kind of chop made of minced onion; light purple colour; effrontery, sauciness; impudent waggery. ☐ a. of light purple colour.

পিয়াদা [ piẏādā ] n an armed footman; a liveried messenger; a process-server; a bailiff; (in chess) a pawn.

পিয়ানো1 [ piẏānō1 ] v (poet.) to make one drink, to cause to drink; to suckle.

পিয়ানো2 [ piẏānō2 ] n a piano.

পিয়াল [ piẏāla ] n a kind of nut-tree; its nut or seed.

পির [ pira ] n a muslim saint.

পিরান [ pirāna ] n a loose outer garment usu. worn by men.

পিরামিড [ pirāmiḍa ] n a pyramid.

পিরিচ [ pirica ] n a saucer.

পিরিত, পিরিতি, পিরীত, পিরীতি [ pirita, piriti, pirīta, pirīti ] n love, amour; affection; attachment; secret or illicit love.

পিল1 [ pila1 ] n a pill (of medicine).

পিল2 [ pila2 ] n the elephant; (in chess) the bishop.

পিল করা [ pila karā ] v (in certain games) to send (a ball or marble) into the pocket; to pocket (গাব্বু পিল করা).

পিলখানা [ pilakhānā ] n a stable for housing elephants.

পিলপা [ pilapā ] n a thick pillar. ̃গাড়ি n. act of building or fixing or planting a pillar to mark out the boundaries.

পিলপিল [ pilapila ] int expressing: a swarming crowd. পিলপিল করা v. to swarm. পিলপিল করে বেরোনো to come out swarmingly.