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ফতে [ phatē ] n accomplishment or success কাজ ফতে = accomplishment of or success in work); conquest or victory (কেল্লা ফতে = conquest of a fort; (fig.) a grand success; লড়াই ফতে = victory in war).

ফতো, ফোতো [ phatō, phōtō ] a parasitic; without means; foppish. ফতো নবাব, ফতো বাবু a resourceless person who vainly affects affluence or practises dandyism; a fop. ফতোয়া n. (Mus.) a mandate, a decree (esp. one conforming to Islamic laws). ফতোয়া দেওয়া, ফতোয়া জারি করা v. to is sue a mandate or decree; to pass or ders.

ফন্দি [ phandi ] n a scheme, a plot, an intrigue, a device; a stratagem; a secret intention. ফন্দি আঁটা, ফন্দি করা v. to devise a scheme or plan or stratagem, to plot, to intrigue. ফন্দি খাটানো v. to apply or ef fect a scheme or stratagem. ̃ফিকির n. shifts and subterfuges, tricky devices or ways and means. ̃বাজ a. (of a person) intriguing, scheming; full of intrigues.

ফয়তা [ phaẏatā ] n (Mus.) a solemn prayer for sal vation of the spirit of the dead. ফয়তা পড়া v. to pray solemnly for salvation of the spirit of the dead.

ফয়সালা [ phaẏasālā ] n judgment, a decree; adjudgment, an adjudication; settle ment. ফয়সালা করা v. to pronounce or pass judgment, to decree; to adjudge, to adjudicate; to settle.

ফরজ [ pharaja ] n (Mus.) a divine commandment.

ফরফর [ pharaphara ] int denoting: fluttering noise as made by the repeated and rapid move ment of a thin article in air (পতাকাটা ফরফর করছে); rapid and repeated bustle of a small article or its noise (পুঁটিমাছ ফরফর করে); restlessness or bustling (মেয়েটা ফরফর করছে). ফরফর করা v. to flutter rapidly; to bustle (esp. to display one's importance). ফরফরানি n. fluttering, flutter; bustling (esp. to display one's importance); bustle.

ফরমা [ pharamā ] n (print.) a form, a forme, a for mat.

ফরমান [ pharamāna ] n a decree (esp. a royal one), firman; an edict.

ফরমানো [ pharamānō ] v to issue an order; to requisi tion.

ফরমাশ, ফরমায়েশ [ pharamāśa, pharamāẏēśa ] n an order; an order for supply, requisition. ফরমাশ করা, ফরমাশ দেওয়া v. to order; to place an order (with), to requisition. ফরমাশ খাটা v. to carry out orders (as by a servant). ফরমায়েশি a. ordered for, requisitioned; to order; requisitionary; made to order.

ফরসা [ pharasā ] a fair-complexioned (ফরসা মেয়ে); fair, bright (ফরসা রং); clean or washed (ফরসা জামা); clear or cloudless (ফরসা আকাশ); brightened with daylight ('রাত পোহাল, ফরসা হল'); exhausted (গুদাম ফরসা); desolated (কলেরায় গ্রাম ফরসা); bereft of good promise or prospect, blank (ভবিষ্যত্ ফরসা); accomplished, executed (কাজ ফরসা); lost (আশা-ভরসা ফরসা) ।

ফরসি [ pharasi ] n a flat-bottomed hubble-bubble with a short and nonflexible smoking tube.

ফরাকত [ pharākata ] n separation; divorce, divorce ment; seclusion; an open space; leisure or interval.

ফরাশ, ফরাস [ pharāśa, pharāsa ] n any covering for the floor or bed such as a durrie or a carpet or a similar thing; a servant whose duty is to make beds, light lamps, dust furni ture etc.

ফরাসি [ pharāsi ] a French. ☐ n. a French; the French language, French.

ফরিয়াদ [ phariẏāda ] n a legal complaint, a plaint; an action at law, a suit, a complaint. ফরিয়াদি n. a complainant, a prosecutor (esp. in a civil suit).

ফর্দ [ pharda ] n a list, a roll; an inventory, a cata logue; an estimate or a list of expendi ture (বাজারের ফর্দ); a piece (এক ফর্দ কাগজ) ।

ফর্দা [ phardā ] a open, uncovered (ফর্দা জায়গা); extensive (ফর্দা মাঠ). ̃ফাঁই a. torn asun der; tattered.

ফল [ phala ] n a fruit; a product (শ্রমের ফল); an effect (উপদেশের ফল); action (ওষুদের ফল); profit, gain, benefit (এ কাজে ফল নেই); result (খেলার ফল, পরীক্ষার ফল); result or answer of a mathematical sum (গুণফল); findings (ভাগ্য গণনার ফল); judgment or decree (মামলার ফল); suc cess (বহু চেষ্টায় ফললাভ); due reward or punishment, consequence (পুণ্যের বা পাপের ফল). ফল দেওয়া same as ফলদান করা । ফল ধরা v. to fructuate. ফল পাওয়া v. to get fruits (as from a tree); to get good result; to suffer or take the conse quences; to be profited. ফল ভোগা same as ফলভোগ করা । ̃ওয়ালা n. a fruit dealer or fruit-seller, a fruiterer. fem. ̃ওয়ালি a fruiteress. ̃কথা n. the long and the short (of it); sum and sub stance, the gist; the last word, the con clusion. ̃কর n. a fruit-tax; a fruit-gar den. ☐ a. yielding fruits, fructiferous (ফলকর গাছ = a fruit-tree); productive; fertile; effectual, efficacious, effective, fruitful. ̃ত adv. on the whole, roughly; consequently; in fact, indeed. ̃ত্বক n. (bot.) a pericarp. ̃দ a. same as ফলকর (a.). ̃দর্শিতা n. foresight; pru dence. ̃দর্শী a. having foresight, fore seeing; prudent. ফলদান করা v. to yield fruits; to be effective; to give a fruit of fering to a deity. ̃দায়ক same as ফলদ । ̃পাকান্ত a. (of plants) that which dies when its fruits ripen. ̃প্রদ, ̃প্রসূ a. same as ফলকর (a.). ̃প্রাপ্তি n. attain ment of good or desired result; act of suffering or taking the consequences; profiting or being profited. ̃বতী fem. of ফলবান । ফলবান a. same ফলকর (a.). ̃বিক্রেতা same as ফলওয়ালা । ̃ভাগী a. enjoying or suffering with others the consequences. fem. ফলভাগিনী । ফলভুক a. fruit-eating, frugivorous. ফলভোগ করা v. to suffer or take the consequences. to enjoy or suffer the effect. ̃ভোগী a. suffering or taking the consequences. enjoying or suffering the effect. ̃মূল n. fruits and roots. ̃মূলাহারী a. living on fruits and roots. ̃লাভ same as ফলপ্রাপ্তি । ̃শূন্য same as ফলহীন । ̃শ্রুতি n. narration of the effect of an act of piety or act of hearing this narration; the beneficial effect of listening to or reading the Vedas; (in lit. crit.) effect on the mind caused by reading a par ticular class of literature; (pop.) results, outcome. ̃সিদ্ধি n. same as ফলপ্রাপ্তি । ̃হীন a. unfructiferous; fruitless; (lit. & fig.) unproductive; ineffective; sterile; vain; useless; abortive; unprofitable. ফলের বাগান an orchard.

ফলক [ phalaka ] n a blade (as of a sword); a taper ing flat end or head (তিরের ফলক); a plate (তাম্রফলক); a slab (প্রস্তরফলক); a plank, a board (কাষ্ঠফলক); a shield; the bone of the forehead. ফলাকার a. (bot.) foliaceous.

ফলন [ phalana ] n produce; outturn (এবার ফলন ভালো); origin, birth, production; oc currence; coming true.

ফলনা [ phalanā ] n so-and-so.

ফলন্ত [ phalanta ] a fructuous; fructiferous; fruitful; productive; fertile; bearing fruits.

ফলসা [ phalasā ] n a kind of berry.

ফলা1 [ phalā1 ] n a blade (অস্ত্রের ফলা); a thin and tapering end or head (তিরের ফলা); the system of forming compound or con junct letters of two (or more) conso nants (য-ফলা, র-ফলা); any of the con sonantal symbols added to another let ter (such as. -য্য,).

ফলা2 [ phalā2 ] v to fructuate, to bear fruit (গাছটা ফলেছে); to grow (আম ফলেছে, ধান ফলেছে); to come true (কথা ফলা); to follow as a consequence (কর্মের ফল ফলা). ☐ a. (chiefly used as a sfx.) fructuating (দোফলা) ।

ফলাও [ phalāō ] a extensive (ফলাও কারবার); pro fuse (ফলাও ভোজ); exaggerated or magnified (ফলাও বর্ণনা). ফলাও করা v. to exaggerate or magnify. ফলাও করে adv. exaggeratingly magnifying; glibly.

ফলাকাঙ্ক্ষা [ phalākāṅkṣā ] n desire for success. ফলাকাঙ্ক্ষা করা v. to desire success. ফলাকাঙ্ক্ষী a. desirous of success.

ফলাগম [ phalāgama ] n fructuation; the time of fructuation; attainment of success. ফলাগম হওয়া v. to fructuate; (of an ac tion) to succeed.

ফলানো [ phalānō ] v to fructify (আমগাছে জাম ফলানো); to grow (ধান ফলানো); to exaggerate or magnify (লেখায় রং ফলানো); (facet.) to assert oneself (নে, আর ফলাসনি) ।

ফলান্বেষণ [ phalānbēṣaṇa ] n search for fruits; desire for success. ফলান্বেষণ করা v. to search for fruits; to seek success.

ফলান্বেষী [ phalānbēṣī ] a searching for fruits; seeking success.

ফলাফল [ phalāphala ] n good and bad effect or out come of an action, consequences; suc cess or failure; result, upshot.

ফলার [ phalāra ] n a meal consisting of vegetarian food other than rice; act of eating such a meal. ফলার করা v. to take such a meal. ফলারে a. given to eating such meals.

ফলার্থী [ phalārthī ] a same as ফলাকাঙ্ক্ষী (see ফলাকাঙ্ক্ষা) ।

ফলাশী [ phalāśī ] a frugivorous; feeding on fruits.

ফলাহার [ phalāhāra ] n act of eating fruit; a meal con sisting of articles of vegetarian food other than rice or act of taking such a meal. ফলাহারী a. frugivorous; subsist ing on fruits only.

ফলিত [ phalita ] a proved true; applied, practical (ফলিত রসায়ন, ফলিত বিজ্ঞান). ̃জ্যোতিষ n. astrology. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. applied science.

ফলিতার্থ [ phalitārtha ] n purport., import, gist, sub stance.

ফলুই [ phalui ] n a species of fresh water fish hav ing silvery colour.

ফলোত্পত্তি [ phalōtpatti ] n fructuation; production or yield of fruits; attainment of success; issue of result or consequences.

ফলোত্পাদন [ phalōtpādana ] n act of growing or bearing fruits. ফতোত্পাদন করা v. to grow or bear fruits.

ফলোদয় [ phalōdaẏa ] n fructuation; attainment of suc cess, effectuation; getting proper re sults.

ফল্গু [ phalgu ] n a subterranean river at Gaya. ̃ধারা n. the undercurrent flow of the Phalgoo (ফল্গু); (fig.) an undercurrent of any feeling.

ফল্গুনী [ phalgunī ] n the twin stars (namely, the পূর্বফল্গুনী and the উত্তরফল্গুনী) as de scribed in Hindu astronomy.

ফষ্টিনষ্টি [ phaṣṭinaṣṭi ] n light banter; drollery; flippant witticism. ফষ্টিনষ্টি করা v. to practise light banter or drollery or flippant wit ticism.

ফস [ phasa ] int denoting: unguardedness, abruptness; swiftness etc.

ফসকা [ phasakā ] a slack, loose. ̃গেরো n. a loose knot.

ফসকানো [ phasakānō ] v to slip (পা ফসকানো); to miss (শিকার ফসকানো, চাকরি বা সুযোগ ফসকানো).

ফসফরাস [ phasapharāsa ] n phosphorus.

ফসল [ phasala ] n harvest, crop; (fig.) effect. ফসলের সময় harvesting season or time, harvest. ফসলি a. relating to harvest or crop; calculated from the harvest-time. ☐ n. an era introduced by Akbar the Mughal emperor.

ফাইন [ phāina ] n a money-penalty, a fine. ফাইন করা v. to fine. ফাইন দেওয়া v. to pay a fine.

ফাইফরমাশ [ phāipharamāśa ] n odd jobs or errands. ফাইফরমাশ খাটা v. to carry out odd jobs, to run on small errands.

ফাইল [ phāila ] n a cover for keeping papers; a rasping file, a file. ফাইল করা v. to put (papers) in a file or to submit (as an application), to file. ফাইল ঘষা v. to scrape or smooth with a file, to file.

ফাউ [ phāu ] n an extra or anything obtained gratis.

ফাউনটেন-ফেন, ফউন্টেন পেন [ phāunaṭēna-phēna, phunṭēna pēna ] n a fountain pen.

ফাঁক [ phān̐ka ] n an intervening space, a gap (দুটি লাইনে অনেক ফাঁক); an opening, a hole, a chink, a fissure, an aperture (দেওয়ালের ফাঁক); a loophole (আইনের ফাঁক); open space (ফাঁকে বেড়ানো); void (ঘরে আর ফাঁক নেই); vacuum, vacuity (বোতলটায় আরফাঁক নেই); leisure, respite, relief (এ কাজে চা খাওয়ার ফাঁকও নেই); oppor tunity (এই ফাঁকে ঘুমিয়ে নাও); a hiding or aloofness (ফাঁকে-ফাঁকে থাকা); omis sion (নেমন্তন্ন থেকে ফাঁকে পড়লাম); fault or failing; shortcoming, omission (মুসাবিদায় অনেক ফাঁক আছে); offbeat in an Indian musical measure (তিন তাল এক ফাঁক). ফাঁক করা v. to open (মুখ বা দরজা ফাঁক করা); to part (ঠোঁট ফাঁক করা); to widen the gap (পা ফাঁক করা); to mis appropriate, to defalcate (তহবিল ফাঁক করা); to exhaust, to consume (পকেট বা ভাঁড়ার ফাঁক করা). ফাঁক হওয়া v. to open; to part; to move apart; to be misappro priated or defalcated; to be exhausted or consumed. ̃তাল, (dial.) তাল্লা n. an accidental piece of luck, a fluke. ফাঁক ফাঁক a. sparse. ফাঁকে ফাঁকে adv. during leisure hours, at intervals; keeping aloof or apart; in hiding.

ফাঁকা [ phān̐kā ] a uncovered, open (ফাঁকা জায়গা); desolate (ফাঁকা বাড়ি); empty (ফাঁকা হাত); blank (বন্দুকের ফাঁকা আওয়াজ); vain, unsubstantial, false, hollow, empty, evasive (ফাঁকা কথা). ☐ n. an open space (ফাঁকা যাওয়া). ফাঁকা আওয়াজ a blank shot (of a gun.); (fig.) vain bragging or bullying or intimida tion. ফাঁকা ফাঁকা a. almost empty or desolate.

ফাঁকি [ phān̐ki ] n deception, evasion, eye-wash, hoodwinking; a hoax (শুভন্করের ফাঁকি); a fraud; a fallacy, sophistry (ন্যায়ের ফাঁকি); a quibble; secret or unnotice able neglect (কাজে ফাঁকি). ফাঁকি দেওয়া. v. to deceive, to evade, to hoodwink; to hoax; to cheat; to quibble; to give the slip; to neglect unnoticeably or slyly. ফাঁকিতে পড়া v. to be deceived or cheated; to be omitted (যার দাবি সবার আগে তাকেই ফাঁকি ?). ̃ঝুকি n. deception, evasion, eye-wash; neglect or perfunc toriness (ফাঁকিঝুকি দিয়ে কাজ). ̃বাজ a. deceitful, evasive; neglectful though undetected, slyly neglectful; shirking. ̃বাজি n. practice of deception or eva sion; eye-wash; hoax; a fallacy; a sophistry; a quibble; sly neglectful ness; shirking. ফাঁকিবাজি করা same as ফাঁকি দেওয়া ।

ফাঁড়া [ phān̐ḍ়ā ] n probability of some danger or even death according to astrology. ফাঁড়া কাটানো v. to get out of a danger or a risk of death.

ফাঁড়ি [ phān̐ḍ়i ] n an outpost; a police outpost (also পুলিস-ফাঁড়ি). ̃দার n. one in charge of an outpost esp. of a police outpost.

ফাঁদ [ phān̐da ] n a trap, a snare, a pitfall; (fig.) an intrigue, a clique, a plot; (of bangles, nose-rings etc.) diameter. ফাঁদ পাতা v. to set or lay a trap; (fig.) to engineer an intrigue, to lay a plot. ফাঁদে পড়া v. to get into a trap or pitfall; (fig.) to get in volved in an intrigue; to be caught in the toils. ফাঁদে ফেলা v. to entrap, to get one into a trap or pitfall; (fig.) to in volve one in an intrigue.

ফাঁদা [ phān̐dā ] v to lay the foundation of; to em bark on, to start constructing (বাড়ি ফাঁদা); to start; to set up (ব্যাবসা ফাঁদা); to expand (দোকানখানা সে বেশ ফেঁদে ফেলেছে); to settle down firmly (পাড়ায় সে ফেঁদে বসেছে); to devise, to form (মতলব ফাঁদা), to lay ফাঁদ ফাঁদা.

ফাঁদালো [ phān̐dālō ] a having a large diameter or opening (ফাঁদালো বালা).

ফাঁপ [ phām̐pa ] n swelling; inflation; distension; flatulence (পেটের ফাঁপ). ফাঁপ ধরা v. to swell; to inflate; to distend; to become flatulent.

ফাঁপর [ phām̐para ] n a perplexing difficulty, an em barrassment, a scrape (ফাঁপরে পড়া). ☐ a. got into an embarrassing situation or into a tight corner.

ফাঁপা [ phām̐pā ] v to swell, to inflate, to distend; to become flatulent; to flourish, to pros per (লোকটা ফেঁপে উঠেছে). ☐ a. hollow; swelled, inflated, distended; flatulent. ফাঁপানো v. to inflate; to swell; to extol exaggeratedly, to puff up. ☐ a. in flated; swelled.

ফাঁস1 [ phām̐sa1 ] n divulgation (of secrets). ফাঁস করা v. to divulge. ফাঁস হওয়া v. to leak out; to get divulged.

ফাঁস2 [ phām̐sa2 ] n a noose; a slip-knot, a loop; a rope for hanging criminals, a halter; strangling; death by hanging. ফাঁস দেওয়া v. to strangle.

ফাঁসা [ phām̐sā ] v to be torn (কাপড় ফাঁসা); to get detached, to come away (হাঁড়ির তরা ফাঁসা); to miscarry, to fail (বিয়ের সম্বন্ধ ফাঁসা); to be divulged, to come to light (ষড়যন্ত্র ফাঁসা); (dero.) to get involved, to get into a scrape (লোকটি ফাঁসল). ফাঁসানো v. to tear, to rend; to detach, to cause to come away; to let down, to foil; to divulge, to bring to light; (dero.) to involve, to implicate in, to get one into a scrape. ফেঁসে যাওয়া v. to be divulged, to get known; to be in volved, to get into a scrape.

ফাঁসি [ phām̐si ] n death or killing or suicide by hanging; strangling; a sentence of death by hanging; a rope for hanging, a halter; (rare) a noose, a slip-knot. ফাঁসি দেওয়া v. to hang; to strangle; to sen tence to death by hanging. ফাঁসি যাওয়া v. to be hanged. ফাঁসির আসামি a convict sentenced to death by hanging. ফাঁসির দড়ি a rope for hanging, a halter. ̃কাঠ n. gallows. ফাঁসির মঞ্চ the hanging plat form; the scaffold.

ফাঁসুড়ে [ phām̐suḍ়ē ] n a highwayman who strangles travellers and robs them; a hangman.

ফজলামি, ফাজলামো [ phajalāmi, phājalāmō ] n extreme talkative ness; sauciness, pertness; flippancy; waggery.

ফাজিল [ phājila ] a extremely talkative; saucy; pert; flippant; waggish; excess, sur plus. ☐ n. excess expenditure; a saucy or waggish person.

ফাট [ phāṭa ] n a crack, a chink, a fissure. ফাট ধরা v. to form a crack; to crack, to split, to break into chinks.

ফাটক [ phāṭaka ] n the main gate; (loos.) a portico; a guard-room or guard-house, a jail or gaol; imprisonment, jailing. ফাটক হওয়া v. to be sentenced to imprisonment; to be jailed.

ফাটল [ phāṭala ] n a crack, a fissure, a crevice.

ফাটা [ phāṭā ] v to break into chinks, to crack, to split, to rend; to chap (হাত বা পা ফাটা); to burst; to explode; (of a boil etc.) to burst open. ☐ a. cracked, split, rent; chapped; unlucky, unfortunate (ফাটা বরাত = bad luck). ফাটানো v. to crack, to split, to rend; to burst; to explode; to burst open. ̃ফাটি n. a scuffle with shedding of blood by both sides; a stiff affray; a rowdy quarrel.

ফাড়া [ phāḍ়ā ] v to tear, to rend; to cleave. ফাড়ানো v. to cause to tear or rend or cleave or split.

ফাতনা [ phātanā ] n the float of a fishing line.

ফানুস, ফানুশ [ phānusa, phānuśa ] n a paper-balloon; a lamp shade made of paper.

ফানেল [ phānēla ] n a funnel.

ফায়দা [ phāẏadā ] n good result; benefit; profit.

ফারকত, ফারখত [ phārakata, phārakhata ] n a deed of relinquish ment; a written acquittance; a written consent of divorcement or dissolution of marriage.

ফারসি [ phārasi ] a Persian. ☐ n. the Persian lan guage, Persian.

ফারাক [ phārāka ] n difference; distance; discrep ancy; separation.

ফার্ম1 [ phārma1 ] n a business organization, a firm.

ফার্ম2 [ phārma2 ] n a farm.

ফার্স্ট [ phārsṭa ] a first. ফার্স্ট হওয়া to stand first, to come first, to secure the topmost posi tion, to top the list.

ফাল [ phāla ] n a ploughshare, a coulter.

ফালা [ phālā ] n a long slice or strip. ফালা করা, ফালা দেওয়া v. to cut into long slices; to tear into long strips. ফালা-ফালা a. cut into long slices; torn into long strips; tattered. ফালা-ফালা করা v. to cut into long slices; to tear into long strips; to tear to shreds; to tatter.

ফালি [ phāli ] n a small slice or strip. ফালি করা, ফালি দেওয়া v. to cut into small slices; to tear into small strips. ফালি-ফালি a. cut into small slices; torn into small strips; tattered. ☐ adv. strip by strip.

ফাল্গুন [ phālguna ] n the eleventh month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of February to the middle of March). ফাল্গুনি n. one born in Phalgun (ফাল্গুন). ☐ a. of or relating to the month of Phalgun.

ফাস্ট [ phāsṭa ] a. & adv fast (ঘড়িটা ফাস্ট, তোমার ঘড়ি ফাস্ট চলছে).